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Got a new snare drum today

[Nov 13,2006 10:35pm - Niccolai ""]

It's a pork pie (12")

It sounds itght as hell, tons of 'crack' and snap, but I can also set it to get a great pop.

It's very diverse and high quality. It's loud as hell too.

I could not endorse Pork Pie any higher, this snare is great. I'm going to veer away from DW and my next kit will probably be a pork pie.
[Nov 13,2006 11:18pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i was very disappointed to learn that there really was no crack in this snare.
[Nov 14,2006 11:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
Imagine how awesome it would sound if it was a real pork pie snare made in the U.S. as opposed to the guitar center special that was made in taiwan and slapped with a pork pie badge.

But then again I'm in the market for a new snare and cannot currently afford a real pork pie. I been looking at the 14" spaun snares for like $300 or so.

Didn't you sever a foot and tear off and arm or something? How do you still play drums?
[Nov 14,2006 11:28am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
Josh_hates_you said:Didn't you sever a foot and tear off and arm or something? How do you still play drums?

hey, if whats-his-face from Def Lepard can do it...

[Nov 14,2006 12:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Josh_hates_you said:Imagine how awesome it would sound if it was a real pork pie snare made in the U.S. as opposed to the guitar center special that was made in taiwan and slapped with a pork pie badge.

But then again I'm in the market for a new snare and cannot currently afford a real pork pie. I been looking at the 14" spaun snares for like $300 or so.

Didn't you sever a foot and tear off and arm or something? How do you still play drums?

nah, he just got his dick ripped off.
[Nov 14,2006 12:31pm - Niccolai ""]
Josh_hates_you said:Imagine how awesome it would sound if it was a real pork pie snare made in the U.S. as opposed to the guitar center special that was made in taiwan and slapped with a pork pie badge.

But then again I'm in the market for a new snare and cannot currently afford a real pork pie. I been looking at the 14" spaun snares for like $300 or so.

Didn't you sever a foot and tear off and arm or something? How do you still play drums?

A US pork pie would be way out of my price range.

I was playing a few of those 300$ Spaun acrylics, they had awsome crack and were loud as hell. I didn't want another 14" snare though.

I tore my rotator cuff and my foot got fucked up pretty bad, but only my big toe was severed. It makes drums a pain in the ass and I'm not supposed to play, but whatever.
[Nov 14,2006 12:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
your big toe wasn't severed, just crushed, haha. if it was severed it would be nonexistent. fuckin immigrants.
[Nov 14,2006 12:42pm - Niccolai ""]
Nah, it was partially severed/detached meng. You could have slid a quarter two centimeters into the left side of my toe.
[Nov 14,2006 12:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
well you should have strived for 2 quarters. you're always half-assing everything! haha
[Nov 14,2006 12:52pm - Niccolai ""]
I'm wayyyy to much of an anarchist to put more than one government-issued coin in my severed toe socket.
[Nov 14,2006 12:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
goddamn right eff t3h w0rldzorzlol
[Nov 14,2006 4:40pm - mOe @ work  ""]
View Drums from Colorado is making me a custom snare drum
i recommend them to anyone, they're giving me a dynamite price on it, too
[Nov 14,2006 4:51pm - mOe @ work  ""]
[Nov 16,2006 3:30pm - mOe @ work  ""]
It turns out View Drums is a HOAX and are taking people's money and not making drums at all
good thing i havent sent them a fucking dime and you better not either
[Nov 16,2006 3:35pm - niccolai ""]
Close call meng.

I returned the pork pie already for a DW piccolo.

at first I didn't like the DW as much, but it's growing on me.

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