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Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries

[Nov 18,2006 11:06am - chainsawbrains ""]
What the hell happened to them????
[Nov 18,2006 11:13am - brian_dc nli  ""]
I think they're still around. Just have a new string section.
[Nov 18,2006 1:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
who cares
[Nov 18,2006 1:08pm - satancross emoticon come to life  ""]
W3 nli said:who cares

EXACTLY. fucking shitty ass nu-grind band
[Nov 18,2006 2:02pm - fishcakes ""]
just not for me
[Nov 18,2006 2:26pm - Yeti ""]
they were funny to watch though. they could have done without the girl singer, but i did enjoy them.
[Nov 18,2006 2:31pm - Reality Check  ""]
Some fag with 70's basketball shorts is not funny unless he were fat. It was funny watching them take 45 minutes to set up their shit and then play for 5 minutes. Funniest thing was that the chick singer was actually a singer and not i the kitchen where she belongs.

When God created women, why did he give them hands?
Because it's too hard to clean the floor with just their tongue.
[Nov 18,2006 2:55pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Wow, what is with all the bashing?..They were awesome the few times I saw them , and they are some of the nicest people I ever met while working at a club
[Nov 18,2006 3:52pm - cavboredatwork  ""]
i agree. hbbsi are amazing people and a great band. at least the version that we played with. mad love for those guys and gal.
[Nov 18,2006 7:53pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 19,2006 2:15pm - chainsawbrains ""]
wow man, I didn't realize so many people didn't like them, I played with them, like actually in the band as the second singer with monica when dennis and ryan were in the band, only for two shows though....

and i haven't heard shit lately so I figured I'd ask....

[Nov 19,2006 7:49pm - urinal turd  ""]
wow, what a suprise...people on rttp ripping on another new england band. it's too bad not everyone can be as true as them.
[Nov 19,2006 9:10pm - Murph ""]
whatever, the HBBSI peeps are incredibly nice and talented, and RObbiey the drummer gives some of the world's best hugs.
[Nov 19,2006 11:24pm - sarcasmmm  ""]
ya, holmes
[Nov 20,2006 9:06am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
i video taped a show for these guys once but i think i was so hammered i ended up filming my ass for most the performance. good stuff though.
[Nov 20,2006 9:32am - grundlegremlin ""]
what the fuck is nu-grind?
[Nov 20,2006 10:09am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
i'm nu-kvlt.
[Nov 20,2006 11:10am - thedeparted nli  ""]
Murph said:whatever, the HBBSI peeps are incredibly nice and talented, and RObbiey the drummer gives some of the world's best hugs.

absolutely, and they always are thinking of others first. they always give traveling bands the best slots, and make sure you get paid for gas. us and dour played with them a bunch and ive only got one thing to say, cherry street station and those railroad tracks can occupy a man for hours on end.
[Nov 20,2006 11:12am - eddie(nli)  ""]
grundlegremlin said:what the fuck is nu-grind?

i'm guessing it's the same as art grind. i wouldn't call hbbsi either one.
[Nov 20,2006 11:16am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
They are definitely art grind, but I have no problem with their music and I kind of dig the name.

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