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movies lately?

[Dec 19,2006 12:35pm - carina @ work  ""]
aaron and i have gone to see a few movies lately and haven't made any threads...nicest of all is that they've been mostly free
woo hoo

Pursuit of Happyness
Deja Vu

and we have passes/tickets for charlotte's web and night at the museum

i know we made a thread about the departed and can't remember if there were movies after that...brain cramp
[Dec 19,2006 12:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
were they any good?
[Dec 29,2006 1:46pm - succubus ""]
yeah they were ok...yikes i only saw that someone replied now...lol

we saw charlotte's web and sunday we're seeing night at the museum
free movies=good!
[Dec 29,2006 1:51pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
carina @ work said:and we have passes/tickets for charlotte's web

Is it true that Dakota Fanning has a nude scene in this movie? If so, I'll go with you guys.
[Dec 29,2006 1:59pm - succubus ""]
no that's for another movie silly!
[Dec 29,2006 2:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I saw good older movie the other day on one of the cable movie channels called Freeway. it was basically new take on the The Little Red Riding Hood tale only with drugs, violence, and prostitution. Very awesome and very disturbing.

Stars Keifer Sutherland and a teenage Reese Witherspoon.
[Dec 29,2006 6:37pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:I saw good older movie the other day on one of the cable movie channels called Freeway. it was basically new take on the The Little Red Riding Hood tale only with drugs, violence, and prostitution. Very awesome and very disturbing.

Stars Keifer Sutherland and a teenage Reese Witherspoon.

Does Dakota Fanning get naked in it?
[Dec 29,2006 7:03pm - all_ur_base_r_belong_to_us ""]
lol... thats DISTURBING.. Dakota Fanning naked....... 8-l

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