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Symphonic Metal

[Nov 29,2006 11:49am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I am on a sympho kick, my favorite genre by far, but I need more.

I have Aesma Daeva, Therion, While heaven wept, nightwish, dimmu borgir(yeah I know those two suck, but I keep the albums for nostalgia) hollenthon(probably the best symphonic band) Tvangeste...I might be forgetting alot

but anyways post the names of any good symphonic bands, and if you can what other genre they would be classified as, for example tvangeste is SYmphonic-Black metal.

I don't care if it is death, black, power, folk, doom, anything symphonic is ussually good.

[Nov 29,2006 11:57am - Samantha ""]
Sothis is a good symphonic black metal band.

Edited because I'm a moron and didn't write the link correctly.
[Nov 29,2006 12:02pm - JDDomination ""]
Einherjer is an excellent symphonic viking metal band
[Nov 29,2006 12:06pm - elders of zion nli  ""]
[Nov 29,2006 12:13pm - Ryan_M ""]
[Nov 29,2006 12:14pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
cut the metal out and listen to some Devil Doll
[Nov 29,2006 1:03pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
JDDomination said:Einherjer is an excellent symphonic viking metal band

oh yeah, love them, I own Norwegian native art, and blot, amazing albums.

and thryfing..I own two of their albums but neither sounded symphonic, I have their first and most recent.
[Nov 29,2006 2:55pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
Adagio - Underworld... incredible prog/power metal album, it even has the vocalist from Anorexia Nervosa on it
Epica, another amazing symphonic metal band... started by that guy from After Forever if you like Nightwish you'll probably dig them
Summoning uhh i'm not sure how Symphonic you'd consider them as it's all keys but if you like Hollenthon or most atmospheric Black Metal you'll love them
Rage - Speak of The Dead for some good Symphonic Speed Metal
Stratovarius check out their later works most of which are symphonic and quite good if you like euro power

I'd also recommend that you check out the non-metal act Elend... extremely dark neo-classical stuff
[Nov 29,2006 2:58pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
also the last two Rhapsody albums were also symphonic haha
[Nov 29,2006 3:17pm - Samantha ""]
Phrozenspite said:I'd also recommend that you check out the non-metal act Elend... extremely dark neo-classical stuff

I definitely second that. Another good band along the same lines is Mors Syphilitica. The operetic vocals are amazing enough that they put Nightwish to serious shame.

Shape of Despair is pretty symphonic as well. If you're not familiar with them, they're a very slow doom metal band. The combination of harsh, growling vocals and really slow, symphonic music makes you feel like your soul is being ripped out through your ass with a pitchfork.

[Nov 29,2006 3:40pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Phrozenspite said:Adagio - Underworld... incredible prog/power metal album, it even has the vocalist from Anorexia Nervosa on it
Epica, another amazing symphonic metal band... started by that guy from After Forever if you like Nightwish you'll probably dig them
Summoning uhh i'm not sure how Symphonic you'd consider them as it's all keys but if you like Hollenthon or most atmospheric Black Metal you'll love them
Rage - Speak of The Dead for some good Symphonic Speed Metal
Stratovarius check out their later works most of which are symphonic and quite good if you like euro power

I'd also recommend that you check out the non-metal act Elend... extremely dark neo-classical stuff

I own all of those except for Rage, and I have very little from adagio or epica.

I am the biggest nerd for summoning, however, I own every album and even the demos.

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