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stolen/missing packages

[Dec 12,2006 9:56pm - succubus ""]
man i'm pissed

i'm home alone and figured I'd take out the gifts i got for aaron and start wrapping..in doing so i realized that certain things are missing...i check the status online and it says ups delivered the box and left it at the front door....the value is about $90 why the eff leave it at the front door?

has anyone ever ordered something and then the package went missing? UPS told me to call the company i ordered from and make them do a trace. since they're closed i emailed them and i will call them in the morning...but if ups left the package what is a trace going to do?

what if they think I'm lying? why the eff don't you make people SIGN for items $50 and over...grr
[Dec 12,2006 10:15pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
sometimes they take them back and dont tell you.
[Dec 12,2006 10:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, I am going through the same shit with UPS.

They delivered to the wrong place though, not even my house!
[Dec 12,2006 10:21pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
i think every package is insured up to $100. that might be the USPS though.
[Dec 12,2006 10:24pm - succubus ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Yeah, I am going through the same shit with UPS.

They delivered to the wrong place though, not even my house!

i'm thinking that's what they did because it says delivered DOVER NH

bastards..let me know how it goes

[Dec 12,2006 10:26pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Whenever I have anything delivered UPS, I make sure it goes to my work where I'll be. If I have it delivered to my house they'll leave hundreds of dollars worth of shit on my doorstep all day until I get home. They've even thrown computer equipment in my bushes before.
[Dec 12,2006 10:32pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
I work for UPS actually, and every package is automatically insured for up to $200. You can purchase additional insurance for $1 for every $100. I know in my division we take stolen packages very seriously and will do everything to get it back to the customer or provide a full refund.

Where do you live? I could try to put some pressure on their business manager and get the ball rolling for you.

[Dec 12,2006 10:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Newport, Rhode Island.
[Dec 12,2006 10:41pm - succubus ""]
I live in Portsmouth, NH
I just calle UPS again and the woman repeated my address and then said that the shipper forgot to put our unit number, but somehow she still knew the unit number. she said it was the shipper's mistake and told me to call them. Then I told her that i noticed online it had the time and delivery date and said: Dover NH...so i asked if it could have gone to the wrong place and she said that she saw what i was talking about but it had my address and zip code.
this sux!
[Dec 12,2006 10:43pm - succubus ""]
Type: Package
Status: Delivered
Delivered on: 12/07/2006 11:19 A.M.
Location: FRONT DOOR
Delivered to: PORTSMOUTH, NH, US
Shipped or Billed on: 12/05/2006
Service Type: GROUND
Weight: 2.40 Lbs

Package Progress
Location Date Local Time Description
NH, US 12/07/2006 11:19 A.M. DELIVERY

[Dec 12,2006 10:47pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
Dover is the shipping facility that the package was routed to. If you live in an apartment complex you could try asking around to see if anyone picked it up "accidentally". I'll call Dover and tell them you are a high value client, and that they should get on this.

Do you have a tracking number? It should start with '1Z'.
[Dec 12,2006 10:52pm - succubus ""]
the rev and i live in a condo with 5 units total. I sent everyone an email just in case and didn't get a reply from anyone. i'd tell you what it is but then aaron might see and it's part of his gifts.
1Z 0X1 18A 03 8361 919 7
that's the tracking number
i don't want to get you in trouble or be a pain to you though

[Dec 12,2006 10:57pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
ok, thats all i need, thanks!
[Dec 12,2006 11:11pm - the_reverend ""]
carina's package is nice and tight. I can totally tell why people want to steal that shit. I steal pokes and sniffs all the time.
[Dec 13,2006 10:44am - Yeti ""]
yeah i just got fucking ripped off too. i want my damn action figures.
[Dec 13,2006 10:58am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
drew, you need to tell all ups's to shape up! haha, just kiddin.

i sent a stereo in the mail a few weeks ago via UPS with as much padding as possible, but i knew something would go wrong. sure enough, one of the speakers broke so i called the store about getting it refunded or a new speaker ordered. they said they needed to talk to the recipient, so i gave them the number and they said they'd call her within 10 minutes. i talked to the recipient an hour later and nothing. they still haven't called her and it's been 2 weeks, but both of us have called them repeatedly and are getting nowhere.
[Dec 13,2006 11:00am - succubus ""]
DrewBlood...you work fast...the UPS guy delivered my new laptop this morning and asked aaron about my missing package...he already knew about it!!! I did call the store where I bought from and man were they EVER busy...she said they'd file a trace and did notice that they didn't include the unit number but it shouldn't have made a difference. Anyhow, she said that she doubted I'd get it in time for Xmas unless UPS finds it right away and redelivers it.

If it's truly lost I doubt I'll be able to find what i ordered easily.

