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shroud of dates

[Nov 3,2003 1:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey guys here are some shows were doing

U p c o m i n g S h o w s

Bombshelter Manchester NH
Also Playing
Life at Zero

My Three Sons Lounge
Southhamton, MA
also playing:
Awaiting Destiny
& Blistered Earth

KC'S Tap
Pawtucket, RI
also playing:
Ascendancy, Awaiting Destiny,
& Dreaded Silence
[Nov 3,2003 6:15pm - dreadkill ""]
what happened to spider gates being on the bill on 11/19? looks like mr. clarke will be emailing me some changes for the flyer i sent him.
[Nov 3,2003 6:40pm - dyingmuse ""]
they cancelled today unfortunately.
[Nov 3,2003 6:48pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Those bastards. I will kill them all.
And Joe's going to be heartbroken, someone needs to prove to him that she's older than 13.
[Nov 3,2003 6:49pm - University of Joe McNamara  ""]
im not even going now
[Nov 3,2003 7:00pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You would be going, and you will be going!
[Nov 3,2003 10:06pm - joe/notcommon ""]
nah, i can't.
i am being workshopped in my english class that night

[Nov 4,2003 1:43am - dyingmuse ""]
its ok we'll play for the other bands its all good. i know we suck
[Nov 4,2003 11:53am - joe/notcommon ""]
you guys are awesome

i've been to KC's tap a few times and nobody is ever there so don't take it personally if that happens to you as well
[Nov 4,2003 5:34pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol...i hear ya! thats what iv'e heard too,but fuck it its a show! and im going to print shit loads of flyers as soon as i replace my ink cartrage. hopefully people will go. and my drummer lives down there so he should pull some peeps in

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