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Odd Childhood Memories

[Dec 7,2006 11:11am - Granny_Monster ""]
... specifically those that you didn't think of as odd abck then, but puzzle you a bit now that you really think about it.

I bring this up because on my way to work this morning I drove by the preschool I used to go to.

We never went on field trips. This really upset me, because our teacher had pictures from field trips she would go on with the afternoon sessions they had there (kinda like an extended day program, I think). I remember looking through the pictures and coming across one of the entire group of children standing in front of a big, shiney, blob of dark gray. I asked one of the assistant teachers what it was and she said "Oh, that's from when we took the students to see the beached whale".
... maybe that's not too odd, I just thought it was wierd that this program would take a bunch of preschool kids to see a dead whale. This place wasn't even close to a beach, they had to take a bus.

I'm sure you guys have some more interesting stories to tell. Hmmmm...?
[Dec 7,2006 11:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You are the worst member of this message board. Go back to sleep.
[Dec 7,2006 11:14am - Granny_Monster ""]
I'm at work : (
[Dec 7,2006 11:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I have some roofies you can give yourself on break
[Dec 7,2006 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
finding a dead/decapitated "long-legged" pig body in a creek after floods and throwing rocks at the neck hole. funny that I thought afterwards about how really long the legs were... the body was gone when I tried to walk back that way and see it.
[Dec 7,2006 11:19am - anthony ""]
Most of my childhood memories are way too fucked up for this messageboard haha
[Dec 7,2006 11:23am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, us white middle-class kids have a lot of fucked up things to talk about.. like the time mom wouldn't give us fucking mac-n-cheese when we asked for it. she said "you had it last night" and I'm all like "I don't care, I want it again tonight" childhood suxxorz
[Dec 7,2006 11:26am - anthony ""]

Not quite Rev.
[Dec 7,2006 11:27am - MassOfTwoSlits NLI  ""]
the_reverend said:finding a dead/decapitated "long-legged" pig body in a creek after floods and throwing rocks at the neck hole. funny that I thought afterwards about how really long the legs were... the body was gone when I tried to walk back that way and see it.

I have a similar memory of finding a left-over decapitated pig head. It must had been from a barbequed whole pig, because it was cooked. We stuck it on top of a chain link fence post and hucked stuff at it.
[Dec 7,2006 11:36am - INFECT ""]
i think what he was getting at was that it wasnt really a pig
[Dec 7,2006 12:20pm - elders of zion nli  ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, us white middle-class kids have a lot of fucked up things to talk about..

White guilt! White self-hatred! The Elders of Zion rejoice in your self-pity and self-destruction, white people!

[Dec 7,2006 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
the term <i>"long-legged" pig body</i> means a human. infect got it.
[Dec 7,2006 12:44pm - Granny_Monster ""]
the_reverend said:the term <i>"long-legged" pig body</i> means a human. infect got it.

Ha ha... holy shit, really?
[Dec 7,2006 12:46pm - the_reverend ""]
anthony is talking about some butterfly effect or some shit.
[Dec 7,2006 12:47pm - dreadkill ""]
my cousins found a dead body during an elementary school field trip to the tide pools.
[Dec 7,2006 1:04pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I remember in childhood how I would roam around the highlands in Lynn, now that I have grown up I have learned that most people think that is the most dangerous neighborhood to live in around mass.
[Dec 7,2006 1:09pm - thedeparted nli  ""]
1st grade, this girl threw up on my friend and I during the pledge of allegiance, i had to wear clothes from the lost and found box for the remainder of the day.

2nd grade, got in school suspension for selling playboy playing cards to kids.

not sure when, but this girls house burnt down, it was like a mansion, because her mother used to make shirts with rhinestones and glittery kittens on them. she left them on a radiator and they went up like a tinder box.
[Dec 7,2006 1:20pm - xmikex ""]
this kid named Brian Dennehy (no relation) threw up all over his desk in 1st grade. it was all yellow and curdled and looked like scrambled eggs. with hilarious timing, my mom made scrambled eggs that night for dinner. It was dead silent at the dinner table, and I said "This looks like Brian Dennehy's throwup." Dinner over.
[Dec 7,2006 1:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i wish it was the real brian dennehy
[Dec 7,2006 1:23pm - Granny_Monster ""]
thedeparted nli said:1st grade, this girl threw up on my friend and I during the pledge of allegiance, i had to wear clothes from the lost and found box for the remainder of the day.

