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Saddam Hussein to be executed within 48 hours.

[Dec 28,2006 8:17pm - powerkok ""]
I wonder If theyre gonna televise it.
Obviously not a direct shot of him hanging, but maybe just his feet dangling, or a silouhette of his twitching breathless corpse to be.
[Dec 28,2006 8:20pm - brian_dc ""]
doubt it. Maybe a picture of the body being carted away or something. But no dangle shots on our TV...our media is too "safe"
[Dec 28,2006 8:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
that would be amazing!

Sup K? how ya been?
[Dec 28,2006 8:24pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Where did you get 48 hours? It says within 30 days on cnn.

I'm not too excited about this. The sept. 11th terror attacks didn't come from iraq, they came from iran. We used it as an excuse to go into iraq and search for WMD's that iraq never threatened or used against us. Now, with a foreign democracy in iraq, in their own courts, in their own country, he gets a death sentence and he's going to go out blaming us. The people who followed and support this guy didn't have intentions on attacking us then, but they sure have found reason now.

I'm kind of sick of our country being the goddamned defenders of freedom and democracy worldwide. I think we should launch a new global policy of fried food and strip bars, and leave foreign nations to fight for their own freedom. It'd free up a lot of troops, so when anyone IS dumb enough to spit in our direction, we can just stomp on them.
[Dec 28,2006 8:24pm - powerkok ""]
Good man, good. Et Tu?
I want dangling dammit!!!
[Dec 28,2006 8:24pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
edit - I said iran above instead of afghan-istan. My bad. They all look alike to me.
[Dec 28,2006 8:26pm - powerkok ""]
Im not looking to discuss the in's and out's of the case, because thats what the Tribunal did.
Not my job to give a shit.
To say he dosent deserve to die, isnt my place, but.....
Nevermind anything he did or didnt do, involving Sept 11.
He was a murdering Tyrant YEARS before that.

I got 48 hours from the 'Breaking News' section of MSN.com.
[Dec 28,2006 8:26pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
edit again, to make the point that I DO think hussein is a cunt, and thoroughly support him dying. I just think that it should be Iraq doing it for themselves, and not having our name stamped all over it.
[Dec 28,2006 8:29pm - powerkok ""]
Wow, Arrowhead, you are unusually, uninformed!!
He isnt blaming the U.S.
He actually wrote a letter to his countymen asking to NOT seek revenge for his death sentence.
Weird, I know.
[Dec 28,2006 8:31pm - powerkok ""]
Countrymen, not countymen.

And I hear ya, but without our 'lending hand', they wouldve probably never detained him, let alone try and find him guilty of Murder and Genocide.
Legally, The Iraqi government (laff) did this all by themselves.
[Dec 28,2006 8:31pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
powerkok said:
Nevermind anything he did or didnt do, involving Sept 11.
He was a murdering Tyrant YEARS before that.

He was a villainous, murderous piece of shit. The entire world has known this for a long time. Still, this is vigilante justice. Look at the problems cops are having with gangsters in the city. When theres a murder, no one will help or testify. Then a week later, theres a retaliation murder. Yeah, technically they're just killing a murderer. However if you don't play by the rules it creates havoc for everyone else, like the police and innocent bystanders who's lives end up at risk.

Same thing, we took down Saddam vigilante style. Did he deserve it? of course. But lately the whole world has been looking at us a lot differently, and I'm not too fond of it.

[Dec 28,2006 8:33pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
powerkok said:Wow, Arrowhead, you are unusually, uninformed!!
He isnt blaming the U.S.
He actually wrote a letter to his countymen asking to NOT seek revenge for his death sentence.
Weird, I know.

NO, he IS blaming the US. He asked his countrymen not to HATE the U.S., for hatred would blind them to truth and justice, and keep them from seeing the TRUE crimes we have committed.

Read it.

Theres a reason these dunedwelling shitfarts are threatening to attack us if he is hung.
[Dec 28,2006 8:34pm - powerkok ""]
I agree 100%, but really, you and I can do nothing about it.
Well, we can laugh and have a beer.....

You are so right though about the retaliation.....I believe Saddam went thru 3 lawyers in this case, because they kept winding up murdered.
[Dec 28,2006 8:39pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
I just get scared. I work in a lot of poor shitty neighborhoods, and I see huge bands of immigrants who see things from a different view than the typical american. Haitians, Brazilians, portuguese, whatever. The funny thing is, these people understand our history, understand what we are doing, but from their view America has changed a great deal in the last 5 years. Countries that used to respect us now consider us a joke.

