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Demolition Hammer

[Dec 8,2006 11:42am - metalguy ""]
Demolition Hammer.. Anyone ever hear of them.

I heard my buddies tape and it was absolutely crushing all the way through.. I have looked through torrent sites for the mp3's but I can't find any.. Does anyone have some shit they can send me?!
[Dec 8,2006 11:51am - anonymous  ""]
they have some good stuff...their early shit.
just avoid "timebomb"....that album isn't as good as their other material
[Dec 8,2006 11:56am - anthony ""]
Whoa... I just listened to Tortured Existence on my way to work this morning. If you want me to burn you CDs dudeguy I have Tortured Existence and Epidemic of Violence.. and a downloaded copy of the demo, I could throw that on one of them too.
[Dec 8,2006 12:09pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
They were a fun band, honestly even better live than on CD. When the guy would growl "this song is called Neanderthal" there was quite a mosh on.
[Dec 8,2006 12:11pm - metalguy ""]
I am actually only interested in a couple Mp3's... Because I bought Epidemic of Violence and it is on the way to my house.
Songs in particular I would like to hear would be Skull Fracturing Nightmare, Human Dissection and Aborticide.
Get in contact with me bassbasher456 on AIM
Email: metalguy_2@hotmail.com
[Dec 8,2006 12:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
.44 Caliber Brain Surgery!!!
[Dec 8,2006 12:20pm - metalguy ""]
It upsets me that they never reissued their cd's. I am think I am going to cry now!
[Dec 8,2006 12:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I heard something about Century Media reissuing those and ASPHYX.
[Dec 8,2006 12:29pm - metalguy ""]
I just checked the Century Media website.. They didn't show any recognition that the band ever existed.
[Dec 8,2006 12:50pm - nickyhelliot ""]
They were on century media.

44 caliber brain surgery is real good.
[Dec 8,2006 1:50pm - anthony ""]
metalguy said:I am actually only interested in a couple Mp3's... Because I bought Epidemic of Violence and it is on the way to my house.
Songs in particular I would like to hear would be Skull Fracturing Nightmare, Human Dissection and Aborticide.
Get in contact with me bassbasher456 on AIM
Email: metalguy_2@hotmail.com

I will email you those mp3s sometime this weekend. As well as .44 Caliber Brain Surgery, that shit is essential.
[Dec 8,2006 2:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have the first 2 DH CDs autographed from when I saw them at Club Babyhead with CANCER and DEICIDE in October 1992. [/bragging]
[Dec 8,2006 2:47pm - Old School  ""]
yup, awesome thrash band from the early 90's. I saw them play a few shows in Farmington, CT back in 1991/1992. They were really popular locally and I will always remember their diverse fan base. thrash heads, skaters, skinheads, hardcore kids, long hairs, doc martin skins, etc.

Remember, listen to Carnivorous Obsession. The pit that exploded at the sound of that first riff was the most violent bloddy pit i have ever seen. THe most diverse with all of the above in the pit. There was another song off Tortured called "Gelid Remains" that got a huge circle pit going. No kung-fu shit back in those days, REAL MOSHING, hahahahaha.

the bassist/vox guy has a myspace page, you can ask him about the good ol days
[Dec 8,2006 2:51pm - Old School  ""]
metalguy said:Demolition Hammer.. Anyone ever hear of them.

I heard my buddies tape and it was absolutely crushing all the way through.. I have looked through torrent sites for the mp3's but I can't find any.. Does anyone have some shit they can send me?!

i had them on tapes back in the day but lost them...

i "re got" them on Limewire. Had demo material and all 3 albums. PLEASE do not bother w/Time Bomb. It blew up. :krusty:
[Dec 8,2006 2:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
wow, that's a name I haven't heard in some time!

My old band played the beach with them one year in the early 90's

they were great!
[Dec 8,2006 3:13pm - Old School  ""]
now did the drummer die of a heart attack?
[Dec 8,2006 4:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
R.I.P. Vinny Daze
[Dec 8,2006 9:32pm - nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I have the first 2 DH CDs autographed from when I saw them at Club Babyhead with CANCER and DEICIDE in October 1992. [/bragging]

Yeah,I fucking missed this show,I couldn't get a ride from Boston to RI...
[Dec 8,2006 9:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
There needs to be more bands like that now.
[Dec 8,2006 9:38pm - demondave ""]
They recorded their second LP in Rhode Island. I was doing a radio show with Brian Paskin at the time on WRIU. Steve, the lead singer/bassist and a girl that was a rep for Century Media came by and hung out during the show. I remember they had a contest for people to call in with ideas for a song about cannibalism. They ended up going with Carnivorous Obsession. But I can't remember if that was from a caller or if they came up with that one.

I love the song Skull Fracturing Nightmare to this day.
[Dec 8,2006 9:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Brian Bloodaxe and Sonic Fury!
[Dec 10,2006 2:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got a CM Distro update today, this was mentioned:

Coming in 2007:
Demolition Hammer - Discography

[Dec 10,2006 2:32pm - metalguy ""]
[Dec 10,2006 3:10pm - Kevord ""]
Itunes has tortured existence for $9 if you want to download it.
[Dec 10,2006 4:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Downloading is gayer than THROWING SHRAPNEL.
[Dec 11,2006 9:17am - Old School  ""]
Kevord said:Itunes has tortured existence for $9 if you want to download it.

wow that's great. they don't have skull? CM needs to reissue these two albums now! :doublehorns:
[Dec 11,2006 8:16pm - metalguy ""]
I just got Epidemic of Violence in the mail from amazon. It looks as though I got a copy that was made for sale in Russia.. Has Russian all over the back where copyright's are.

This is probably the single most rewarding cd purchase on the internet I have ever made.
[Dec 12,2006 12:16am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I just noticed 2 typo's on the Tortured Existence CD, the CD face says "Tortured Experience" and the spine is spelled "Existance" with an A, but the cover isn't.
[Dec 12,2006 12:17am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Also, there are 2 versions, 1990 and 1991.
[Dec 12,2006 10:36pm - pyroclastic annihilation  ""]
found 'epidemic of violence' on CD at newbury comics used for $1.99 a few years back. best blind pick i ever made.
[Dec 13,2006 3:32am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Awesome band!!!!! We played with them twice in 1991 and 1992........
[Dec 13,2006 11:46am - anonymous  ""]
i'm shocked iTunes has Tourtured! awesome! I hope they put up Epidemic soon!!!! That was an awesome time for thrash. 1988-1992. those were the good ol days.
[Apr 19,2007 8:04pm - Archaeon ""]
Old School said:now did the drummer die of a heart attack?

Globefish poisoning

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