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Lambgoat Records signs UNHOLY

[Dec 20,2006 10:22am - Lacrymist  ""]
“Lambgoat Records has officially signed Syracuse, NY metal/hardcore outfit Unholy. The band features former members of such groups as The Promise, Another Victim, Godbelow, The Path Of Resistance, and Santa Sangre.
Having released an EP earlier this year with Closed Casket Activities, Unholy will enter New York’s Moresound Studios in January with Jocko Randall (Ed Gein, From A Second Story Window) to record their debut full-length. The effort should surface spring-2007.”

Check out Unholy on Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/unholy

Also, check out this thread on our forum where we discuss this news:
[Dec 20,2006 10:23am - Lamp ""]
In other news, Unholy Grave came back here from Japan to have a musical showdown with these guys and wiped the floor with them.
[Dec 20,2006 3:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I knew this couldn't be about the real UNHOLY from Finland.
[Dec 20,2006 5:30pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
So this has nothing to do with the Finnish doom Unholy. Damnit Dwyer beat me to it.
[Dec 20,2006 7:29pm - watchmaker666 ""]
Lambgoat has a record label ech!
[Dec 20,2006 8:18pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
in the words of the lambgoat forums


no care evar
[Dec 20,2006 10:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
i didn't know that lambgoat had a record label

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