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[Nov 14,2006 11:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Ok, so since we all know that D&D and Satan go together like peanut butter and chocolate, it stands to reason that more than a few of you have a busted up old Player's Handbook and some funny-shaped dice kicking around in the back of a closet somewhere. Now you can discuss your secret shame without fear of ridicule. (Disclaimer: You will most likely be ridiculed.)

Whatever your poison - D&D, Warhammer, or masturbating furiously to fake Seven of Nine n00dz while wearing a Batman t-shirt and crying - here's your opportunity to nerd out in a loving, understanding environment. (Disclaimer: No one understands you, and you will never be loved.)

Let the geekery begin.
[Nov 14,2006 11:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I played for a looooooong as time. I should pull out my suitcases and catalog everything. I got a TON of first gen and second gen books. I played from when I was 10-ish until 18. and then a couple times after that. had to stop cause at this one kid's house, the glass kitchen table kept getting broken.
[Nov 14,2006 11:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
If you've got any 1e or 2e Forgotten Realms shit you're looking to get rid of, let me know.
[Nov 15,2006 12:11am - arilliusbm ""]
I have IceWind Dale. Don't want it anymore. Too much hack en slash.

Best computer games that are somewhat based off of D&D is the Age of Wonders series. I bought that game the day it came out and still play it to this day -- I even thanked it in the booklet on the last Infernecron release. Talk about nerd.
[Nov 15,2006 12:17am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
arilliusbm said:I have IceWind Dale. Don't want it anymore. Too much hack en slash.

I'm partial to Temple of Elemental Evil, but it's not worth playing unless you install the patch from www.c08.org. Atari made Troika rush the game out the door, and it's not playable out of the box, but with a little help from independent developers it's amazing.
[Nov 15,2006 6:22am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I play all manner of games, from tabletop to PC to CCGs and I've dabbled in wargaming but it's a bit involved and I don't find all the time one puts into painting and setting up their army to be worth the payoff when I can flip on my PC and play Dawn of War. I've designed dozens of campaign settings, etc. so I am pretty well into this shit. As far as live action, I've done some campus LARPs, i.e. NOT boffer LARPs (the infamous act of dressing up like a jackass and running around in the woods with a foam weapon) which I tried once and condemned forever. There is a HUGE difference.

Been playing D&D since I was about 6 or 7 (1980-81), been through all the editions, loved them all for their own reasons. I've got a ton of 1e and 2e materials but I'd never get rid of it. I do have a love/hate relationship with the game due to the fact that people are hard pressed to try other systems, there are a TON of good RPG systems so it'd be nice if people would skip the d20 once in awhile, or at least do some d20 other than D&D (Spycraft, Star Wars, CoC, Modern, etc).

Temple of Elemental Evil (tabletop) is one of the most pointless and stupid modules ever written. In the 3.0e remake there is a cornugon in a closet basically...the PC game is indeed fun, it's fun to play turn-based like you do on a combat grid for the pen & paper.

I've never been ashamed to be a gamer, it's always been a great source for imagination and inspiration, a muse. I can thank my love of reading, basic math & systems, and creative impulses (music, lyrics, etc) on gaming and it's also how I've met many good people that I can have a conversation with.
[Nov 15,2006 8:00am - anonymous  ""]
D and D huh?? LOL!! Played it a few times.. YAWN!!!!
[Nov 15,2006 8:11am - xmikex ""]
"Peter a palladin can't use the helmet of disintergration."
"Oh right... then I'm a black guyyyyy."
[Nov 15,2006 8:24am - the_reverend ""]
wait, there was a good D&D video game? the heck you say! they were all long, tedious, and boring.

forgotten realms was gay. I used one module and read one book written by a wop.

[Nov 15,2006 8:55am - HeavensJail ""]
Temple of Elemental Evil:
"You enter the black portals of the Temple.
OK, Bob, you're dead. Jim, you're dead. Peter, Nancy, Al, you're all dead. The NPC driving the wagon is dead. The horse failed it's save, so it's dead now. John, roll....oh, too bad, you're dead. Your dog made its save, but it's still dead.
Anyone left? Anyone? Ok, everyone roll up new characters.
All done? Is everyone set? Okay, they're all dead."

I keep trying to revive my D&D game, but most of the gamers I know are too nerdy to hang out with actual people to play games and drink beer after, and would rather stay in their house and play WoW or something. Yes, that's right; there are actually people who are too nerdy to play Dungeons & Dragons.
[Nov 15,2006 11:26am - dwellingsickness ""]
I used to always play Wizardry on the computer in highschool, I have not played it in years, last one I have is #3 I think, aren't they up to like 10 or something now?, That game was addictive, missed many a class because of it
[Nov 15,2006 5:40pm - dunwich ""]
I used to play 1st and 2nd Edition AD&D from about 10-18 as well. When it came down to it I probably spent more time buying and reading the books and coming up with scenarios than actually playing. I had a Stormbringer and a Middle Earth role playing system that I never got around to using. These days I barely have time to write or play music let alone devote that much time to a game. It could be a blast if you played with the right people though.
[Nov 15,2006 8:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
dwellingsickness said:I used to always play Wizardry on the computer in highschool, I have not played it in years, last one I have is #3 I think, aren't they up to like 10 or something now?, That game was addictive, missed many a class because of it

8 is awesome, they added a lot of tactical thought to the combat.

dunwich said:When it came down to it I probably spent more time buying and reading the books and coming up with scenarios than actually playing.