Ack... when I was in 1st grade I threw up during the pledge of allegiance. Don't think it got on anyone, though.
[Dec 7,2006 1:23pm - Yeti ""]
i'm Brian Dennehy.

no not fucking Brian Dennehy, Brian Boitano!

oh. byeeeeeee
[Dec 7,2006 1:33pm - el sphincto  ""]
i threw up during the pledge of allegiance in 1st grade too. Funny thing is no one noticed. Then the teacher looked at the sink, and noticed i had puked
[Dec 7,2006 1:48pm - xmikex ""]
dreadkill said:i wish it was the real brian dennehy

if the real Brian Dennehy threw up in a 1st grade classroom somebody would have drowned.
[Dec 7,2006 1:49pm - thedeparted nli  ""]
heh at least you made it to the sink and not your classmate's bugle boy tee
[Dec 7,2006 1:54pm - bradmann ""]
when i was four, i found my cat lying in the street convinced he was merely sleeping so i started petting him. these catholic school kids were walking by and i asked if they wanted to pet my cat. they replied simply, "that cat's dead kid." it was then that i saw the pool of blood he had been laying in and ran crying to my mom.

i'm pretty sure that was my first introduction to a severe hatred of religion.
[Dec 7,2006 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
bugle boy? you were pure hand-me-down BUM EQUIPMENT.
[Dec 7,2006 2:03pm - thedeparted nli  ""]
the_reverend said:bugle boy? you were pure hand-me-down BUM EQUIPMENT.

hah ohhhh low blow...but seriously, you got me, i rocked the B.U.M.
[Dec 7,2006 2:06pm - Granny_Monster ""]
thedeparted nli said:the_reverend said:bugle boy? you were pure hand-me-down BUM EQUIPMENT.

hah ohhhh low blow...but seriously, you got me, i rocked the B.U.M.

As did I. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was wearing a B.U.M. sweatshirt when I threw up that time in 1st grade.
[Dec 7,2006 2:12pm - thedeparted nli  ""]
[Dec 7,2006 2:31pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
My friend once took a shit on a dead headless bird. 10 years later he got shot in the face during a drug related scuffle.
[Dec 7,2006 2:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I saw naked pictures of Granny Monster earlier today.
[Dec 7,2006 2:37pm - dreadkill ""]
i remember some kid eating dogshit one day after school
[Dec 7,2006 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
bradmann said:when i was four, i found my cat lying in the street convinced he was merely sleeping so i started petting him. these catholic school kids were walking by and i asked if they wanted to pet my cat. they replied simply, "that cat's dead kid." it was then that i saw the pool of blood he had been laying in and ran crying to my mom.

i'm pretty sure that was my first introduction to a severe hatred of religion.

that just brought my day down about 10 notches
[Dec 7,2006 3:26pm - pam ""]
I never saw any dead bodies or anything like that...

Although having the anti-abortion freaks come to my (Catholic) school in the 4th grade and show me pictures of aborted fetuses was pretty fucked. I didn't think much of it then, I was too thrilled about my little baby feet pin they gave me...but I think of it now and I can't believe they were pushing that shit on 9 year olds.

Me and my best friend used to dress up dead animals in ribbons and her moms Elizabeth Arden Talc and bury them in painted boxes. This went on until we were about 12 and discovered drugs.

My neighbor also used to jerk off in my shed, he writes for My Name is Earl now.
[Dec 7,2006 3:27pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:
My neighbor also used to jerk off in my shed, he writes for My Name is Earl now.

that's great
[Dec 7,2006 3:32pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:
My neighbor also used to jerk off in my shed, he writes for My Name is Earl now.

that's great

It WAS a clubhouse, until I got sick of walking in on him and never went near it anymore. Same kid actually got me into Green Jello and sneaking into neighbor's houses to spy on them. He was a weird dude.
[Dec 7,2006 3:37pm - Granny_Monster ""]
pam said:Me and my best friend used to dress up dead animals in ribbons and her moms Elizabeth Arden Talc and bury them in painted boxes. This went on until we were about 12 and discovered drugs.