If you suddenly saw a kid you feared and were picked on by become the target instead, wouldn't you throw in a few kicks?

We've largely avoided any attacks on our own soil for a long time here. It's always been more politics and reputation than domestic defense. Now our rep and politics are in the shitter, and we're going to see a lot more assholes start trying to take pot shots at us.

On top of everything, theres peace, drugs, and a lot of really good guitarists out in holland. I'm so damned close to switching teams.
[Dec 28,2006 9:56pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
They missed a few people in this trial, where are the guys who helped Saddam into power, funded him with American taxpayer's money and gave him the weapons he used to kill those he was convicted of murdering? Why haven't they been tried, convicted and sentenced to the same fate? Do they not also carry the burden of these crimes? And when are the trials for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld? I mean Saddam was convicted of killing 148 people, we know the figure is actually far greater, but the Bush administration is responsible for the deaths of an estimated half million people in Iraq. How about some even-handed justice?
[Dec 28,2006 9:59pm - xmikex ""]

Peace out, dick.
[Dec 28,2006 10:17pm - yummy ""]
1963: U.S. supports coup by Iraqi Ba'ath party (soon to be headed by Saddam Hussein) and reportedly gives them names of communists to murder, which they do with vigor.
1973-75: U.S. supports Kurdish rebels in Iraq. When Iran reaches an agreement with Iraq in 1975 and seals the border, Iraq slaughters Kurds and U.S. denies them refuge.
1980-88: Iran-Iraq war. When Iraq invades Iran, the U.S. opposes any Security Council action to condemn the invasion. U.S. soon removes Iraq from its list of nations supporting terrorism and allows U.S. arms to be transferred to Iraq. At the same time, U.S. lets Israel provide arms to Iran and in 1985 U.S. provides arms directly (though secretly) to Iran. U.S. provides intelligence information to Iraq. Iraq uses chemical weapons in 1984; U.S. restores diplomatic relations with Iraq. 1987 U.S. sends its navy into the Persian Gulf, taking Iraq's side; an overly aggressive U.S. ship shoots down an Iranian civilian airliner, killing 290.
1988: Saddam Hussein kills many thousands of his own Kurdish population and uses chemical weapons against them. The U.S. increases its economic ties to Iraq.
1991: Devastating economic sanctions are imposed on Iraq. U.S. and Britain block all attempts to lift them. Hundreds of thousands die. Though Security Council had stated that sanctions were to be lifted once Saddam Hussein's programs to develop weapons of mass destruction were ended, Washington makes it known that the sanctions would remain as long as Saddam remains in power. Sanctions in fact strengthen Saddam's position. Asked about the horrendous human consequences of the sanctions, Madeleine Albright (U.S. ambassador to the UN and later Secretary of State) declares that "the price is worth it."
1993: U.S. launches missile attack on Iraq, claiming self-defense against an alleged assassination attempt on former president Bush two months earlier.
If we are that worried about Saddam killing his own people why did we do nothing about for years after already knowing about it? Not to say he deserves to win a humanitarian award or even live for that matter but aren't both countries(U.S. and Iraq) worse off now?
[Dec 28,2006 10:18pm - CNV  ""]
America should not be concerned that Sadam killed his own stinking muslim kin folk

another classic example of the US sticking their nose where it does not belong

or another covert operation for Izzzrael

the entire world knows that we take it up the ass for Israel

The only people that do not know are its own citizens


Keep watching the televitz
[Dec 28,2006 10:22pm - powerkok ""]
Wow, youre so edumacated.
So, you dont know that youre taking it in the ass from Iz?

HTL, there are 2 other to be hung with him that were in the same shit.
[Dec 28,2006 10:31pm - CNV  ""]
Hey powerkok, I will forget more than you will ever know

As a US citizen that pays taxes I absolutely know I am getting fucked by Izzrael

Some Christian right wingers that support Izzy involved in US politics get gifts like jet airplanes

oh but wait, those gifts were funded by US tax dollars


[Dec 29,2006 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i'm willing to bet that some miraculous thing will happen to postpone this, and it will be an ongoing thing.
[Dec 29,2006 10:47am - American-Intifada ""]
Awesome. Man this shit should be on PPV. Exceptional money making opportunity!

