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[Nov 29,2006 1:59am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I would really like to know some of your favorite comedians, people.

For me, I would have to say Lewis Black is one of my favorites. Angry political comedy. Can't get better than that.
[Nov 29,2006 2:04am - RichHorror ""]
Rich Horror
[Nov 29,2006 2:06am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Bill Hicks

George Carlin

Robert Shimmel
[Nov 29,2006 2:07am - elders of zion nli  ""]
George W. Bush
[Nov 29,2006 2:11am - RichHorror ""]
George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Robert Shimmel, Andrew Dice Clay, Jim Norton, Patton Oswalt, Lewis Black, Brian Posehn, David Cross, Zach Galifanakis, Lenny Bruce, Nick Di Paolo, Denis Leary, Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, Dave Attel, Jim Gaffigan, Louis CK, Stephen Lynch, Stephen Wright, Nick Swardson
[Nov 29,2006 8:20am - whoremastery ""]
scott darby goodale
[Nov 29,2006 9:08am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
bob sagat
[Nov 29,2006 10:05am - pam ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I would really like to know some of your favorite comedians, people.

For me, I would have to say Lewis Black is one of my favorites. Angry political comedy. Can't get better than that.

I'm with you.
[Nov 29,2006 10:11am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Vintage Diceman and David Cross. Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks. George Carlin. SAM FUCKING KINISON
[Nov 29,2006 10:11am - Anthony ""]
Sam Kinison
[Nov 29,2006 10:14am - pam ""]
Bill Hicks is awesome. Jim Norton, Dave Attel, Mitch Hedberg, and some dude who's name is totally gone from my brain right now. It'll come to me.
[Nov 29,2006 11:07am - mOe ""]
Eddie Murphy's standups will forever remain classics
Jim Gaffigan is also pretty funny
[Nov 29,2006 11:09am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
Sam Kinison was the fucking man.

[Nov 29,2006 11:10am - Ryan_M ""]
Bill Hicks and George Carlin are always going to be my two favorites. Andrew Dice Clay - classic stuff. Steven Wright - very subtle humor but still funny. Eddie Murphy is fucking hilarious. Richard Pryor. Pablo Francisco is pretty funny, really talented as far as impressions/voices.
[Nov 29,2006 11:11am - Anthony ""]

[Nov 29,2006 11:11am - Anthony ""]
Rodney Dangerfield's standup rules.
[Nov 29,2006 11:13am - Messerschmitt ""]
Robert Shimmel
[Nov 29,2006 11:13am - Messerschmitt ""]
he fucked his daughter's best friend and married her
[Nov 29,2006 11:18am - Sinislazy  ""]
Lewis Black, George Carlin, Dave Chappelle, Rodney Dangerfield, Eddie Murphy, Sean Cullen, Chris Rock, and of course, Rich Horror.
[Nov 29,2006 11:32am - anonymous  ""]
David Cross, Zach Galifanakis, Dave Chappelle, Stephen Lynch, Nick Swardson
[Nov 29,2006 11:43am - elders of zion nli  ""]
Tom Metzger
[Nov 29,2006 12:11pm - ZJD ""]
bill hicks, david cross, patton oswalt, richard pryor, mitch hedberg, dave chappelle, blah blah

Not yet named: NEIL HAMBURGER
[Nov 29,2006 12:13pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
How could I forget Rodney, Richard and Mitch... sweet jesus
[Nov 29,2006 12:17pm - pam ""]
DAVID CROSS!! Thankyou!
[Nov 29,2006 12:37pm - Yeti ""]
Eddie Izzard, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, Lewis Black, George Carlin
[Nov 29,2006 12:52pm - BlackoutRick ""]
RichHorror said:George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Robert Shimmel, Andrew Dice Clay, Jim Norton, Patton Oswalt, Lewis Black, Brian Posehn, David Cross, Zach Galifanakis, Lenny Bruce, Nick Di Paolo, Denis Leary, Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, Dave Attel, Jim Gaffigan, Louis CK, Stephen Lynch, Stephen Wright, Nick Swardson

