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what the future holds...

[Nov 25,2006 1:41pm - anonymous  ""]

cephalotripsy (ca)
dysentery (ma)
abominable putridity (moscow)

"are you emotionally comfortable with that?"

[Nov 25,2006 4:18pm - brownundies1 ""]
"non-sense poopey pants!"
[Nov 25,2006 4:20pm - fishcakes ""]
why not?
[Nov 25,2006 4:30pm - brownundies1 ""]
just kidding brother...
should be 8-10 months before this comes out.
if you like slamming, gutter-ality...then i need not say more.
[Nov 25,2006 4:37pm - brownundies1 ""]
bump for crown royal!

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