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Kill All the White People #1828272728

[Dec 22,2006 7:20am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

I don't know if anyone has posted this before, but I found it shocking.

NSFW but saying that on RTTP is redundant anyway.
[Dec 22,2006 7:33am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that was posted a bunch around the time of the new orleans thing.
[Dec 22,2006 7:45am - Anthony nli  ""]
Wow what a sickening way to start my day.

I fucking hate lowlifes of all races... when people commit random violent crimes like that the punishment should be instant death by a bullet to the face. You're on a security camera shooting a liquor store clerk for $50? You're fucking dead. Too fucking bad. Shouldn't have acted like a piece of shit.

Then shit like this would stop happening. Human = shit
[Dec 22,2006 8:02am - Messerschmitt ""]
fucking scumface nigger. i saw this guy speak on tv right after katrina.
[Dec 22,2006 8:05am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yeah, I mean I realize you could make the same video with white guys killing and doing crimes.

I just thought that how they interspersed these clips with the hate speech was what made it so effective.

I agree with Anthony. The guy who knifed the broad like 20 times in the Grocery Store, on video? Dead.

The guy who shot the clerk? Dead.

Guy who beat first old lady? Dead.

Guy who just pushed old lady as he ran by? Community service, with old people.
[Dec 22,2006 8:10am - Messerschmitt ""]
thanks dude! i can't even concentrate on work now!
i want to kill everyone. i think that one clip of the nigg nogg punching the old lady with the shopping cart in the face was in boston somewhere.
[Dec 22,2006 8:12am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Was it? Shit.

My bad man.
[Dec 22,2006 8:25am - Messerschmitt ""]
but it's ok right? it's ok for this fucking nigger fuck monkey doo dah to sit on NATIONAL TV and talk this shit?
no one will ever convince me with the "reverse role" theory. NEVER.
this shit would never fly if it was a white dude on tv saying the same type of shit. it's all bullshit.
i wish it was 50 years ago because...
we'd have them upside down with a fucking pitchfork up their ass
[Dec 22,2006 9:11am - horror_tang NLI  ""]
Wow, I didn't know black folks watched C-SPAN. Apparently so if they're killing off all of the white people.
[Dec 22,2006 9:13am - Messerschmitt ""]
i know, it's obviously put together by some group but still
[Dec 22,2006 9:55am - SteveOTB nli  ""]
Watching some of that shit made me realize how heartless people can be. I mean jesus shooting a cleark & cop in the head for no reason. The old lady one made me pretty sick because she's so defenseless. A lot of these people didn't deserve that shit at all.
[Dec 22,2006 11:29am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hell even the chicano dude in the car at the end. Wtf did he do wrong? He was sitting there in his car in a legal parking spot and the meathead just starts attacking him.

I still think the worst part is the lady getting stabbed to death in the convenience store. That was just awful.
[Dec 22,2006 12:15pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
i woulda backed my car up then plowed it into that whole crowd of people if he wanted to punch me like that then i woulda backed up and done it again and again screaming "is that backed up enough for ya?"
[Dec 22,2006 2:33pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Isn't perpetuating hate with more hate awesome?
[Dec 22,2006 2:35pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Proof that most Africans can't break free of their steroetypes, it's unfortunate for the good ones who end up getting the bad rap.
[Dec 22,2006 3:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
SinisterMinister said:Isn't perpetuating hate with more hate awesome?

Hey, I just thought the video was crazy.
[Dec 22,2006 3:35pm - nickyhelliot ""]

I'd roll my window up with his arms in the car and drive close to a wall at about 75.
[Dec 22,2006 3:38pm - Messerschmitt ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:SinisterMinister said:Isn't perpetuating hate with more hate awesome?

Hey, I just thought the video was crazy.

yeah... you can blame that on me SM.
[Dec 22,2006 3:43pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 22,2006 4:34pm - INFECT ""]
i thought the guy beating up the cop in front of his daughter was pretty awesome
[Dec 22,2006 7:39pm - Lamp ""]
Dude! The guy getting sucker punched on the street was in Providence, I remember that news story! About 5:30 in.

That video is kind of aggrivating though, it's pretty much racist propaganda. People of every race commit crimes, whoever edited this footage together was just trying to make all black people look like criminals.
[Dec 22,2006 7:54pm - Anthony ""]
Yeah it's definitely racist propaganda, but the point is clear. HUMAN BEINGS ARE SHIT

[Dec 22,2006 7:54pm - Anthony ""]
very few people in the world prove that statement wrong
[Dec 22,2006 8:13pm - INFECT ""]
couldnt have said it better myself anthony,
fat suburban white guys in SUV's make me wanna puke just as much as those wannabe gangstas
everybody stop breeding
[Dec 22,2006 8:51pm - horror_tang NLI  ""]
SteveOTB nli said:Watching some of that shit made me realize how heartless people can be. I mean jesus shooting a cleark & cop in the head for no reason. The old lady one made me pretty sick because she's so defenseless. A lot of these people didn't deserve that shit at all.

Oh, old people might seem defenseless, but you are wrong sir! There are street gangs of old people terrorizing the streets of Back Bay as we speak!
[Dec 22,2006 8:53pm - horror_tang NLI  ""]
babyshaker nli said:i woulda backed my car up then plowed it into that whole crowd of people if he wanted to punch me like that then i woulda backed up and done it again and again screaming "is that backed up enough for ya?"

Wow, a friend from high school did that same thing and got away with it. He was something like 5'5" 140 and he told the judge he was scared for his life. Scared, except he kept hitting them repeatedly with his car.
[Dec 22,2006 9:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's the Black Plague for bringing them here to pick cotton in the first place.
[Dec 22,2006 9:03pm - blackmetallady in the bathroom  ""]
Listen, do not use the term Black to refer to the Negro. Black can only be used to identify a genre of metal.

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