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Is Sacreligion worse then Rob Zombie?

[Nov 30,2006 4:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Sure, Rob Zombie makes terrible music and terrible movies...but one of those guys is pretty fat.

I want to hear from the photographer with the Creed sticker on his car
[Nov 30,2006 4:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Sure, Rob Zombie makes terrible music and terrible movies...but one of those guys is pretty fat.

This is the best logic I've ever heard in an argument.
[Nov 30,2006 4:32pm - Nathan Leopold  ""]
[Nov 30,2006 6:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I like the first Rob Zombie album. Guilty pleasure. After that, gah.
[Nov 30,2006 7:08pm - blackmetallady ""]
I like his movies
[Nov 30,2006 7:10pm - mcmahon ""]
'yea! yea! yea!'

i heard rob zombie was born in haverhill, ma.
[Nov 30,2006 7:11pm - blackmetallady ""]
mcmahon said:'yea! yea! yea!'

i heard rob zombie was born in haverhill, ma.

He is
[Nov 30,2006 7:12pm - blackmetallady ""]
you're on the FBC bill at Mark's?
[Nov 30,2006 7:12pm - dreadkill ""]
you are haggard
[Nov 30,2006 7:51pm - blackmetallady ""]
I was talking to the NSN dude
[Dec 1,2006 10:38am - Yeti ""]
Sacreligion is worse than everything. duh.
[Dec 1,2006 10:40am - Yeti ""]
oh Joe, you're such a funny little troll. i hope our music gives you gas.
[Dec 1,2006 10:45am - sacreligion ""]
our cds should come with complimentary packets of tums...but not whole packets...half eaten ones that have been in the fat one's pockets for 2 days
[Dec 1,2006 10:46am - succubus ""]
"than" not "then"
-1 joe
[Dec 1,2006 10:47am - Yeti ""]
sacreligion said:our cds should come with complimentary packets of tums...but not whole packets...half eaten ones that have been in the fat one's pockets for 2 days

stupid fat hobbit
[Dec 1,2006 10:49am - Samantha ""]
The last time I checked, Sacreligion's vocals didn't involve saying the word, "yeah" every 5 seconds.
[Dec 1,2006 10:50am - sacreligion ""]
do you think he writes ever "yeah" down when he writes his lyrics?
[Dec 1,2006 10:52am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I think it's part of his entire gutter go-go sleazy zombie industrial rock thing. I don't have a problem with the 'yeahs', just that the music on his latest two albums has sucked.
[Dec 1,2006 10:53am - sacreligion ""]
fuck movies and crappy records...white zombie should get back together and fuck shit up
[Dec 1,2006 10:56am - Samantha ""]
sacreligion said:do you think he writes ever "yeah" down when he writes his lyrics?

Ha ha ha ha!

Someone I know has that comcast karaoke channel, and there was a White Zombie song in there ("Thunder Kiss '65"). We convinced a drunk guy to sing it, and it was the funniest thing ever... a few minutes of, "Yeah!... Wow!!..." over and over again.
[Nov 29,2011 9:09am - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 29,2011 9:30am - Samantha ""]
This thread gives me ideas for the next metalhead karaoke takeover.
[Nov 29,2011 9:41am - Alx_Casket ""]
god has no place
within these whales
[Nov 29,2011 10:21am - xmikex ""]
[Nov 29,2011 10:41am - Yeti ""]

anonymous said:yes
[Nov 29,2011 2:00pm - Sacreligion ""]

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