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Metal Thursday VIII - Dec. 7th - Zircon, Bane of Existence, Nephillim (NY), Death Sick (NJ)

Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA) - [bane_of_existence][death_sick][nephillim][randomshots][zircon]
[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Nov 4,2006 2:33pm - Metal Thursday  ""]
If all goes according to plan, this should be the CD release party for the Zircon/Nephillim split CD.



[Nov 4,2006 2:47pm - fishcakes ""]
I saw death sick in NY last week, one of the better bands at that fest. I will be at this show.
[Nov 5,2006 6:05pm - anonymous  ""]
bump this shit up bitch
[Nov 6,2006 3:34pm - anonymous  ""]
bump bump bump
[Nov 6,2006 3:38pm - sacreligion ""]
[Nov 6,2006 3:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I might just go to this.
[Nov 6,2006 4:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I might just go to this, also.
[Nov 6,2006 5:08pm - Kevord ""]
Nephillim is pretty sick. At least the songs I've heard on their Myspace. I might attend as well.
[Nov 7,2006 1:10am - Josh_hates_you ""]
the_reverend said:I might just go to this.

about time you make it to metal thursday. only took 8 months.

[Nov 7,2006 3:05am - the_reverend ""]
I have the 8th off from work too.
[Nov 7,2006 5:20pm - Samantha ""]
[Nov 8,2006 7:14am - refried afterbirth of a chinese gangbanger  ""]
[Nov 8,2006 9:37am - Gayest Guy on Earth  ""]
Hooray!!! I can't wait, my pink pantieth are in a twitht!! Will thith be prethented by Rainbow Banner Productionth?

Thee you there!!
[Nov 8,2006 11:31pm - filthy shitty ass  ""]
[Nov 9,2006 6:03pm - john travolta & kirstie alley in look who's talking too!  ""]
[Nov 9,2006 6:25pm - anonymous  ""]
these bumps are about as gay as Zircon.....almost
[Nov 10,2006 12:29am - christ denied  ""]
The only thing gay about Zircon is the vocalist,well actually not him as a whole. Just his rock star attitude.
[Nov 10,2006 12:47am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i feel as if you could've spent those few moments writing that over the last couple of days a little more productively
[Nov 11,2006 10:39am - Gayest Guy on Earth  ""]
Gay bump! Gay bump!
[Nov 12,2006 2:50pm - christ denied  ""]
christ denied said:The only thing gay about Zircon is the vocalist,well actually not him as a whole. Just his rock star attitude.

Hi Shannon
[Nov 13,2006 5:31pm - Samantha ""]
christ denied said:christ denied said:The only thing gay about Zircon is the vocalist,well actually not him as a whole. Just his rock star attitude.

Hi Shannon

Shannon doesn't even post here anymore. Let the rotting stench of drama linger somewhere else.
[Nov 30,2006 3:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
horse dick suicide
[Nov 30,2006 3:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am also going to this show, if anyone wants to bring me baked goods I promise to eat them.
[Nov 30,2006 5:20pm - Mary ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I am also going to this show, if anyone wants to bring me baked goods I promise to eat them.

I live 3 mins from Ralph's. I'll bring pie.
[Dec 1,2006 10:43am - Samantha ""]
I'm glad that Bane of Existence is finally doing a Metal Thursday. This is going to be a great show! :doublehorns:
[Dec 1,2006 11:55am - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Seriously, not like they know anyone who could have booked them any sooner, right?
[Dec 1,2006 12:00pm - Samantha ""]
Yeah, really! Ha ha!
[Dec 2,2006 2:11pm - i feel like chicken tonight  ""]
5 days and counting...
[Dec 3,2006 12:54am - anonymous  ""]
an all ages would be nice sometime
[Dec 3,2006 2:59pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Dec 4,2006 12:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

We have yet another new song to unleash. Right now we're calling it "Untitled" (not a permanent name).
[Dec 6,2006 2:33pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Dec 6,2006 2:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Are you doing any songs about dishwashers?
[Dec 6,2006 2:52pm - ANONYMOUS  ""]
[Dec 7,2006 8:21am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
RichHorror said:Are you doing any songs about dishwashers?