I'm guessing that's pretty common, I did the same thing myself. When you're younger it's hard to a) find enough people in your area to play, or get rides to somewhere where there are people, and b) get all those people in the same room to play at the same time.

I get way more enjoyment out of gaming now than I ever did when I was a kid.

I had a Stormbringer and a Middle Earth role playing system that I never got around to using.

A friend of mine actually used to go to his Mason lodge with a guy who helped write MERP. Small world.

[Nov 15,2006 8:52pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm in the wrong thread
[Nov 16,2006 10:38am - Yeti ""]
its tough to get a good D&D game going, what with short attention spans and all, but i have had some awesome campaigns. i used to go to NERO, the live action RPG. it was a blast getting drunk and hitting the nerds with foam weapons. it got retarded when the PC players got way too into it and started complaining that we were too violent and they wanted more dialogue style gaming. so i stopped going.
[Nov 16,2006 10:43am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]

[Nov 16,2006 10:46am - sinistas ""]
I played D&D (2nd ed) for years. Then everybody moved on to LARP stuff, and that was crossing the line for me.
[Nov 16,2006 9:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
Someone should put on a LARPfest with metal playing. I'd be there.
[Nov 16,2006 11:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I just met a couple in Bellingham who are as hardcore as they come - they have two gaming rooms in the basement. The RPG room, with giant game table (combat grid built into the top), and wall-to-wall bookshelves. Where are the miniatures, you ask? Well, slide the secret door in the bookshelf aside, and step into the wargaming room! I was in heaven, it was like Chuck E. Cheese for nerds.
[Nov 17,2006 6:45am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
As I already said, I hate boffer LARPs with a passion. I was pretty psyched when the d20 (3rd edition) system dropped and brought so many gamers back, but then WoW stole them all (and I love WoW but I still need to play some tabletop, pen and paper games). I've noticed that most gamers tend to only be able to get obsessed with one thing at a time. So tabletop D&D has had to suffer through Magic, LARPs, MMORPGs, etc.

Yeah, I too have a fully rigged gamer lair. I keep my retro consoles down there (everything before PS2) so there is that, plus my library of fiction novels/oldschool literature and tons of gamebooks, an 8x4 table we had built, minifridge, etc, etc. I also try to get curiosity games, collectable card games, board games, etc, just to break up the D&D.

Rev: There are plenty of great D&D videogames. The old multiplayer stuff like Tower of Doom was amazing in the arcade, and some of the old PC games were great. Planescape: Torment is awesome, Baldur's Gates and Icewind Dales were cool. Also, if you haven't played the Baldur's Gates: Dark Alliance hack and slashers, those rule with a friend.
[Nov 17,2006 9:55am - DreamingInExile ""]
I miss playing D&D, I used to play at DHTH's house years ago. I've gotta hand it to him for putting together one fo the best RPG world's I've ever played in.

I've always wanted to get back into D&D, but can't ever find someone that's running a game. I've recently downloaded the entire 3.0/3.5 editions of the D&D books (well, almost entire) in pdf format, so I've started reading up on that.

I'd love to start gaming on a regular basis, preferably back on AD&D 2nd ed., but 3rd ed will work too (like I said, I'm reading up now)

as far as videogame RPG's, I'm still a diehard fan of Guildwars, I've played WoW, but I can't seem to get into it (it's too cartoony, and I don't really care for the feel of the controls). I've got a place in my heart for Final Fantasy (I ~ VII, anything after was just 'meh'). the Black Isle games Baldur's Gate, BG2, IWD, etc, were great time killers when you just wanted to go out and hack enemies and what not into bits and pieces.

I could ramble on for hours about this, but the bottom line is, I'm a gamer, always have been, always will be.
[Nov 17,2006 6:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I've been running a Tuesday night campaign for a little over a year, now, and the PCs are just now getting to 5th level (as in, this next session they train for it). That's the point where the game really takes off, in my opinion, but I wouldn't trade those first few levels of play for anything.

Now it looks like I'm gonna be going over to Crazy Gaming Basement Couple's house on Mondays to hang out and paint. Maybe I can finally get all my freakin' space orks finished.
[Nov 17,2006 6:48pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm doing a higher level dwarf game, 3.5 rules, and my friend runs a lowbie 3.5 game, we play Wednesday nights twice/month (so each campaign only runs once/month for now).
[Nov 17,2006 7:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I'm doing a higher level dwarf game, 3.5 rules, and my friend runs a lowbie 3.5 game, we play Wednesday nights twice/month (so each campaign only runs once/month for now).

I've been switching off with one of the guys in the group. My game's the "A" game, but when we get to a good break point, we switch off and play his game, for awhile. It's cool because before you have a chance to get sick of one campaign, you have something else to do for a few, and then by the time you get to a stopping point with that game, you're dying to get back to the other game.

That, and I actually get a chance to fucking PLAY.
[Nov 18,2006 12:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Same here, I've been DM'ing since about 1981-82 when I was a puke. But for awhile others took over, I started again in 1995 and traditionally I've been the DM since then, but usually some other guys will run something and I'll get to play.

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