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New Death Metal song!!!

[Nov 26,2006 6:03pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
My latest and greatest (LOL) home recorded death metal song Grinding Your Guts has been recored, mixes and masterd all in my bedroom. Check out the song here:


I would love opinions on Grinding Your Guts good or bad. This song is a bit slower than most of my songs but I think it works and has a cool old-school death metal feel to it.

Info on the recording:

4 guitar tracks 1 80% left, 1 80% right, 1 100% left , 1 100% right
1 bass track centered
1 drum machine track centered
1 main vocal track with some 2nd track fill-ins

The guitars are all done with my V-Amp Pro. 2 tracks with the Off-Axis Cabinet and 2 tracks with the Vintage 78 Cabinet. I also used the V-Amp Pro to record the bass track as well.

Any and all comments are more than welcome good and/or bad. Any questions please ask.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen and comment!!!

[Nov 26,2006 6:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 26,2006 6:15pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
kinda drags on with the repitition of that slow riff for most of the last 1/3 of the song, but other than that, sounds good. reminds me of bloodbath, baphomet, etc.
[Nov 26,2006 6:20pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Hey mark fucking richards, thanks for listening and commenting. I agree it is a bit slow but in contrast to my other songs that are much fasted I feel that it has its place in an 8 song CD. But alone, I agree, a bit slow. Thanks for the Bloodbath comment!!!
[Nov 26,2006 6:25pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
no prob dude; slow is fine, it's just that the riff is played for over a minute, so it drags on. nothing wrong with slow death metal. maybe if halfway through the riff, the tempo picks up to maybe a benediction-style mid-paced riff, it would add a lot more to the song dynamically. just my opinion though
[Nov 26,2006 6:29pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Good shit.
[Nov 26,2006 7:49pm - maslayer  ""]
dude you fucking suck...go back to deslok!! LOLOLOLOL...just kidding bro...I liked it myself...not your strongest but decent
[Nov 26,2006 8:29pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Fucken Rich!!! Wait till I see you next year...your dead!!!

Glad you liked it dude. It is a bit slower than most stuff I write but I was feeling very old-school and it all fit pretty well!!!

[Nov 27,2006 8:58am - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Listen now: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=481840

Bloodsoaked / Death Metal!!!
[Nov 27,2006 9:11am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
severed thumps up
[Nov 27,2006 9:19am - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Thanks allot FuckIsMySignature!!!

[Nov 27,2006 10:46am - DreamingInExile ""]
that's pretty damn good :newhorns:

as far as the repetative riff comment, you should hit some harmonics and use a guitar with a floyd rose to bend and dive them (in the vein of other classic deathmetal)

but that's just my insight.
[Nov 27,2006 11:27am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Here is my honest critique.

Pros: The execution is fine and the drum machine is tolerable. The recording is very listenable and the mix is good. The guitars are skillful but they never perform more than they need to, and that is a good thing. That you got your mother to do vocals is pretty funny.

Cons: I've already heard this a few hundred thousand times from other bands, and the song titles and lyrics seem like only a few seconds thought were put into them (not important to most people in this style of music, I realize). I don't hear any really catchy oldschool riffs like Pestilence, Death, Bolt Thrower, Obituary had in the day when death metal actually sounded evil. Yeah, originality is overrated, and I know it's impossible these days, but "Bloodsoaked" and "Self Mutilation" err a little on the generic side.

I can remember "Relic of Depression" almost 20 years after the fact, but I probably won't remember this in 20 days.
[Nov 27,2006 11:54am - Cecchini ""]
the style isn't my thing just cause i'm not into that much death, my opinion on the song doesn't matter anyway as you obviously write for what pleases you and thats all that should matter anyway.

i will say the recording quality itself is very good for an at home project, so good shit.
[Nov 27,2006 9:20pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Hey DreamingInExile, good ideas for the slower part of the song. I will see what I can come up with if anything.

[Nov 27,2006 9:33pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Hey DrinkHardThrashHard, do we know each other? You mentioned Deslok's "Relic of Depression"like I should know that song with out a doubt. I have performed that song a a few hundred times...LOL

I appreciate the comments on the song! Glad you liked my Mother singing on one of my songs as well. I will post a picture her and I took together...

Well, to your comments. Yup, I am sure my songs are not that origianl and have been heard 1000's of times from tons of other death metal bands but it is what it is. Nothing technical, fancy or insanely memorable but it works for what it is. I am not a technical guitar player, never was and never will be...LOL so I write songs and riffs that seem to fit a bit of old-school and some newer death metal as well.

I would say today after 20 plus years of death metal it is hard to be original and and not generic. I mean I am not song writer like Darrell Shepeard....LOL

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. Who the hell are you?


[Nov 27,2006 9:36pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
That is a picture of me and my Mother being METAL!!!

If you want to listen to the song she did the vocals on go here: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=481840 scroll to the bottom and listen to Devastation Death.
[Nov 27,2006 10:34pm - Cecchini ""]
what did you use for a drum machine?
[Nov 27,2006 10:48pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
I use a software based program called Beatcraft. I also use their recording software called Mixcraft. Let me know if you want me to post links.


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