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Anyone use last.fm?

[Dec 15,2006 6:37pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
fucking amazing site and software. It is mostly a place to hear new bands, but in addition it reads whatever you play and posts it on your profile page, keeps track of what bands you listened to and such, and then if you go to bands pages on the site it lists top listened tracks and such, recommends similar bands.

right now, I've heard three new, awesome, folk/viking metal bands in the last hour.

my user name is Gjallraven if anyone wants to add me to friends on there.

we should make an rttp group on there too, I would but I don't have the right too, I haven't been on this board long enough to take the liberty to make make us a colony there, nor the time to make and manage it.

[Dec 15,2006 6:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I've seen it for years, but never understood it. if you seach for an obscure track of an obscure band, google comes up with last.fm a lot.
[Dec 15,2006 7:03pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
yeah this site has pretty much everything, and it is hard to use, I don't know exaclty how the radio works, but it just searchs for bands similar to bands you click on, and sometimes it will play the band you chose, I'm sure there is a way around this.

it's fun though, they play lots of stuff I like, just based off of three bands I typed in.
[Dec 15,2006 7:17pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
yep i have it...i like it a lot
[Dec 15,2006 7:35pm - Kevord ""]
I use it and like it alot. The bands they recommend are usually obvious bands that most people alreay know. But they give you 50 people with similar musical taste each week and I've discovered new bands that way.
[Dec 15,2006 7:51pm - W3 nli  ""]
i did, i enjoy it but i havent used it in a while now
[Dec 15,2006 8:32pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
so is there a way to listen to bands by searching for them on the radio, or do you have to pay for that kind of feature?
[Dec 15,2006 8:35pm - Kevord ""]
I think the radio just plays music that is similar to you interest's.
[Dec 15,2006 9:16pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
i just use to track what i listen to....its kind of interesting to see it all in one huge list
[Dec 16,2006 12:26am - cavnli  ""]
all i know is they have shit from my band on there and none of us posted it.
[Dec 16,2006 12:29am - brian_dc nli  ""]
cavnli said:all i know is they have shit from my band on there and none of us posted it.

I can vouch for that. That is LITERALLY the only nugget of knowledge that David Cavalieri of Bristol, RI holds in his brain.
[Dec 16,2006 12:37am - nickyhelliot ""]
[Dec 16,2006 12:38am - nickyhelliot ""]
No.1 is glass casket, and for some reason it doesn't show up.
[Dec 16,2006 9:00am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I use it, I've got a forum there and stuff.
[Dec 16,2006 9:53am - Lamp ""]
[Dec 16,2006 10:51am - xanonymousx ""]
just signed up
this shit is sick
[Dec 16,2006 10:58am - xanonymousx ""]
the quality of the audio is great.
[Dec 18,2006 3:18pm - xanonymousx ""]
is there a way to listen to one band or is this just the pandora.com fm radio station deal? i still haven't figured it out.

is there a way to sync all you ipod info onto the site as well?
[Dec 18,2006 3:22pm - Granny_Monster ""]
xanonymousx said:is there a way to listen to one band or is this just the pandora.com fm radio station deal? i still haven't figured it out.

is there a way to sync all you ipod info onto the site as well?

There's a way to sync iTunes up to it so it lists what you've listened to from there... not sure if that's what you meant.

For whatever reason, mine doesn't sync up to iTunes on my computer, so I hardly ever go on it anymore. But my Last.fm profile is linked on my RTTP profile, anyway. Hopefully it'll work when I get a new computer.
[Dec 18,2006 3:42pm - xanonymousx ""]
yeah that did help.
[Dec 18,2006 4:05pm - Lamp ""]
I have a plugin for Winamp that records what I listen to on there.
[Dec 18,2006 4:22pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
my radio on there stopped working, !!!! does it expire , was it trial subscription or something?
[Dec 20,2006 12:48am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Oh man, a song by cradle of filth came up, and it had a tag "music to scare your mommy with"
[Dec 3,2009 7:57am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I restarted this thing, using it that is. And rediscovered, and discovered so many amazing bands.

I really wish they would add more tracks to bands though, like maybe two tracks from every album they have.

but either way, I am still gjallraven so add this nigga

funny to see I started this post in 2006 with my old name on here.

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