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Rage make new compilation and new song

[Dec 27,2006 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
RAGE-guitarist Victor Smolski is currently working on a compilation CD for the 20th anniversary of Nuclear Blast. Though having a lot of work, he found some time to post news from the studio:
"Hi friends, Victor here! It's a great honor for me, working at the compilation CD for the 20th anniversary of Nuclear Blast. It will be an album containing ten songs of various Metal bands out of the Nuclear Blast history, including a new RAGE song for which I composed, produced and recorded all guitars, keyboards and bass. I ´ve received support by Andre Hilgers (drums) and Peavy Wagner (lyrics). Exceptfor some vocal parts, all songs were recorded at VPS studio in Hamm, where Charly Czajkovski again did a great job.
During composing, I tried to make all songs in typical style and concerning the pitch of the voice, much comfortable for the singer. I didn't expect that, besides hearing out the different styles of the bands, the composing and arranging, I would have so much stress with "office work such as mailing and phoning. Thanks a lot to all singers for the good cooperation. Special thanks to Andy Siry, Jaap Wagemaker and Achim Köhler, as well, for their support!”
Here ´s some song examples for you:
“Bloodsucker” sung by Schmier, DESTRUCTION:Really thrashy number with 200 double bass. The song deals with the current crisis in Irac war and their causes (failed US politics)
“A Perfect Day” sung by Andi Deris, HELLOWEEN:Straight Helloween-style Metal song with a catchy chorus. The song deals with the incalculability of life and the associated fact that our end can overtake us any time.
“Ruling The World” sung by Tony Kakko, SONATA ARCTICA: Straight Metal-tune with several voices and keyboard arrangements. The song is about the arrogant power politics of the western Great Powers.
[Dec 27,2006 12:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Nice. Can't wait for these new songs. Still a diehard Rage for for 20+ years now.
[Dec 27,2006 1:04pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Wait, why are there all these guest vocals?
[Dec 27,2006 1:40pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Oh wait, I think he's just doing a compilation for Nuclear Blast, not a RAGE compilation. There will be a Rage song on it, and he recorded some new exclusive songs with other singers for the comp, but they are not RAGE songs.

AM I reading this correctly?

Because, yeah, I too was confused.
[Dec 27,2006 1:55pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
"including a new RAGE song for which I composed, produced and recorded all guitars, keyboards and bass. I ´ve received support by Andre Hilgers (drums) and Peavy Wagner (lyrics)"

He says bass, keys, and guitar.

Wasn't he the singer in rage? I get the impression he's not singing on this tune.
[Dec 31,2006 2:17pm - NickReddy ""]

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