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Hudson NH to host largest Mall in New England

[Dec 7,2006 2:15am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Read about this in the telegraph, they are planning on building it on the golf course lands in Hudson, I find this lame. One, because it will turn Southern NH more like Massachusetts. Two, because we'll have tons of massholes up here trying to buy things for a dollar or two cheaper. Three, it makes no sense, Hudson is a fucking hick town why build the largest mall in New England there?

I will cease all my bitching, however, if there is some kind of shop there that caters to something I like, like odd books, cds, weapons.

I guess it will be modelled after an "american great downtown" which means all kinds of over priced novelty shops.

[Dec 7,2006 2:56am - davefromthegrave ""]
I hope it turns out to be a thorough failure.
[Dec 7,2006 2:58am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
My aunt and uncle used to live in Hudson. That town does indeed suck.
[Dec 7,2006 7:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Land is probably cheap and other developments are probably in the works. In a few years Hudson will be the mecca of new hampshire.
[Dec 7,2006 8:33am - the_reverend ""]
ygd: I guess you don't follow things in NH. hudson is 1/2 filthy rich yuppies and 1/2 hicks. some land is cheap there but most has already been sold to fleeing massholes.

I'm not sure where this land isM but I'm sure it already has easy access to the DW and rt 3/3a. so it's probably already bordering mass and like pheasent lane, is already full of massholes.

why are they putting this in hudson? cause bedford is stupid and voted against it.

next, a US tread, the day of the "mega mall" is over. this mall isn't a mall in the traditional sense. it's what used to be called an outlet center. they build a bunch of individual shops and buildings. this allows people to drive directly up to the front of a store if they want to just go to one store. this is all wrapped around a bunch of features like a "commons" area which acts lie the downtown of a city. a lot of towns who don't have downtowns for kids to hangout in. things like this allow for towns to have areas where people can "just run into" each other. this is more old-timey and fosters friendship and townmanship in a lot of place. the common area also allows dpfor arts to go on. some let bands, poetry, and other gay art things to happen. there are also benched areas for people to hang out in.
personally I like there "malls with out a roof" or "cut up strip malls" in concept, but don't like gong to them. hopefully this gets built and my taxes stay low.
[Dec 7,2006 8:34am - the_reverend ""]
ps: if this is going to be larger than the one I just got stuck in in lee mass... it's going to be visible from space!
[Dec 7,2006 8:37am - Messerschmitt ""]
what you need to do is close NH's borders
[Dec 7,2006 10:06am - Ryan_M ""]
I live in Hudson, I heard about this a while back - from what I heard this is supposed to be built on a course off route 3A, closer to Litchfield.
[Dec 7,2006 10:11am - the_reverend ""]
is there anything in litchfield besides golf courses?

mess: i suggest we cut off southern nashua/hudson, salem nh, and plaistow. at more strip malls and real malls. use this as the base to generate all the tax money we need. then all we have to do is build a border fence to keep out anyone who's not white (or asians cause we need someone to do well in our failing schools).
[Dec 7,2006 10:22am - Messerschmitt ""]
fucking exactly
this is what i've been saying all along Rev
[Dec 7,2006 10:29am - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:next, a US tread, the day of the "mega mall" is over. this mall isn't a mall in the traditional sense. it's what used to be called an outlet center. they build a bunch of individual shops and buildings. this allows people to drive directly up to the front of a store if they want to just go to one store. this is all wrapped around a bunch of features like a "commons" area which acts lie the downtown of a city. a lot of towns who don't have downtowns for kids to hangout in. things like this allow for towns to have areas where people can "just run into" each other. this is more old-timey and fosters friendship and townmanship in a lot of place. the common area also allows dpfor arts to go on. some let bands, poetry, and other gay art things to happen. there are also benched areas for people to hang out in.
personally I like there "malls with out a roof" or "cut up strip malls" in concept, but don't like gong to them. hopefully this gets built and my taxes stay low.

thats exactly what the Shoppes at Blackstone Valley in Millbury are. everything you could possibly need is within this massive shopping complex. it isnt built in standard mall form, but just the way you described.