I must say though, Saddam was a secular leader of Iraq, he couldn't stand the Muslim extremists/insurgents that plague the land now. Fuckin' A, Saddam even had Christians in his cabinet. Dumb-dumb-dubya had to go and get revenge and fuck that whole thing up. So now instead of Saddam offing a few Iraqi's every month, it's American boys N girls gettin' blown da fuck up every month by Scags and Insurgents. And it's costing us 335 billion+ dollars so far! Yes! Poor bastids.

America = Rotten To The Core. Our Forefathers have rolled over in their graves and turned their backs on us.

[Dec 29,2006 10:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i hope this shit is OnDemand.
[Dec 29,2006 11:23am - SinisterMinister ""]
powerkok said:
I want dangling dammit!!!

Just wait for the YouTube video.
[Dec 29,2006 12:08pm - powerkok ""]
CNV said:Hey powerkok, I will forget more than you will ever know

You must forget ALOT!!
[Dec 29,2006 12:09pm - Messerschmitt ""]
[Dec 29,2006 12:47pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
American-Intifada said:Awesome. Man this shit should be on PPV. Exceptional money making opportunity!

I must say though, Saddam was a secular leader of Iraq, he couldn't stand the Muslim extremists/insurgents that plague the land now. Fuckin' A, Saddam even had Christians in his cabinet. Dumb-dumb-dubya had to go and get revenge and fuck that whole thing up. So now instead of Saddam offing a few Iraqi's every month, it's American boys N girls gettin' blown da fuck up every month by Scags and Insurgents. And it's costing us 335 billion+ dollars so far! Yes! Poor bastids.

America = Rotten To The Core. Our Forefathers have rolled over in their graves and turned their backs on us.

your forefarthers built this country on the same greed the new powers are running it with it today hundres of years deep in slave money baby...it will never change
[Dec 29,2006 12:47pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
once again i can't spell today
[Dec 29,2006 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
i cant wait to see the South Park about this.
[Dec 29,2006 12:58pm - Neverpurified ""]
Yeti said:i cant wait to see the South Park about this.

[Dec 29,2006 1:51pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Justice, people. It's all about justice. Maybe the eye for an eye approach is a typical human response but then again I believe he's getting what is due.
[Dec 29,2006 1:55pm - American-Intifada ""]
babyshaker nli said:American-Intifada said:

your forefarthers built this country on the same greed the new powers are running it with it today hundres of years deep in slave money baby...it will never change

Then, less money. More meat, and tobacco. Also, more defense, and less offense. Our forefathers built this country based on the natural rights of man and a more secular ideology. Not war-money-religion-rackets. It's a vicious cycle.

Dummy up.

[Dec 29,2006 1:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
They just announced that he is most likely going to hang tomorrow!
[Dec 29,2006 2:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
are there still tickets available?!
[Dec 29,2006 2:39pm - Dark_violinist ""]
powerkok said:I wonder If theyre gonna televise it.
Obviously not a direct shot of him hanging, but maybe just his feet dangling, or a silouhette of his twitching breathless corpse to be.

They should televise it only if the hang Bush next to him.
[Dec 29,2006 2:54pm - DomesticTerror ""]
somebody make sure we get the key to Detroit back first.
[Dec 29,2006 5:02pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I say we kill them all!
[Dec 29,2006 5:18pm - HOoker nomfw  ""]
I wonder if shit will drop out of his pant leg.
[Dec 29,2006 5:24pm - Messerschmitt ""]
i wonder if his boogers are sandy
[Dec 29,2006 7:14pm - all_ur_base_r_belong_to_us ""]
i dunno, i would be more surprised if they didnt televise it, out of the 30 some countries who have implications in this, there is bound to be one country who will catch a glimpse of the hanging and im sure it will eventually reach the masses... :satancross:
[Dec 29,2006 8:52pm - anonymous  ""]
I think the hanging should be on pay per view all across the world. The proceeds should go to the poor children of Iraq.
[Dec 29,2006 8:59pm - RichHorror ""]
Messerschmitt said:i wonder if his boogers are sandy

This was the only worthwhile post of this entire thread.
[Dec 29,2006 9:06pm - onceuponthecross ""]
Dark_violinist said:powerkok said:I wonder If theyre gonna televise it.
Obviously not a direct shot of him hanging, but maybe just his feet dangling, or a silouhette of his twitching breathless corpse to be.

