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******the satanic bible****** ******

[Nov 12,2006 9:34pm - J.  ""]
does anyone have the satanic bible in pdf format that they could send to me? im interested on reading it to see what impact gaahl gets out of it. headbangers journey was kinda influential :satancross:
[Nov 12,2006 10:12pm - CNV  ""]
It is a very Darwin meets Nietszche sort of philosophy

You can buy it in pretty much any book store

It is only 7 dollars
[Nov 12,2006 10:14pm - J.  ""]
that cheap???? i thought it was a thick book and cost at least 20-26?
[Nov 12,2006 10:16pm - CNV  ""]

paperback is 7 bucks

[Nov 12,2006 10:19pm - metalguy ""]
http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3346552 if u do torrents it is right there
[Nov 12,2006 10:19pm - CNV  ""]

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
[Nov 12,2006 10:37pm - J.  ""]
I think I'll actually buy a copy now
[Nov 12,2006 10:56pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Odinn's cooler, he gets to ride around on an eight legged horse all day.
[Nov 12,2006 11:05pm - CNV  ""]
paganisn, odinism, satanism

They are all pretty much the same thing

opposite of semetic religions

the semite faiths says you should deny your natural instincts

Satanism and paganism says you should embrace them

Eat, Fuck, Kill
[Nov 12,2006 11:13pm - J.  ""]
here's the thing though......im coming into this as a pure nihilist......idk if i can "care" to abide by any satanic beliefs......i still want to read it though, and own a hard back copy
[Nov 12,2006 11:32pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
We are but animals, let us live like them.

Some just like to make their name big, so they go to all this trouble to "create" and "reform"
[Nov 13,2006 1:00am - Dar ""]
the great thing about satanists is that no two'll ever agree with each other

satanic bible's a cool little book, whether you think much of it when you read it or not it has a way of planting some very fertile seeds in your mind that may grow with time
[Nov 13,2006 1:11am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
[Nov 13,2006 1:35am - arilliusbm ""]
eat fuck and kill or fuck kill and eat?
[Nov 13,2006 2:17am - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
CNV said:paganisn, odinism, satanism

They are all pretty much the same thing

Actually, Odinism and Paganism have gods or deities. Satanism does not. The church of satan does not worship the devil. The word satan in the bible translates as "opponent". The church of satan was first and foremost formed as an opposition or rejection of the standard semite churches.

[Nov 13,2006 2:29am - Dar ""]
I think what he meant is that in "practice" they're pretty similar, at least in the metal scene
I like "adversary" better as a translation but yeah it is the same
[Nov 13,2006 2:29am - CNV  ""]
ArrowHead NLI said:CNV said:paganisn, odinism, satanism

They are all pretty much the same thing

Actually, Odinism and Paganism have gods or deities. Satanism does not. The church of satan does not worship the devil. The word satan in the bible translates as "opponent". The church of satan was first and foremost formed as an opposition or rejection of the standard semite churches.

I guess it depends on the way you look at it

For instance, some pagans use the archetypes of Thor and Odin as a principle by which to live their life

Much like a Satanist would use Lucifer and Belial as a principle

Or they would use the archetypes to symbolize forces in nature

Lucifer and Odin are very similiar

they represent knowledge

Many satanists intertwine the 2

Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan are a couple of examples

If you read the Satanic Bible you will see a list of deities, Gods, demons etc

They represent forces in Nature

same with paganism

[Nov 13,2006 6:38am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
While it is true that the Church of Satan does not worship the 'Biblical' devil , Anton loved to play that role to shock people. I always found that disappointing, since he wrote a pretty damn good book that, if for no other reason, was a no frills slab of philosophy that many would do well to follow or at least understand.

