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[Dec 3,2006 9:41am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Does Apple actualy expect people to beleive these Mac vs PC commercials? That Macs are the only choice for creative, multimedia, and fun stuff, while PCs are only capable of boring business applications. I think these commercials are 8 years too late.
[Dec 3,2006 9:43am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
The mac is better for creative purposes especially video editing and photo editing. I prefer a nice G5 over my PC laptop but thats all i got now.
[Dec 3,2006 9:44am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
People are easily swayed. That's the problem with our society.
[Dec 3,2006 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
jim, 3-years ago, you would be correct. now, it's not true. macs are just as watered down as PCs.

Macs are for girls who think that the best thing that their parents ever did was buy them that white VW cause all their sorority sisters have one. either that or uber trendy gay guys who like to say words like "uber" to describe things.
[Dec 3,2006 9:54am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Macs are for holdouts and rebels against the far superior PC market.
[Dec 3,2006 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
they are for people who really want to spend over 2x as much for something that they are just going to surf and check email with and then get really pissed off when they can't buy a cheap web cam so their boyfriend back home and then can chat. one night, wine gets split on the keyboard after they get dumped and then fuck 1/2 the frat house.
[Dec 3,2006 10:23am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
jim is to lazy to get his password said:The mac is better for creative purposes especially video editing and photo editing. I prefer a nice G5 over my PC laptop but thats all i got now.

And I like Sony consoles better than Nintendo because my Playstation3 is better than the N64 I have right now.
[Dec 3,2006 10:26am - dunwich ""]
I'm pretty neutral when it comes to the mac/pc debate but I think most people really would buy into that commercial. I think that they've found a pretty effective way to market their product, as stupid as it is.
[Dec 3,2006 11:00am - elders of zion nli  ""]
the_reverend said:jim, 3-years ago, you would be correct. now, it's not true. macs are just as watered down as PCs.

A mature and logical opinion from this half-goyish part-Italian.

The only superiority the Mac ever had was convincing some people that they should develop their specialized software for it. The hardware is pretty, but expensive, and breaks often.

Best PCs come from Israel. I bought an Eltek machine and would never use anything oilse.

[Dec 3,2006 12:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm 1/2 italian? weird.
[Dec 3,2006 12:56pm - elders of zion nli  ""]
If you were 100% Jewish my son you would already know of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but in the original Hebrew.
[Dec 3,2006 1:50pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
elders of zion nli said:If you were 100% Jewish my son you would already know of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but in the original Hebrew.

Fuck you.
[Dec 14,2006 10:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
i just saw the new one...
the pc talks about how he was bought for kids and can't handle all of the multimedia since they don't use "spread sheets and have inboxes" and then at the very end he saids "oh i have to go and listen to emo" i kinda got a chuckle.
[Dec 14,2006 10:24pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Dec 14,2006 10:32pm - brian_dc ""]
they had to recall some of the commercials. A lot of people were associating more with the guy who plays PC (John Hodgman). I read that dudes book, a fake almanac claiming to contain all of the world's knowledge, and the guy is hilarious. If they really want those commercials to work, on morons (since that's who commercials work on) then they'd have to make the PC guy not be funny, likable, etc.
[Dec 15,2006 9:15am - xmikex ""]
I own an iMac G5. It rules. Every PC I've ever owned has stressed me out, and pissed me off to the point where I didn't want anything to do with computers ever again. My iMac runs gloriously without incident.

However, PCs have leveled the playing field considerably in the last few years when it comes to editing, and graphics programs.... and those commercials are misleading and dumb.
[Dec 15,2006 9:21am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
brian_dc said:If they really want those commercials to work, on morons (since that's who commercials work on)

haha, this might be the most accurate thing said on this board today.

[Dec 15,2006 9:23am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
At any rate, I think I'm going to go out and buy a Mac because the Mac guy in those commercials is dreamy and looks like Jimmy Fallon.
[Dec 15,2006 9:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:At any rate, I think I'm going to go out and buy a Mac because the Mac guy in those commercials is dreamy and looks like Jimmy Fallon.

ha, he's a poor man's Jimmy Fallon. I hope they both get into a car accident and kill eachother.
[Dec 15,2006 9:42am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I like the way you think.
[Dec 15,2006 9:42am - DreamingInExile ""]
I have my reasons for liking both. I'm on a Dual 2GHz G5 right now, but I'm working in the art dept. I prefer some cross platform apps on Mac over PC (such as Illustrator, Quark, In Design and Freehand)

I prefer doing coding and programming on a pc, and I MUCH prefer Photoshop on a PC.

I think it's funny that Apple is pushing the multimedia thing, when there isn't shit for games, which is becoming a HUGE part of multimedia now.

I don't think I'll ever own a Mac, because of the pricetag, but I won't bash them, because when it all boils dow to it, they're great machines, and have their place in creative studios right next to PC's.
[Dec 15,2006 9:51am - DreamingInExile ""]
Mac - Crash Different...
[Dec 15,2006 10:01am - DreamingInExile ""]
oh, while we're on the topic of Macs, the beta for Photoshop CS3 was released today for anyone that has a legit copy of Photoshop CS2 or the whole Suite of Adobe CS2.
[Dec 15,2006 10:27am - Yeti ""]
[Dec 15,2006 10:41am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Dec 15,2006 11:01am - DreamingInExile ""]
if it bleeds, we can kill it...
[Dec 15,2006 11:01am - watchmaker666 ""]
that video is too funny
[Dec 15,2006 11:38am - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
elders of zion nli said:the_reverend said:jim, 3-years ago, you would be correct. now, it's not true. macs are just as watered down as PCs.