They should televise it only if the hang Bush next to him.

I'm with you man, Bush is a war criminal just like Saddam maybe even worse, we're in this fucking mess thanks to him, it was always personal, more than 400 billions spent, 3000 soldiers and more than 50000 civilians are dead and for what? where are the fucking weapons of mass destruction?

[Dec 29,2006 9:37pm - powerkok ""]
Any minute now!
[Dec 29,2006 9:41pm - onceuponthecross ""]
He should not be killed
[Dec 29,2006 9:58pm - archaeon ""]
hes dead now
[Dec 29,2006 10:02pm - onceuponthecross ""]
I feel something really bad is gonna happen after his death, I hope I'm wrong
[Dec 29,2006 10:04pm - powerkok ""]
The Iraqis hate him....No one is going to care.
[Dec 29,2006 10:04pm - xanonymousx ""]
i wonder if they will do this old school salem ma style? in front of the whole village... probably not
someone will probably have a cell phone video of this whole thing and pist it on youtube or somethign within a few hours
[Dec 29,2006 10:10pm - blackmetallady ""]
Confirmed by Arab Media : Saddam is now dead!
[Dec 29,2006 10:16pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]

He is toast

[Dec 29,2006 10:17pm - davefromthegrave ""]
there are milions of people in hell who are getting a hell of a lot of satisfaction right now.
[Dec 29,2006 10:17pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
fuck saddam, he deserves to die....But, we gave him them weapons he used to gas them kurds and didn't do shit about it when he was using them because he was at war with Iran. Its like that old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" - when he was gassing kurds (Iran/Iraq war era) Iran, 2nd only to the USSR, was our enemy. Therefor, Saddam and his Iraq was our friend cause we shared a common enemy. Fucked up shit; he deserves to die cause he is a shitbag and is ceratinly GUILTY under the U.N.'s 1948 convention on the crime of Genocide. But, who are we to do something about it now when we turned a blind eye while he was doing it (and believe me, we knew about it while it was happening).

Read: A Problem from Hell : America and the Age of Genocide
there is a nice section on the Genocide of the Kurds during the Iran/Iraq War.
[Dec 29,2006 10:20pm - powerkok ""]
davefromthegrave said:there are milions of people in hell who are getting a hell of a lot of satisfaction right now.

[Dec 29,2006 10:20pm - hungtableed  ""]
fuck saddam, he deserves to die....But, we gave him them weapons he used to gas them kurds and didn't do shit about it when he was using them because he was at war with Iran. Its like that old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" - when he was gassing kurds (late 70s-early 80s - Iran/Iraq war era) Iran, 2nd only to the USSR, was our enemy. Therefor, Saddam and his Iraq was our friend cause we shared a common enemy. Fucked up shit; he deserves to die cause he is a shitbag and is ceratinly GUILTY under the U.N.'s 1948 convention on the crime of Genocide. But, who are we to do something about it now when we turned a blind eye while he was doing it (and believe me, we knew about it while it was happening).

Read: A Problem from Hell : America and the Age of Genocide
there is a nice section on the Genocide of the Kurds during the Iran/Iraq War.
[Dec 29,2006 10:22pm - hungtableed  ""]
fuck saddam, he deserves to die....But, we gave him them weapons he used to gas them kurds and didn't do shit about it when he was using them because he was at war with Iran. Its like that old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" - when he was gassing kurds (late 70s-early 80s - Iran/Iraq war era) Iran, 2nd only to the USSR, was our enemy. Therefor, Saddam and his Iraq was our friend cause we shared a common enemy. Fucked up shit; he deserves to die cause he is a shitbag and is ceratinly GUILTY under the U.N.'s 1948 convention on the crime of Genocide. But, who are we to do something about it now when we turned a blind eye while he was doing it (and believe me, we knew about it while it was happening).

Read: A Problem from Hell : America and the Age of Genocide
there is a nice section on the Genocide of the Kurds during the Iran/Iraq War.
[Dec 29,2006 10:22pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I am sure HTL is devastated by this news.
[Dec 29,2006 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
holy fuck.. I can't believe they did it....

retards.. the guy should have been on trial for life so they could figure out what he did.
[Dec 29,2006 10:24pm - Mess  ""]
the guy's dead. sweet.
i'm sure we'll get ours too. hahaha
[Dec 29,2006 10:26pm - onceuponthecross ""]
the_reverend said:holy fuck.. I can't believe they did it....

retards.. the guy should have been on trial for life so they could figure out what he did.

