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Bass Player availible

[Nov 24,2006 10:46pm - anonymous  ""]
I have 2 years and am 16 years old expierience and can read sheet music if required. i play spector and esp basses through a Gallien Kruger half stack. i have some show expierience. i dont have my liscence yet but have fairly reliable transportation and will have permenant transportation in febuary. im mainly looking to join a existing band but am will to start one with a hardworking muscian. Im mainly influnenced by mostly death metal ( morbid angel, hate erternal, and behemoth), black metal (emperor, mayhem, enslaved), grindcore( napalm death, aborted) but also enjoy playing hard rock and grunge similar to metallica alice in chains and led zeppelin. any and all inqireries are welcome.
[Nov 24,2006 10:49pm - the_reverend ""]
you didn't say where you are located..
[Nov 24,2006 10:51pm - anonymous  ""]
sorry about that im loated in weymoth, MA
[Nov 24,2006 10:51pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 24,2006 10:52pm - J.  ""]

we need a bassist, we practice in Taunton (i'm not sure if thats too far)
[Nov 24,2006 11:09pm - thuringwethil ""]
your Taunton will freeze before you reach the first marker!

then I'll see you in Hell!
[Nov 25,2006 12:45am - This_is_heresy ""]
hi George
[Nov 25,2006 11:40am - anonymous  ""]
hi dan

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