No, just rape themed breakdownblasts.
[Dec 7,2006 9:37am - MadOakDevin ""]
i'm amazed there is a band called death sick!
[Dec 7,2006 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
9pm someone put me on their list for this show.
[Dec 7,2006 9:52am - sinistas ""]
Too broke. Damnit.
[Dec 7,2006 10:11am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_reverend said:9pm someone put me on their list for this show.

Done, sexypants.
[Dec 7,2006 10:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am no longer going.
[Dec 7,2006 10:37am - Samantha ""]

[Dec 7,2006 2:04pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Wish I could get there at the beginning for a change. Hopefully the restaurant isn't too busy so I can get out early. Then again, if it's slow, I won't have money for drinks. Damnit. Hey! Hungry metal heads... go eat some Mexican food before the show and give me your $$$$ damnit. T-Sam's is right around the corner from Ralph's!!! C'mon. You know you want some napalm :nuke:
[Dec 7,2006 2:14pm - Samantha ""]
ValkyrieScreams said:Wish I could get there at the beginning for a change. Hopefully the restaurant isn't too busy so I can get out early. Then again, if it's slow, I won't have money for drinks. Damnit. Hey! Hungry metal heads... go eat some Mexican food before the show and give me your $$$$ damnit. T-Sam's is right around the corner from Ralph's!!! C'mon. You know you want some napalm :nuke:

Don't forget to mention that it's BYOB!

There is a liquor store less than a block away, and it's within walking distance to Ralph's. What more could a hungry alcoholic metalhead ask for? :pukeface:
[Dec 7,2006 2:54pm - sacreligion ""]
to live right down the street from it at all times ;)
[Dec 7,2006 2:57pm - dreadkill ""]
christ denied said:The only thing gay about Zircon is the vocalist,well actually not him as a whole. Just his rock star attitude.

he's a nice fella.
[Dec 7,2006 2:59pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but don't interrupt him when he's brushing his hair!
[Dec 7,2006 3:11pm - Samantha ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, but don't interrupt him when he's brushing his hair!

What about when he is braiding his goatee? :spineyes:
[Dec 7,2006 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
T-Sam's makes awesome cheese quesadillas. my only complaint about them is when you get delivery, the tacos are like a swamp of wet shell and beef. serves me right for getting delivery when its 500 feet away.
[Dec 7,2006 4:24pm - Samantha ""]
[Dec 7,2006 4:25pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Yeti said:when you get delivery, the tacos are like a swamp of wet shell and beef. serves me right for getting delivery when its 500 feet away.

Could be worse. I used to know people who lived upstairs in the same building as the restaurant and would order delivery. I doubt they had problems with mushy tacos though.

BYOB! Fuck yeah.
[Dec 7,2006 4:30pm - Samantha ""]
ValkyrieScreams said:Could be worse. I used to know people who lived upstairs in the same building as the restaurant and would order delivery. I doubt they had problems with mushy tacos though.

The people who live upstairs from Tortilla Sam's (no matter who they are because NUMEROUS tenants of those apartments have been like this) are usually such severe alcoholics that they're too drunk to simply walk down the stairs and buy some Mexican food.

Anyone who attended the drunken, blood-soaked, black metal, sword fighting parties up there knows what I'm talking about. Ha ha!

[Dec 7,2006 4:35pm - dreadkill ""]
tuxedo sam's rules
[Dec 7,2006 4:39pm - sacreligion ""]
who's tuxedo sam and what are his rules?
[Dec 7,2006 4:57pm - dreadkill ""]
he owns that restaurant you guys are shitting your pants over.
[Dec 7,2006 5:03pm - Samantha ""]
No way! The guy who owns Tortilla Sam's is a bad-ass little Vietnamese guy who rides a Harley and chases people don't pay down the street with a machete in his hand.
[Dec 7,2006 5:10pm - dreadkill ""]
i love tuxedo sam's
[Dec 7,2006 7:57pm - the_reverend ""]
tuxedo bin slamin?