He was also a sensationalist and a liar (he admitted to such), but what religious figurehead wasn't/isn't?
[Nov 13,2006 9:17am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
knowing is have the battle
[Nov 13,2006 9:20am - Mess  ""]
i have a battle going on in my pants
[Nov 13,2006 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
no jesus, no beast.
[Nov 13,2006 12:15pm - anonymous  ""]
satanism is another off shute og judiasm
[Nov 13,2006 2:13pm - Granny_Monster ""]
ArrowHead NLI said:CNV said:paganisn, odinism, satanism

They are all pretty much the same thing

Actually, Odinism and Paganism have gods or deities. Satanism does not. The church of satan does not worship the devil. The word satan in the bible translates as "opponent". The church of satan was first and foremost formed as an opposition or rejection of the standard semite churches.

Yeah, a lot of people tend to get satanism and the practice of chaos magick confused.
[Nov 13,2006 2:26pm - anonymous  ""]
the top ranks of the catholic faith including the pope are satanists, that's why catholicism is so ridiculous, they intended it to be that way.
[Nov 13,2006 2:38pm - Dar ""]
Granny_Monster said:

Yeah, a lot of people tend to get satanism and the practice of chaos magick confused.

You might want to thank the MLO for that

Man, I remember reading a couple Dissection interviews in music magazines (and Disiplin too) where they would just choose to babble on and on about Azerate and the anti cosmic this and the anti cosmic that. It was so contextually inappropriate that it made them look like such total tools
[Nov 13,2006 4:02pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
i had to read this for sociology and went to go check it out of my local library and they had to run a background search on me
[Nov 13,2006 4:09pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
ArrowHead NLI said:CNV said:paganisn, odinism, satanism

They are all pretty much the same thing

Actually, Odinism and Paganism have gods or deities. Satanism does not. The church of satan does not worship the devil. The word satan in the bible translates as "opponent". The church of satan was first and foremost formed as an opposition or rejection of the standard semite churches.

The term "satan" is translated as "adversary" in the Old Testament.
[Nov 13,2006 4:12pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Dar said:Granny_Monster said:

Yeah, a lot of people tend to get satanism and the practice of chaos magick confused.

You might want to thank the MLO for that

Man, I remember reading a couple Dissection interviews in music magazines (and Disiplin too) where they would just choose to babble on and on about Azerate and the anti cosmic this and the anti cosmic that. It was so contextually inappropriate that it made them look like such total tools

I worked in a pagan/occult shop in Salem for two years and I can't tell you how many pseudo-goth and nu-metal kids came in looking around the store and exclaim "Dude, check out this sick statue of Satan!" in reference to a Baphomet altar piece. You got all kinds in that store, and even though I don't consider myself pagan, or a part of any sort of religion for that matter, it was still great working there. I found all of it endlessly fascinating!

But yeah, people get confused. I'd explain the differences to people who asked and/or seemed like they wanted to get serious with studying or practicing, but we got a lot of business from dumb kids!
[Nov 13,2006 5:03pm - Coldnorthernvengeance ""]
anonymous said:satanism is another off shute og judiasm

That depends on what kind you are talking about

Theistic or orthodox satanism (aka Christian satanism) is an off shoot of judaism

Laveyan Satanism has nothing to do with it

except for the word Satan

Calling Laveyan Satanism an off shoot of judaism is like calling Social Darwinism judaic

pull your head out of your ass and learn how to spell while your at it

[Nov 13,2006 5:16pm - Samantha ""]
CNV said:I guess it depends on the way you look at it

For instance, some pagans use the archetypes of Thor and Odin as a principle by which to live their life

Much like a Satanist would use Lucifer and Belial as a principle

Or they would use the archetypes to symbolize forces in nature

Lucifer and Odin are very similiar

they represent knowledge

Many satanists intertwine the 2

Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan are a couple of examples

If you read the Satanic Bible you will see a list of deities, Gods, demons etc

They represent forces in Nature

same with paganism

There is a world of difference between an archetype and an anthropomorphic deity. Here are some excerpts from the Satanism FAQ by Magister Matt G. Paradise of The Church of Satan that may be useful to this discussion:

Who is Satan?

