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Jews invented heavy metal

[Nov 19,2006 2:48pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
I acknowledge that it might be problematic for a religious Jew to listen to heavy metal today if it contains obscene language and explicit subject matter, however from the sources above I cannot see anything wrong with the use of heavy metal music by itself. People may point to the fact that heavy metal music is music that draws from baser emotions such as anger. But not all anger is bad. While anger for the sake of anger is a negative thing, anger can also be merirus; propelling one to positive action. What if the music was filled with anger towards injustice or other problems in the world? Isn't there a musical place for this?

Missing today on the Jewish music scene is an equivalent to the guitar playing of Marty Friedman, Scott Ian, Dan Spitz, or Dave Mustaine. While 99% of the time I prefer Jewish music that is more melodic in nature, I am still waiting for someone to uplift the sparks from the lower levels, expand the boundaries of Jewish music, and make quality Jewish heavy metal.

Jews invented heavy metal
[Nov 19,2006 2:49pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
On the second night of Passover, around Seder time, when Jews will be re-enacting the Exodus story, the VH1 Classic network will be airing "Matzo and Metal: A Very Classic Passover."

The B. Manischewitz Company is sponsoring — and provided food for — the hour-long special, which will focus on Passover and musical memories of a group of Jewish heavy metal icons and includes a "model Seder."

Jews celebrate heavy metal
[Nov 19,2006 3:29pm - anonymous  ""]
Yeah well the germans came up with gassing jews, so the edge goes to them without a doubt KIKE!!
[Nov 19,2006 3:41pm - CNV  ""]

Cmon ya fuckn slime bucket semetic jew, now we all know that just aint true
[Nov 19,2006 3:57pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Iron was first smelted actually about 3000 BC in Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc, so it actually might have been the Jewish or their ancestors, you never know.
[Nov 19,2006 4:42pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
We were also the first to claim that we are the chosen, so all you goyim tools can just shut the fuck up and continue to do our bidding. JEWS rule this world with GODS blessing !!!
[Nov 19,2006 5:37pm - USA belongs to Israel  ""]
Jews in the Bush Administration

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz - Deputy Secretary, Department of Defense

Richard Perle - Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy.

Ari Fleischer - White House Press Secretary

Josh Bolten - Deputy Chief of Staff

Ken Melman - White House Political Director

Jay Lefkowitz - Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council

David Frum - Speechwriter

Brad Blakeman - White House Director of Scheduling

Dov Zakheim - Undersecretary of Defense (Controller)

I. Lewis Libby - Chief of Staff to the Vice President

Adam Goldman - White House Liaison to the Jewish Community

Chris Gersten - Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS

Elliott Abrams - Director of the National Security Council's Office for Democracy, Human Rights ( !!! ) and International Operations

Mark D. Weinberg - Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs

Douglas Feith - Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Michael Chertoff - Head of the Justice Department's criminal division

Daniel Kurtzer - Ambassador to Israel ( !!! )

Cliff Sobel - Ambassador to the Netherlands

Stuart Bernstein - Ambassador to Denmark

Nancy Brinker - Ambassador to Hungary

Frank Lavin - Ambassador to Singapore

Ron Weiser - Ambassador to Slovakia

Mel Sembler - Ambassador to Italy

Martin Silverstein - Ambassador to Uruguay
[Nov 19,2006 5:46pm - USA belongs to Israel  ""]
[IMG]http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/redir?src=image&clickedItemURN=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radioislam.org%2Fcartoons%2Fusa-jews.jpg&moduleId=svc_image_details.jsp.M&clickedItemDescription=Image Details[/IMG]
[Nov 19,2006 6:24pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 19,2006 6:29pm - Lamp ""]
I've been listening to that a lot lately.
[Nov 20,2006 11:48am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Jews are the Master Race.
[Nov 20,2006 12:08pm - swamplorddvm ""]
haha this is lame. No ONE religion or race "invented" Heavy metal. It just kinda evolved over time.
[Nov 20,2006 12:25pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
swamplorddvm said:haha this is lame. No ONE religion or race "invented" Heavy metal. It just kinda evolved over time.

Vat are you talking about? It was the jews I tell you. You are an ANTI SEMITE!!
[Nov 20,2006 1:03pm - ariavette ""]
ANOTHER .. jew thread... shocking.. really... i give up
[Nov 20,2006 1:27pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
jews invented lying too.
[Nov 20,2006 1:59pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Jews invented forum threads. And you deny us the right to this? I suspect hatred.
[Nov 20,2006 2:01pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
lies lies lies
[Nov 20,2006 3:13pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
O, it's the truth, Gentile. Listen to the soft voices of the Elders of Zion as they speak so close to your ears...

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