[Dec 7,2006 10:33am - watchmaker666 ""]
I love how NH people think its their own fucking country. Like you people from Tyngsboro better stay the fuck out of Nashua if you know whats good for ya'
[Dec 7,2006 10:43am - largefreakatzero ""]
You guys can have Nashua. It's more like Northern MA than Southern NH anyway. And malls are gay whereever they are.
[Dec 7,2006 10:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hate how people from Rhode Island are terrible drivers.
[Dec 7,2006 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
the worst non-drivers come from quincy.
[Dec 7,2006 10:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I drive and am not from quincy
[Dec 7,2006 10:57am - Messerschmitt ""]
north quincy because they're all gooks. and we all know gooks can't drive.
[Dec 7,2006 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I want moonpies
[Dec 7,2006 11:01am - the_reverend ""]
joe drives like a canadian. mess, I said non-drivers.. like pam and joe.
[Dec 7,2006 11:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will drive you somewhere
[Dec 7,2006 11:06am - Messerschmitt ""]
i don't care
our plan to use napalm is still in effect right?
[Dec 7,2006 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Canadians are the true master race...fuck you all
[Dec 7,2006 11:51am - xmikex ""]
Hudson? I played a show up there years ago. That place is a wasteland, why put a mall of that size there?
[Dec 7,2006 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
cause taxachussetts is so close.
[Dec 7,2006 12:00pm - Lamp ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I hate how people from Rhode Island are terrible drivers.

I hate how our roads are riddled with potholes and cracks.
[Dec 7,2006 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]
but I question where they are putting it. if it's on the litchfield side.. clusterfuck! rt 3a is too narrow to accomodate the traffic they need to support this place. people are either going to come down rt 3a from manchester or across nashua's downtown? 111 from windham? 102 from derry? rt back-ass from southern hudson?

it just seems like a lot of road infrastructure needs to be redone. there are only a couple places where the merrimack is crossed there so there will be a lot of traffic on the nashua bridges (beginning of hollis and canal st). anyone who's driven there at any point should realize what a cluster fuck the 102/111 intersection in hudson is.
[Dec 7,2006 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 7,2006 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 7,2006 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
the boston.com link was the wrong project... I looked at pictures of that one and it's the strip mall almost in londonderry on rt102
[Dec 7,2006 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 7,2006 12:29pm - aeser ""]
i lived in hudson for 10 years, it is not half filthy rich (i never saw ANY rich people living there or extremely nice houses or anything, the nicest house i've seen belonged to that of the former fire chief of nashua) and as for hicks, it's not the boonies, yea there's some white trashy people but the vast majority of it is just normal suburbs. it is NOT the boonies, it's the next fucking town over from nashua for christs sake, and close to salem and manchester. especially compared to MOST of new hampshire it's not very "hick" at all.

as for a mall there, i don't see the fucking need whatsoever as the pheasant lane mall is like 5 minutes away from hudson, right off route 3, and the rockingham mall isn't that far, and is right off 93, so they get all the masshole shopping (which is the fucking POINT of building a mall in southern NH, tax free shopping brings in a lot of money to the malls in salem and nashua).

but this is how bullshit suburban life is, build another mall, make it bigger and give it marble floors and bling and the cattle will herd in to buy your wares whether they need them or not. it's a successfull business model, but still a depressing one.

putting it on rt. 3a near litchfield is also a fucking horrible idea as was mentioned, 3a is nowhere near an adiquately sized road to accomidate all that traffic, plus the previously quiet area is about to get very shitty because of this. it's like d.w. highway in south nashua by the mall, horrible horrible inadiquate roads. living 5 minutes from the pheasant lane mall it's taken me an hour and a half to get to the mall before because of traffic. it's fucking ridiculous. same with amherst street though they have much wider roads. it's goddamn depressing to watch nashua become like fucking rt. 1 in sauguss.
[Dec 7,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
the funny thing is the closer you go towards litchfield, the $$ the homes get.

I think they should just build this on that swamp that was Benson's animal kingdom. heh.
[Dec 7,2006 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
sorry, benson's wild animal farm.
[Dec 7,2006 1:15pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the_reverend said:sorry, benson's wild animal farm.

Me and my hombres run around that place at night, they say the elephant is buried there.

As for the traffic, in the telegraph they state they are building a new road that connects directly from the mall to route 3. I have lived in Nashua for about five years, and it is utterly amazing to see how much has gone on in those few years, so many things have been built.

the nashua mall is gone and is now a home depot (one of three on nashua) a christmas tree shops, babies r us, burlingtons, wendy's, quiznons, some other shops, and a starbucks. when I moved here it was a movi theatre, a small indoor mall, and an abandoned grocery store.

as we speak they are building a chunky's movie pub across the street from the mall where ames used to be.