In Satanism, Satan is an archetype, a representation of certain qualities that the Satanist embodies including rational self-interest, avoidance of oppressive mentalities, the questioning of all, and a perseverance towards success and human potential. The Satanic Bible encapsulates this iconography in The Nine Satanic Statements, which are thus:

1) Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!
2) Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
3) Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
4) Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!
5) Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!
6) Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!
7) Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious animal of all!
8) Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
9) Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

Inherently, the Satanic archetype is far more diverse than the limited Christian interpretation -- the name/word is notably pre-Christian: from the Hebrew, meaning "adversary", "opposer" or "one who questions" (and the Jewish 'Satan' differs sharply from the Christian one in many ways). Even its etymology is traced back through sources previous to its Hebrew version, from Shaitan (Persian) all the way back to Set (Egyptian). Satanism, to one degree or another, embraces additional cultural and religious ideas, concepts and imagery such as those of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, Zoroasterism, Asatru, Aztec, Hindu and a multitude of others. We also find the Satanic persona emanating from some or all of the literary works of Milton, Nietzsche, Mencken, Maugham, Twain, Rand, Jung, and many more.

Where can I find an online version of The Satanic Bible?

The Satanic Bible is a copyrighted work. Portions may be used in quotations or used for educational purposes (such as the Fair Use laws of the United States dictate), but there is some hefty litigation potentially awaiting the fool who offers the entire tome electronically. LaVey's death also does not negate this copyright: the work is secured until, at the very soonest, 2047 C.E. Obtaining a copy of TSB is not difficult as there are numerous online booksellers (including Not Like Most's Satanic Books Section, through an association with amazon.com) that sell the basic Satanic texts, and many offline bookstores -- either independent or of the chain-store variety -- who either stock them or will special order them for customers who make the effort to inquire. Collectively, there are so many sellers of Church of Satan-approved books worldwide with so many shipping and payment options that there is no excuse (and we've heard them all) for not being able to legally acquire or purchase them. If you come across a site that is illegally posting portions or whole versions of Church of Satan books, please report them to the CoS Head of Security, Andre Schlesinger. At this point, Avon/HarperCollins and Feral House (the publishers) as well as the Internet Service Provider hosting it will all be contacted and action may be taken on a legal level. Noncompliance with removal of this material often results in the loss of the webmaster's ISP account as well.

You can find the entire document here: http://web.satanism101.com/satfaq.html
[Nov 13,2006 5:19pm - Coldnorthernvengeance ""]
and there you have it
[Nov 20,2006 11:13pm - original posta  ""]
actually, what is a decent torrent program to DL so i can get that file?
[Nov 20,2006 11:46pm - HELPPPPPPP  ""]
hey, could someone just try to email me the text form or pdf form of this book? i tried 4 dif. torrent programs and they all didnt work...
[Nov 20,2006 11:48pm - HELPPPPPPP  ""]
you can get me at b0mbthemeltingp0t AT yah00 dot c0m

i will forever be greatful
[Nov 21,2006 12:44am - Laveyan  ""]
Stop being a cheap loser and go to the book store and buy it
[Nov 21,2006 10:33am - Samantha ""]
Laveyan said:Stop being a cheap loser and go to the book store and buy it

I agree. After all, it's only a cheap paperback. It costs less than a 12-pack of beer. :pukeface:
[Nov 21,2006 10:37am - Yeti ""]
the idea of Satan was basically created in the 12th or 13th century as a way to boost church attendance. there isnt much spoken about burning in eternal torment in the fiery pits of Hell before that time. i could be wrong about the exact century, but its around that time. i watched this awesome documentary called "Hell: The Devils Domain" and it didnt focus so much on sensationalizing Satan for religious purposes, it gave a great background history to the idea of Hell.
[Nov 21,2006 10:41am - CNV  ""]
naw, it was way before that

Set was the name of Satan

goes back to egypt
[Nov 21,2006 10:43am - Yeti ""]
i more mean the idea of burning in Hell for every indiscretion under the sun. Set is by far my favorite representation of an "evil" deity, or adversary.

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