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****Stone the Disciple post NEW SONG****

[Nov 21,2006 8:21pm - J. from Stone the Disciple  ""]
Check it out, Sludge, Doom, Thrash, Stoner Rock fans:


:skull: :satancross: "Stepping on the Toes of the Ungrateful" :satancross: :skull:
[Nov 21,2006 8:24pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
[Nov 21,2006 8:34pm - the_reverend ""]
the **** are annoying on the news page.
marked it as news.
[Nov 21,2006 8:57pm - anonymous  ""]
sorry, and gracias.
[Nov 21,2006 9:00pm - dreadkill ""]
from now on, i need to encapsulate all my thread titles with these: ****
[Nov 21,2006 9:07pm - anonymous  ""]
what about these: >>>> ?
[Nov 21,2006 9:10pm - J. from Stone The Disciple  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:giggity

we honored you in this song. now, we name our riffs and one was called "the seabeast riff" :bartnormal:
[Nov 21,2006 9:19pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
[Nov 21,2006 9:58pm - anonymous  ""]
it doesn't get good untill about 2:30, change the intro with the bridge riff.
[Nov 21,2006 10:23pm - J.  ""]
anonymous person, reveal yourself so i can thank you for listening to our song with an open mind.
[Nov 22,2006 9:53am - KeithMutiny ""]
a little slower than my taste, but get a better recording and its good shit, good job guys.
[Nov 22,2006 8:26pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, it was literally a zero $ budget recording...so you get what you pay for. we just need a few more mics and some more mixing experience
[Nov 24,2006 9:53pm - J.  ""]
a bump for the weekend readers
[Nov 24,2006 10:19pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 25,2006 1:39am - Arilliusbm nli  ""]
haha, i could help with mixing. i live 5 seconds away
[Nov 25,2006 6:05pm - J.  ""]
I think we need 2 or 3 more mics and we're set, im not too sure. email us at


if you want to help. much appreciated

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