I'm here.. sitting in my car outside listening to bjork. I'm cooler that all of you.
[Dec 7,2006 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
death sick is setting up.
[Dec 7,2006 9:07pm - the_reverend ""]
the drummers from death sick and nephilim sound crazy good.
[Dec 8,2006 2:33am - the_reverend ""]
I just got home.
working on pictures
[Dec 8,2006 3:10am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. that sucks... seems like the program I wrote for my images hates when you have more than one space in a row. images processing now.
[Dec 8,2006 3:19am - sacreligion ""]
totally sucks

i wish i got there in time to see more bands...how was everything before zircon? hahaha
[Dec 8,2006 3:27am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading.
[Dec 8,2006 4:19am - the_reverend ""]
death sick: these guys get better each time I see them. probably the best the to come out of new jersey since the spinkick! the Boss aint got nothing on them. The songs they played at the beginning were more slammy deathmetal with heavy guitar distortion. The later songs had a lot more guitar riffs that you could hear. They did a burzum and a slayer cover and they only messed up twice. Both at the very beginning of a song. they were given a really long time to play too. a lot longer than most bands play. Some big dude in the crowd was really excited they were playing. someone bring them back to an o'breins show. Actually, if they read this, contact joe notcommon and get on one of his shows.
edit: they just gave me a shirt and a CD. Awesome! I love getting free shirts and I was going to ask for a CD from them.

bane of existence: the best part of their set was getting to hold the phone up to the drummer's ear as he tried to pick up one's girlfriend. talk about a smooth talker. They had a tiny bit of technical difficulty, but not with the sampler this time. That's right the sampler worked great. It was with the mic/mic chord and the new guitar player pulling out his own chord. they played a brand new song and it had a stoner rock part. Weird. I think that they weren't expecting to have 15 minutes more than they usually get cause they played to the end of their setlist and when given a chance for more time, they tried but fail to start up a new song.

nephillim: awesome raw black metal they too should come back. even though they put on the corpse paint and all, they don't take themselves too seriously. That is obvious from heard them joking about it outside. On of the dudes, matt. Intro'd himself to me. I think the drummer is the one that put on death in the forest fest. People in the crowd started pushing each other around. I remember them having a bassplayer before. He was absent for this show.but it stil sounded great. Pure blasphemy.
[Dec 8,2006 7:03am - succubus ""]
MSD I couldn't hear you through the loud music!
[Dec 8,2006 7:40am - the_reverend ""]
hence his charms not working.
[Dec 8,2006 11:25am - Samantha ""]
All of the bands were sick! This show killed everyone and their mothers. :doublehorns: Zircon and Bane of Existence were good as always, and it was great to see Death Sick and Nephilim for the first time. They will definitely be welcome to come back and play in Worcester again.

Apologies to the reverend for stepping on your feet a couple of times while you were taking pictures. The pit was fun, but my feet are big, dumb and retarded. :ralphie:
[Dec 8,2006 1:00pm - Aegathis ""]
good show, fun times. I like how the rev. really takes his time coming up with the most accurate reviews as possible of what ever bands he sees me playing in. I never knew I would ever have that effect on someone of his stature. I'm sure there is much to be said>:]
[Dec 8,2006 9:20pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
succubus said:MSD I couldn't hear you through the loud music!

That's OK. I had earplugs in on top of it all. In the end I'm just glad I was able to get ear sweat on Aaron's phone.
[Dec 8,2006 9:21pm - succubus ""]

did he tell you what he told me to buy and I actually bought..
[Dec 8,2006 9:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The new lappy? If so, that thing sounds awesome.
[Dec 8,2006 9:47pm - succubus ""]
yep yep
[Dec 8,2006 9:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Dec 9,2006 12:12am - anonymous  ""]
Thanks Rev for all the awesome pics of Zircon
[Dec 9,2006 8:39pm - fetus christ  ""]
Who said having a pompadour wasn't metal??!?!!?!?!

[Dec 9,2006 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
and presenting zircon: after they all got done brushing their rockstar hair, they came out on stage. These guys don't interrupt their hair brushing for anything! Anthony even gave up deoderant time to get his hair brushed (being on that side of the stage was the closest olnyville experience worcester's ever had!). The new guitarist looked really familiar. Not sure where I've seen that one before. People were drunk and itching to move around the floor during zircon's set. I saw rather large dudes tossing other rather large dudes around. Somewhat scary at points. Not for myself, but some of those rather large guys looked really angry tossing around the other rather large guys. They played a relatively short set from what they "could" have pl.ayed, but I think it was the perfect amount. They walked off with some time still left on the clock and people wantig more.
[Dec 10,2006 1:11pm - Aegathis ""]
Ill be getting more deodorant in my stocking this year. therefore I can be grim and smell nice.

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