Thank you rev for bringing that up

[Dec 29,2006 10:29pm - Kevord ""]
the_reverend said:holy fuck.. I can't believe they did it....

retards.. the guy should have been on trial for life so they could figure out what he did.

I agree. Killing him was stupid. I'd love to read a book detailing what it was like when he was in power from his point of view. He should have just spent a lifetime in prison. He got off easy. If you told me I could have absolute power of a country and do whatever I wanted and my only punishment would be an execution I'd take it any day of the week.
[Dec 29,2006 10:29pm - hungtableed  ""]
wtf? I posted that shit 3 times....
I'm an asshole
[Dec 29,2006 10:33pm - the_reverend ""]
you should have been logged in.

and kevord, I'm against killing the crazies. I think they should be locked away and poked and prodded for life.
[Dec 29,2006 10:38pm - Kevord ""]
the_reverend said:you should have been logged in.

and kevord, I'm against killing the crazies. I think they should be locked away and poked and prodded for life.

I'm with ya Aaron. Except for Charles Manson who should have his own Saturday Morning kids show.
[Dec 29,2006 10:39pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
the_reverend said:you should have been logged in.

and kevord, I'm against killing the crazies. I think they should be locked away and poked and prodded for life.

you're right
it's pretty sad though...am I really that lazy?
[Dec 29,2006 10:40pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
Kevord said:the_reverend said:you should have been logged in.

and kevord, I'm against killing the crazies. I think they should be locked away and poked and prodded for life.

I'm with ya Aaron. Except for Charles Manson who should have his own Saturday Morning kids show.

Chralie was a good guy, he never personally killed anyone...
[Dec 29,2006 11:32pm - The Revealer  ""]
Oddly, I think Saddam was kind of lovable. Ever hear about the palace that was decorated in psychedelic 60's motif? The enormous paper-shredder for shredding human beings? What about him living in a hole with a ton of his favorite candy bars? Obviously, I'm not being 100% serious here about him being lovable. But to me, he had a whole lot of comedic value. I'll miss him.
[Dec 29,2006 11:43pm - onceuponthecross ""]
[Dec 29,2006 11:45pm - PoopsMcgee ""]
They are saying on cnn that they fill be airing footage and airing stills soon.. they will be warning the sudience first
[Dec 29,2006 11:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
this is now the subject of every news station in the world for the next 6 months
[Dec 30,2006 12:24am - the_reverend ""]
anyone else checking the former ogrish?
[Dec 30,2006 1:02am - DomesticTerror ""]
good luck trying to deny the state of Iraq as a "Civil War" now...
[Dec 30,2006 2:09am - DreamingInExile ""]
w00t that fucker's DEAD!
[Dec 30,2006 2:15am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 30,2006 2:24am - Kinslayer  ""]
[Dec 30,2006 2:56am - elders of zion nli  ""]
They just killed the one guy who stabilized Iraq... but he was an anti-Semite, and against Democracy, so he was a shitbag who deserved to die because he violated our made-up and unrealistic rules. DIE SADDAM DIE, YOU BIGOT NIGGER!
[Dec 30,2006 2:59am - blackmetallady ""]
What's up with the huge photo?
[Dec 30,2006 3:25am - yummy ""]
so I guess he's dead and we're all safer now
[Dec 30,2006 3:32am - blackmetallady ""]
Next up.... Bid Ladden! I worked in the WTC buliding for several years... this is one mother fucker I would like to see dead (the only person I wish dead).
[Dec 30,2006 3:41am - yummy ""]
what did you do?
[Dec 30,2006 6:41am - blackmetallady ""]
yummy said:what did you do?

I taught aerobics for the American Express employees in World Trade Center #2 building.

Call me horse face, cunt, or whatever, but don't fuck with me on this, please.

[Dec 30,2006 9:35am - rotivore ""]
the insurgents are gonna have a hair across their ass now.....and more blood will spill......
[Dec 30,2006 9:35am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
blackmetallady said:Next up.... Bid Ladden! I worked in the WTC buliding for several years... this is one mother fucker I would like to see dead (the only person I wish dead).

I wish you still worked there on Sept 11th 2001 around 9:15am.