Great list. I'd add Mitch Hedburg and Richard Pryor

[Nov 29,2006 12:53pm - BlackoutRick ""]
That kid who was in Grandma's Boy. You know the one with the race car bed.
[Nov 29,2006 12:54pm - RichHorror ""]
I forgot Steve Martin and Woody Allen. And no, Woody Allen is not me being sarcastic or ironic. His stand-up is awesome.
[Nov 29,2006 2:15pm - dreadkill ""]
BlackoutRick said:That kid who was in Grandma's Boy. You know the one with the race car bed.

that guy is pretty funny
[Nov 29,2006 8:04pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I forgot a couple I was into:

Gabriel Iglesias
Jim Gaffigan (Hot pockeeeeeet!)
Sam Kinison (Hell yea)
Jim Breuer
and of course...

Rich Horror, nuckas.
[Nov 29,2006 9:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My COMEDY collection:

Bogosan, Eric - Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll

Carlin, George - Take-Offs And Put-Ons

Carlin, George - FM & AM

Carlin, George - Class Clown

Carlin, George - Occupation: Foole

Carlin, George - Toledo Window Box

Carlin, George - An Evening With Wally Londo

Carlin, George - On The Road

Carlin, George - An Place For My Stuff

Carlin, George - Killer Carlin

Carlin, George - Playin' With Your Head

Carlin, George - What Am I Doing In New Jersey?

Carlin, George - Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics

Carlin, George - Jammin' In New York

Carlin, George - Back In Town

Carlin, George - You Are All Diseased

Carlin, George - Complaints And Grievances

Clay, Andrew Dice - Dice

Clay, Andrew Dice - Dice Rules

Clay, Andrew Dice - 40 Too Long

Clay, Andrew Dice - The Day The Laughter Died, 2CD

Clay, Andrew Dice - The Day The Laughter Died, Part II

Clay, Andrew Dice - Filth, 3CD

Clay, Andrew Dice - Face Down, Ass Up

Cook, Dane - Harmful If Swallowed

Cook, Dane - Retaliation

Cosby, Bill - The Best of Bill Cosby 1969

Cross, David - Shut Up You Fucking Baby!

Cross, David - It's Not Funny

Engvall, Bill - Dorkfish

Engvall, Bill - Here's Your Sign: Reloaded

Gaffigan, Jim - More Moo-Moos

Gaffigan, Jim - The Last Supper

Hicks, Bill - Dangerous

Hicks, Bill - Relentless

Hicks, Bill - Arizona Bay

Hicks, Bill - Rant In E-Minor

Hicks, Bill - Flying Saucer Tour, Vol.1

Hicks, Bill - Live DVD

Jerky Boys - Jerky Boys

Jerky Boys - Jerky Boys 2

Jerky Boys - Jerky Boys 3

Tom Mabe - Revenge On The Telemarketing, Round One

Tom Mabe - Revenge On The Telemarketing, Round Two

Lawrence, Martin - Talkin' Shit

Lawrence, Martin - Funk It!

Leary, Denis - No Cure For Cancer

Leary, Denis - Lock 'N' Load

Mancow - In The Kingdom of The Blind The One-Eyed Man Is King

Posehn, Brian - Live In: Nerd Rage

Pryor, Richard - Is It Something I Said?

Regan, Brian - Live

Rock, Chris - Born Suspect

Sandler, Adam - They're All Gonna Laugh At You

Sandler, Adam - What The Hell Happened To Me?

Sandler, Adam - What's Your Name?

Sandler, Adam - Stan And Judy's Kid

Schimmel, Robert - Comes Clean

Schimmel, Robert - If You Buy This CD, I Can Get This Car

Schimmel, Robert - Unprotected

Slayton, Bobby - Raging Bully

South Park - Chef Aid

South Park - Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics

TENACIOUS D - Tenacious D

Wright, Steven - I Have A Pony

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