A mature and logical opinion from this half-goyish part-Italian.

The only superiority the Mac ever had was convincing some people that they should develop their specialized software for it. The hardware is pretty, but expensive, and breaks often.

Best PCs come from Israel. I bought an Eltek machine and would never use anything oilse.


I dont buy into these commericals or whatever, I am a graphic design major at my school and I use a PC for most of my design stuff. I prefer to use a Mac for those purposes, especially the G5 lab becuase my labtop cant handle PSD files that are up to a gig and really high quality, this is my only gripe with my PC.
[Dec 15,2006 11:44am - Joshtruction ""]
I got a digidesign digi 002 that runs through firewire. It puts a massive load on computers. Not sure why, but my PC takes a shit when using it. Macs can use it all day. My PC is not dated either. 2gb ddr 2 and a p4 3.8ht. For real studio work PC's have not caught up yet (IMO) but are on the fast track to getting there.
[Dec 15,2006 11:49am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i dont want to sound like a "noob" but ive been fucking around with photoshop since i was 15 or so and i havent noticed anything different since 7 first came out... other than the filesize being wayyyyy bigger.
[Dec 15,2006 12:19pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i dont want to sound like a "noob" but ive been fucking around with photoshop since i was 15 or so and i havent noticed anything different since 7 first came out... other than the filesize being wayyyyy bigger.

they actually just pumped out a new beta for CS3.

I just prefer the mac because it better suites my needs. Some projects i work on run in excess of 2 gigs.
[Dec 15,2006 12:40pm - anonymous  ""]
i've used a mac since 1986 but i program windows systems so take that.

i have both platforms. i just bought a MacPro a few months ago and its a beast. Also bought a macbook pro last year. i love them and will only use macs for personal

pc's i went to college for because let's face it, that is where the money is, and it pays well. macs? never used in the business world.
[Dec 15,2006 12:51pm - xanonymousx ""]
one thing i don't get is yes i have both a mac and a pc but it seems that mac is trying to push saying that they are the computer to have fun on...
yes they have iLife...
do i use it.. not really well garage band and the movie software sometimes. other than that not really
pcs are good for everythings that macs are good for.
some of the programs on a mac are easier to operate
[Dec 15,2006 12:59pm - pam ""]
I hate those commercials.
[Dec 15,2006 1:47pm - xmikex ""]
iLife can kind of eat my balls. Garage Band is a fun program and I use it almost every day because it just beats jamming on my crappy practice amp. iMovie has served me for some stuff, but its limitations are obvious.

iPhoto on the other hand is infuriating, for me at least. I want it to work like Photoshop, or any comparable photo program, but it doesn't. I can't edit my photos beyond simple adjustments, I can't change the image size, I can't add text. I mean some of those things are simple procedures that SHOULD belong on any image program. Mac trys to compare it to photoshop but it's a lot more like the AOL picture viewer. Even Paint gives you more control in some aspects. Oh, and if you make a change to a photo, decide you don't want it, and then try to cancel out of it by just clicking on another photo it saves that photo with the changes... without asking you. All those years of crunching out show flyers in Microsoft Paint on my Compaq 486 and now THIS is what I have to work with? Lame.
[Dec 15,2006 3:16pm - aeser ""]
i use both. i vastly prefer macs.
[Dec 15,2006 3:28pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i dont want to sound like a "noob" but ive been fucking around with photoshop since i was 15 or so and i havent noticed anything different since 7 first came out... other than the filesize being wayyyyy bigger.

just messing around, yeah you wouldnt notice anything. but people who REALLY use photoshop definately notice the improvements. The jump from 7 to CS was huge. And even the jump from CS to CS2 was big. I use CS at home and CS2 at school and get pissed off when i realize i dont have the spot healing brush tool at home.
[Dec 15,2006 3:33pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
CS2 runs like a dream on my PC box. 7 to CS was a big step in terms of how you use several of the tools, the magic wand got a lot better too. looking to get a stylus for xmas this year, any recommendations?
[Dec 15,2006 5:20pm - handinjury ""]
Joshtruction said:I got a digidesign digi 002 that runs through firewire. It puts a massive load on computers. Not sure why, but my PC takes a shit when using it. Macs can use it all day. My PC is not dated either. 2gb ddr 2 and a p4 3.8ht. For real studio work PC's have not caught up yet (IMO) but are on the fast track to getting there.

The you need to seriously "tune up" your pc FOR PT. I am running a DIGI002R on a pc with less ram(1.5gb pc2100) and proccesor power(P4 2.4ghz) than your your PC and I can get rough mixs going(w/ lots of plugs) @ a 512 buffer. When mixing the Whoremastery cd I put my PC to the max. (I had roughly around 28 tracks,16 aux tracks, plenty of plugins, and lots of automation per song)
Prostools is VERY picky when it comes to mobo's and such. If your using 6.x software turn off your hyper threading and cut down on all that shit/services that windows has running in the background.
Joshtruction , are you familer with the DAVE C test ??? You should use that as test while tweaking XP for P-stools.
[Dec 15,2006 6:55pm - jrb2971 ""]
umm I still have my commodore 64 and it rules you all :p hehe

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