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My new band...

[Dec 8,2006 11:55am - SinisterMinister ""]

Check it out. If you like it, cool.
If not, go get a donkey and live off in the mountains, stop bothering people.
[Dec 8,2006 11:58am - anthony ""]
fRIendED U!!! mYtHPATHE roooooOOOOLZz

I'll check it out at some point this weekend. Griffcore.
[Dec 8,2006 11:59am - anthony ""]
Wait we were already friends.
[Dec 8,2006 12:00pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
anyone who samples Dirty Work is OK in my book.

Whatchu talkin' bout, Satan?
[Dec 8,2006 12:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i just number 2ed myself...brutally
[Dec 8,2006 12:13pm - SinisterMinister ""]
anthony said:Wait we were already friends.

Let us hold hands and frolick through a meadow, friend.

[Dec 8,2006 12:44pm - largefreakatzero ""]
SinisterMinister said:http://myspace.com/brutalnumber2

Check it out. If you like it, cool.
If not, go get a donkey and live off in the mountains, stop bothering people.

Baskin Robbins called. They said you ate them down to only 5 flavors. Hello ice cream, how you doing in there, running around?

Don Rickles rules.
[Dec 8,2006 1:08pm - SinisterMinister ""]
[Dec 8,2006 1:56pm - xanonymousx ""]
sick or should i say :doublehorns: br00tal :doublehorns:
[Dec 8,2006 1:58pm - xanonymousx ""]
if you are not listening closely enough it almost sounds like 'chiodo' is said in this song.
[Dec 8,2006 4:00pm - blue ""]
that shits awesome.
[Dec 8,2006 4:33pm - NoneSoMoustache  ""]
New logo by Evan Duplessis of Sexcrement.

[Dec 8,2006 6:01pm - retzam ""]
I definitely dig this song. Good job guys.
[Dec 9,2006 9:31am - NoneSoMoustache  ""]
We're actuall trying to get some shows under our belt. So if you need an opener, or you just plain want us to play, please book us.
[Dec 9,2006 2:08pm - SinisterMinister ""]
[Dec 9,2006 2:20pm - homicidal maniac  ""]
totally groundbreaking...never heard anything like it before...!
[Dec 9,2006 2:23pm - SinisterMinister ""]
[Dec 10,2006 10:16am - anonymous  ""]
buena mierda

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