Hmmm... I still do this.
[Dec 7,2006 3:39pm - pam ""]
I stuck with the drugs and booze for the long haul.
[Dec 7,2006 3:47pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
In 3rd grade I got a bad case of strep and was stuck in school waiting for about three hours to get picked up by my dad. So I'm just sitting outside of the principal's office sweating from the fever and I get the urge to throw up. I make a run for the outside door to throw up in the snow bank, but I don't make it and upchuck all over the floor. All I remember was a heroic amount of puke cascading in waves right up to the door's edge. I had oatmeal that morning and some of the raisins were still intact.
[Dec 7,2006 3:57pm - succubus ""]
convinced by a friend, snuck into a nuns sleeping chamber (not sure if anyone knows but people are not allowed to see where a nun sleeps)..anyhow..we snuck in, just because and looked at her stuff. Everything was plain and white.
my mom being brough to the hospital and me being terrified that she was going to die...later going to visit her with my dad...then my dad being given 6 months to live and then he was ok (well i still lost him too soon but that was 1997 and i wasn't a kid).
being 8 and having my family talk about how developed i was (boobs)
seeing me neighbor eat poop out of her diaper and her yelling out "Chocolate!!" and me being scared. i have more but i've got too much work to do..
[Dec 7,2006 3:57pm - pam ""]
I think I'm the only kid on Earth that never puked in school.
[Dec 7,2006 4:10pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I threw up in school TWICE in first grade alone.
[Dec 7,2006 4:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
When I was in Kindergarden, I shit my pants on the bus. I did everything I could to hold it, but it just flew out. I think I remember some kid saying "What's that smell?" but I successfully hid it from my classmates and shuffled off the bus to Mommy, who then had a very gross laundry to do.
[Dec 7,2006 4:22pm - dreadkill ""]
succubus said:
seeing me neighbor eat poop out of her diaper and her yelling out "Chocolate!!" and me being scared. i have more but i've got too much work to do..

that rules
[Dec 7,2006 5:19pm - eddie ""]
i used to throw up to get out of class like everyother day from K-2nd grade. And because of that i can throw up on command, and use my stoamch to hold air so i can hold my breath longer under water, Which used to freak out the life guards at the canton pool.
[Dec 7,2006 5:31pm - dreadkill ""]
that's an interesting superpower.
[Dec 7,2006 5:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
in pre-school, there was a kid who wore a superman costume every day. and when i say every day, i mean every single goddamn fucking day. i think he owned multiple costumes. there was also a kid named damien who was the devil. every time i had something cool, he had to try stealing it, breaking it, or throwing it over the fence and into the street. i had a woody woodpecker ring that was kind of a whistle--the ones that have the little fan things in them and make a "zzzoooommm" type sound. he took it right off my hand and threw it in the street, so i pushed him down the slide and made him eat dirt. i also got into a 2 hour argument with a kid on the correct way to cover your mouth when you sneezed. it resulted in the destruction of another kid's month-long construction of a lego mansion. he probably still hates me to this day.

when i was 3 i had a baby sister born with a fat lip, so she looked elvis. she only lived for 2 weeks, and sometimes i completely forget that i even had another sister since i was only 3.

i'm pretty sure i caught my babysitter and her boyfriend doing something sexual in my basement when i was like 7, but i just laughed and thought that there were having a tickle fight, hahaha

i once poured orange cranberry twister into my kix cereal without realizing it, and made that same babysitter eat it because i threatened to tell my mom about the "late night tickle fight" that ensued just a few days earlier.

i found a dead seal with a huge hole in its head, but it wasn't near a beach.

a kid that i hated in elementary school, but thought that i was his best friend, once dumped orange juice on my pants at recess and started telling everyone i peed my pants. 2 days later, i forgot my math homework so i had to stay inside for recess. right before class started again, i see this kid run like a bat out of hell into the room and said "mark, don't tell anybody, but i peed my pants at recess!" he was wearing bright blue corduroy pants that were nothing but dark blue in the middle, so it was easy to see. but anyway, i told him i wouldn't and when the entire class got in i stood up, kicked the kid's chair out from under him and yelled "look, victor peed his pants!!!!" even the teacher laughed. some kids threw books at him.

the same kid threw a large, hard rubber bart simpson doll at my head during math class that weighed at least 5 pounds. so i threw it back at him, threw a desk at him, pushed him over a chair and beat him about the head with a hardcover math book. i didn't get in trouble, but he got detention for a week.

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