I really can't wait until I graduate college and get some money, go buy some land further north and such.

[Dec 7,2006 1:18pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Nashua is becoming the next Lawrence,

five years ago: one small high school
today: two immense high schools, both are overcrowded, plans are going underway to find more land to build a third.

And yes I blame it on massholes, why? I am one, my family is one, almost everyone I know in Nashua is from Massachusetts, we came up here to escape what massachusetts was only to find Nashua is about a few years away from what we left.
[Dec 7,2006 1:19pm - the_reverend ""]
if you compare anything to Lawrence besides Lawrence again, I will ban you
[Dec 7,2006 1:21pm - davefromthegrave ""]
There's a place like this in my town, and the only problem with it is that every store is utter horse shit. It's all stores like Anthropologie or Old Navy that cater to tasteless yuppie scumbags. they don't sell anything there that I would ever want to buy. the worst part is that there's a starbucks at the very center.
[Dec 7,2006 1:26pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Sweet!Even More Fucking Traffic! Awesome.
[Feb 16,2007 10:06am - anonymous  ""]
why is everyone bitching and complaining?
if you don't like it here, move.
[Feb 16,2007 12:29pm - Ryan_M ""]
aeser said:putting it on rt. 3a near litchfield is also a fucking horrible idea as was mentioned, 3a is nowhere near an adiquately sized road to accomidate all that traffic, plus the previously quiet area is about to get very shitty because of this.

Actually, the mall won't be on 3A - I thought it would be on a course near Litchfield(the course I was thinking of is in Litchfield actually) but I was wrong, it's actually going to be built on a course at the other end of town, very close to Tyngsboro - which makes even less sense because D.W. Highway and the Pheasant Lane mall is almost literally right around the corner from where this new one will be built.

I was pissed when I thought it would be on 3A near Litchfield because I live very close to Litchfield and I don't want my neck of the woods all crowded with Wal-Mart scumbags and punk ass kids hanging around.
But now that I know it's on the other end of town, I don't care as much.
[Feb 16,2007 1:49pm - anonymous  ""]
I live in the lake's region, and I'm all for giving Hillsborough and part of Rockingham Counties to Massachusetts and putting up $10 toll booths at every entrance to NH. We need a governor like Meldrim Thompson again. We would've nuked the fucking Massholes by now. That fucking state is such a hellhole that they all sit in traffic for hours just to get up here on the weekends. Concord and north are still nice, anything south of there is a lost cause.
[Feb 17,2007 3:29am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
anonymous said:I live in the lake's region, and I'm all for giving Hillsborough and part of Rockingham Counties to Massachusetts and putting up $10 toll booths at every entrance to NH. We need a governor like Meldrim Thompson again. We would've nuked the fucking Massholes by now. That fucking state is such a hellhole that they all sit in traffic for hours just to get up here on the weekends. Concord and north are still nice, anything south of there is a lost cause.

I agree, I used to live in Lynn, came up here, and now mass is following me, I avoid mainstreet and the tree streets in Nashua at every cost, anything that has ever happened bad in this city stems from that place and those people. Poor white people who think they're black, and mexicans and blacks who think nashua is some kind of gangs city.

I say we start another famine in Ireland so tons of them move over here and I can make an Irish gang
[Feb 17,2007 8:48am - rotivore ""]
Ironically this mall will also carry the most trivium merchandise in new england.
[Feb 17,2007 10:22am - the_reverend ""]

wow, RAYN_M, you are right...
59 Steele Rd
Hudson, NH 03051

it's almost in mass. more power to them if they want it there
[Feb 17,2007 10:23am - the_reverend ""]
and y_ddraig_goch: mass didn't follow you. you are mass... coming up here. But you are right, pine and elm in nashua suck.
[Feb 17,2007 12:03pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the_reverend said:and y_ddraig_goch: mass didn't follow you. you are mass... coming up here. But you are right, pine and elm in nashua suck.

true, but who in nashua is not from Mass?

I think everyone I know up here is either from Mass. or their family has been here forever, and those are the rare cases

[Feb 17,2007 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I would be the "family forever" breed.
at least all of the 1900's.
you know all the nice houses between concord st and manchester st? that's where the "rich" side of the family lived and owned.

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