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Protest the Hero: Good or Gay?

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[Dec 19,2006 4:59pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

I heard one song by these guys on the music station. I dug it. Sounded like newer Between The Buried and Me, but with high pitched singy vocals. The song was pretty intense, the guitar riffs were really good, and the harmonies on the vocals I recalled were pretty awesome and added a lot.

So I bought the CD.

Now I find, especially after reading the "lyrics", that it's the predominant faggotry of this very same impressive vocalist that is turning me off. The vocals are pretty cool, still, in some places. Especially the harmonies. But man, the pretentious and STUPID shit the kid does in some places ("Drop the gun, Drop the gun, Drop the gun" etc...) is so queer I wanna just whack the stop button.

So I was wondering if anyone else listens to these guys, and what their impression is.

[Dec 19,2006 5:03pm - pam ""]
Their name leads me to believe I will hate them, but since I haven't heard them I voted for MSD.
[Dec 19,2006 5:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I heard a couple of songs on Sirius. If I'm remembering the progression correctly: started off interesting, then GAAAAAAYYYYYY. Like you said some good riffs ruined by a faggot on vocals and further ruined by stupid metalcore breakdowns.

And I also voted for MSD.
[Dec 19,2006 5:13pm - RichHorror ""]
The votes thus far make me pleased.
[Dec 19,2006 5:26pm - brian_dc ""]
I think it's overall good stuff. But there is a lot of gay bringing that turns me off a bit.
[Dec 19,2006 6:08pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
wow, those poll results are amazing.
[Dec 19,2006 6:12pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
This band is a running joke between me and my friends. Basically anytime a band is ruined by the vocals we say that they are 'Protesting the Hero'.
[Dec 19,2006 6:43pm - Murph nli  ""]
I in fact, am turned on to the band by the GAY.

The reason why? Because it's not DREAM THEATER-type GAY.

It's intelligent, varied, techinical, lyrically-sound, and the kid's voice does it for me.

Then again, I love Thursday, don't mind me some Dashboard Confessional, and one of my favorite bands behind Maiden and Death is Coheed and Cambria.

And I just became the JOHN WALKER of this board.
[Dec 19,2006 6:56pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
Yeah, Dream Theater protests the hero big time.
[Dec 19,2006 7:37pm - xanonymousx ""]
its ok....

it has a good mix of different elements
[Dec 19,2006 7:55pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Dream Theater is gay how? *shrug*
[Dec 19,2006 8:56pm - Murph nli  ""]
dream theater is gay because James LaBrie is the most needlessly operatic and indecipherable vocalist I've ever tried to like, and they just really mire themselves in some really queer meoldies and pieces sometimes. That continue on for a long time. For me, Dream Theater is the balls from Awake and back
[Dec 19,2006 11:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Horrible band.
[Dec 20,2006 3:35am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I bought Protest The Hero's album a while back. I find them original in some parts but I would have to agree the vocals can be a bit much after a while.
[Dec 20,2006 7:53am - the_reverend ""]
it's like BTBAM meet judas priest.
I think that's the parts that I like the most.
See BTBAM listened to way too much rhapsody before making the last CD... put this is if they listened to way too much judas priest. the best part of the vocals is when the singer does halford junk.

I think there are tons of really gay parts though... I'd say they are enjoyable for one song, but not much more tan that.
[Dec 20,2006 9:05am - SteveOTB nli  ""]
Personally I love it. I bought the album a while back after hearing Heretics & Killers on Headbanger's Ball and was impressed by how different sounding it was. Yeah the vocals are a little hard to get past at first but if you sit there and just listen to the whole album you'd be surprised by the technicality of it. Personally to me there isn't many breakdowns in that album at all if anything the riffs have more of a thrash element, mixing emo vocals (yeah I know emo is gay we've heard it all before), off timed parts, and lyrics I find to be pretty poetic. I think Kezia is a pretty solid album.
[Dec 20,2006 9:05am - SteveOTB nli  ""]
Personally I love it. I bought the album a while back after hearing Heretics & Killers on Headbanger's Ball and was impressed by how different sounding it was. Yeah the vocals are a little hard to get past at first but if you sit there and just listen to the whole album you'd be surprised by the technicality of it. Personally to me there isn't many breakdowns in that album at all if anything the riffs have more of a thrash element, mixing emo vocals (yeah I know emo is gay we've heard it all before), off timed parts, and lyrics I find to be pretty poetic. I think Kezia is a pretty solid album.
[Dec 20,2006 9:06am - SteveOTB nli  ""]
Dammit double post because my internet connection was being gay, sorry.
[Dec 20,2006 10:22am - Lamp ""]
[Dec 20,2006 10:28am - SellOUTd0od ""]
They have a few songs that arn't too bad... I can't stand listening to them for more than a few minutes.. Maybe it's an aquired taste?
[Dec 20,2006 10:59am - cav ""]
i really enjoy their music and the vocals. i think all around they are a breath of fresh air in the metal scene, although no "real metal kids" like em, proved when they almost got booed off stage at the trivium show even though the band before them celladoor got an amazing response and could barely pull off their guitar parts. oh well. thats what happens when you dont look metal at a metal show.
[Dec 20,2006 11:07am - SellOUTd0od ""]
It's your own fault for playing with a band like Trivium and exposing yourself to the type of fagtard fans that follow them.. The guitar player from trivium reminds me of one of those kids you see in guitar center all the time playing the typical Kirk Hammet tapping solo and then pausing/looking around to see who's watching them..
[Dec 20,2006 11:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have no idea what they look like, I just think the band is awful.

And Trivium is even worse.
[Oct 4,2010 2:21pm - Berber1726  ""]
this band is the best and most technical band around today.
[Oct 4,2010 2:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

DrinkHardThrashHard said:Horrible band.
[Oct 4,2010 2:37pm - arktouros ""]
I heard Kezia years ago - nauseating vocals and lyrics, with interesting music and riffs. Next.
[Oct 4,2010 4:01pm - ArrowHead nli on phone  ""]
I've been told there is an instrumental version of FORTRESS available. I wonder if they could do the same for kezia? I heard the new album is even MORE over-the-top, so let's hope for an instrumental version of that one too.

Singer sucks balls.
[Oct 4,2010 4:26pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
faggot shit

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