[Dec 13,2006 11:11am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, drew rules.. the dude at the door asked me about it. All of the UPS dudes that I've ever had deliver my packages were totally cool. granted, fedex are pretty good too.
now DHL.. that's another thing.. unless you like your packages in snowbanks.
[Dec 13,2006 11:48am - DrewBlood ""]
Awesome! I'm glad to hear that it got worked out ...mostly.
[Dec 13,2006 12:43pm - succubus ""]
thanks again for prioritizing it!
I REALLY hope they find it!!
[Dec 13,2006 12:58pm - pam ""]
I've never had one stolen, but I'm totally paranoid about it happening.
[Dec 13,2006 2:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Drew, here's mine if you can help...


I live at 28 Tilley Ave, not 1 Bayside Ave!
[Dec 13,2006 5:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Dec 13,2006 5:23pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
Aight, let me see where its at
[Dec 13,2006 5:28pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
Ok, with that number the package looks like it was delivered back in October on the 5th. The first attempt was on the 4th, and the problem was because the address was a PO box, which we can't deliver to. Only the postal service is allowed in those. This was all in Newport, RI.

Does this sound about right to you?

[Dec 13,2006 5:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I told UPS and the place the shipped it that it was sent to the wrong place.
[Dec 13,2006 5:48pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
Ok, if you haven't gotten it yet then you can file for a claim by calling 1-800-PICKUPS. It'll take a little while on the phone, so make sure you aren't too busy.
[Dec 13,2006 6:02pm - pam ""]
Drew to the rescue.
[Dec 13,2006 6:12pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
pam said:Drew to the rescue.

All in day's work, ma'am.

[Dec 13,2006 6:16pm - pam ""]
[Dec 13,2006 6:17pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 14,2006 11:26am - carina @ work  ""]
the status still hasn't changed online but i'm crossing my fingers!
[Dec 18,2006 11:45am - carina @ work  ""]
John...any updates for you?
Still nothing for me
[Dec 18,2006 12:19pm - xmikex ""]
I wish I could get a package company to actually leave something at my front door. Twice I've had to chase my packages down through both UPS, and Fedex. One package was a $20 bike rack, and another was a $10 iPod armband deal for my mom. After a week of Fedex leaving notes on my door I finally had to drive to Randolph (on my way to my mom's house ON her birthday) to pick up the package myself from their facilitiy, totally negating the whole purpose of ordering it in the first place.

UPS never so much as left a note. I realized the package was taking forever so I went online and tracked it. I had to find out from a website that they had already tried 3 or 4 times to deliver it. Finally after a week or two of this I saw a UPS truck sitting outside a store on the bus ride home from work. I got off the bus about 10 blocks from my house, sat and waited about 15 minutes before the driver came out. I told him the deal. He found my package and said that the reason they didn't deliver it was because they were doing construction on one end of my street (oh no) and if it had been only a few days later they would have just ended up sending the package back. Thanks.
[Dec 18,2006 12:34pm - Yeti ""]
Yeti said:yeah i just got fucking ripped off too. i want my damn action figures.

wooooo! they came in
[Dec 18,2006 2:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
carina @ work said:John...any updates for you?
Still nothing for me

Nope, nothing yet here either.
[Dec 20,2006 2:46am - joejoe317  ""]
I had the same thing happen to me with ups. I bought 2 phones from sprint and they were supposed to be delivered the 13th and 14th. Well its the 19th and it says they were delivered to my door step, no sig... But i didnt get my packages. I live in maricopa az, so if someone can help me my tracking numbers are 1z3x138a1301248627 and 1z3x138a1301303996. thanks
[Dec 20,2006 2:47am - joejoe317  ""]
i ordered the phones and talked to sprint and they told me to talk to ups and then ups told me they had to talk to sprint to start a trace, but then sprint told me they couldnt talk to ups!!!! ARGHH I just want my phones for xmas, doesnt look like that will be happening.
[Dec 20,2006 3:20am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I had to ship George Torres' snare drum & sticks to him after the death house party. I put the sticks inside the snare bag & boxed it up. When George got it, the sticks were gone. They actually opened the box, took the sticks & taped it back up.
[Dec 20,2006 3:30am - deadlikemurf ""]
drew should fill out an overtime slip for this thread.
[Dec 20,2006 7:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 20,2006 8:53am - carina @ work  ""]
just keep calling them...

i just called to see what was up and UPS told me no one initiated a trace....WTF???!!! The store is a large popular store and i'm pissed off because i called them already to do this. merry christmas my ass
[Dec 20,2006 9:59am - carina @ work  ""]
so i called the company back and they told me that they DID request a trace from UPS!!! damn UPS!
Anyhow, the woman placed another order for me and is overnighting it so i get it for Xmas...i'm just a little worried because as i previosuly mentioned one of the items...well i didn't think i'd be able to get and she assured me she had another one...and it was the exact same thing.

She said the shipping was free so i only paid for the stuff and then once the claim gets filed by UPS I'll get my money back for the original order i placed.
I had to pay for the 2 items again...but if i'm getting the original order eventually credited..then it's all good.

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