[Dec 30,2006 9:45am - Lamp ""]
Hahahaha, I was debating doing that but I thought that would lead to way too big an argument for me to keep interest in.

Have fun with that can of worms.
[Dec 30,2006 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
atleast he had on a nice warm bullet-proof jacket on!
I can't belive there are maked gun men holding him up on the block!
I like the leather, but crime is out of control there.
[Dec 30,2006 10:05am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Dec 30,2006 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
there are more pictures on cnn.com
[Dec 30,2006 10:50am - powerkok ""]
[Dec 30,2006 10:50am - Messerschmitt ""]
and a vid but not of the actual hanging :-(
bah.... the link didn't work.
[Dec 30,2006 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
nice scarf.
there was a body shot video, but it was removed.
[Dec 30,2006 11:10am - Messerschmitt ""]
the_reverend said:nice scarf.
there was a body shot video, but it was removed.

i noticed that. it said "video removed" when i clicked the pic.
[Dec 30,2006 11:10am - the_reverend ""]
his body
[Dec 30,2006 11:12am - the_reverend ""]
peopel celebrating
I like how they all are wearing nike gear and running past bombed buildings. I'm guessing this was shot in LA
[Dec 30,2006 11:14am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Dec 30,2006 11:16am - Messerschmitt ""]
the_reverend said:peopel celebrating
I like how they all are wearing nike gear and running past bombed buildings. I'm guessing this was shot in LA

i does sound like they're rapping
[Dec 30,2006 11:49am - anonymousmetallady  ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:I am sure HTL is devastated by this news.

she's been dormant for a while now...I'm sure she'll pop up sooner or later.....:shocker:
[Dec 30,2006 12:04pm - aaron_michael ""]
he's still alive. I know it.
[Dec 30,2006 12:09pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
finally an end to all the insurgents and secretarian violence...oh wait never mind
[Dec 30,2006 12:14pm - anonymousmetallady  ""]
BREAKING NEWS: Saddam Hussein has been spotted having lunch in a small cafe in Italy...UPDATE TO FOLLOW...
[Dec 30,2006 12:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Dec 30,2006 12:18pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
i still think they shouldnt of killed him.
[Dec 30,2006 12:35pm - Troll ""]
Those fucks. Don't they know Saddam kept all those rival factions at bay. Now they're all free to run rampant and turn the sand dunes red with civil war.

Ok, the "sand dunes" part was just a cheapshot. I think they've got a building and a palm tree or two....Right?

[Dec 30,2006 12:39pm - Troll ""]
blackmetallady said:yummy said:what did you do?

I taught aerobics for the American Express employees in World Trade Center #2 building.

Call me horse face, cunt, or whatever, but don't fuck with me on this, please.

Your kidding right?
You just set yourself up.

[Dec 30,2006 12:40pm - Troll ""]

[Dec 30,2006 1:02pm - hungtableed  ""]
I love the front page of the Herald
"Saddam Swings"

[Dec 30,2006 1:09pm - hungtableed  ""]
Troll said:Those fucks. Don't they know Saddam kept all those rival factions at bay. Now they're all free to run rampant and turn the sand dunes red with civil war.

The word Islam means "submit" - that's all them assholes know. They need a Saddam-esque leader who will cut their tongue out for speaking out against the gov, someone who will cut off their hands if they steal. Hell, Saddam's henchmen would behead known prostitutes and leave the headless body outside the home of their family. All they know is force and power, and whoever exercises the utmost supreme authority of it rules the land. Period.
[Dec 30,2006 5:08pm - whoremastery ""]
fuck him!
[Dec 30,2006 5:35pm - Dark_violinist ""]
elders of zion nli said:DIE SADDAM DIE, YOU BIGOT NIGGER!

HA HA, great oxymoron. :spineyes:
[Dec 30,2006 6:04pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
blackmetallady said:Next up.... Bid Ladden! I worked in the WTC buliding for several years... this is one mother fucker I would like to see dead (the only person I wish dead).

You should of stayed there if you think Bin Laden attacked the WTC
[Dec 30,2006 8:45pm - onceuponthecross ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:http://www.cnn.com

He is toast



[Dec 31,2006 12:55am - yummy ""]
Call me horse face, cunt, or whatever, but don't fuck with me on this, please.<<<
I never called you any of those names before, why would I start now? But...okay...deal.

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