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Fuckin snow@!@!#

[Dec 30,2006 11:52am - DwellingSickness ""]
I was doing just fine without this shit:middlefinger:
[Dec 30,2006 11:53am - DrewBlood ""]
its snowless in somerville right now.

where are you at?
[Dec 30,2006 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
yeah! todd, put on snow tires and stop whining
[Dec 30,2006 12:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
On his wheelchair?
[Dec 30,2006 12:08pm - DwellingSickness ""]
DrewBlood said:its snowless in somerville right now.

where are you at?

Concord NH
[Dec 30,2006 12:09pm - DwellingSickness ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:On his wheelchair?

hey ,it's possible

[Dec 30,2006 12:09pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
DrewBlood said:its snowless in somerville right now.

where are you at?

we got the whole city behind us.

[Dec 30,2006 12:11pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I'm not happy about this for various reasons : /
[Dec 30,2006 12:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
I am not a big fan of snow, but honestly. I am kinda glad the snow has finally fallen. The end of the world commeth! Did you all see that fucking 25 mile long ice chunk that cracked of the actic yesterday? ...End of the world!
[Dec 30,2006 12:42pm - DrewBlood ""]
jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account said:DrewBlood said:its snowless in somerville right now.

where are you at?

we got the whole city behind us.



haha, nice
[Dec 30,2006 1:09pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
dyingmuse said:I am not a big fan of snow, but honestly. I am kinda glad the snow has finally fallen. The end of the world commeth! Did you all see that fucking 25 mile long ice chunk that cracked of the actic yesterday? ...End of the world!

It makes my city more grim and necro
[Dec 30,2006 2:32pm - RichHorror ""]
It is no longer snowless in Somerville.
[Dec 30,2006 2:53pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Nature's cumshot
[Dec 30,2006 3:07pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's raining in Newport, RI.
[Dec 30,2006 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 30,2006 3:15pm - Dark_violinist ""]
Snowing here in southern maine too. Band practice got called off because our drummer is afraid to drive. People from Florida are pussies behind the wheel when there's just 1" of snow.
[Dec 30,2006 3:36pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
from what i've been told the roads around worcester kinda suck...we only got a dusting here, but the ground's cold enough for it to stick, and it's that weird, dry snow that when compacted turns into an oil slick
[Dec 30,2006 4:13pm - xanonymousx ""]
looks like the ski slopes will finally get some biz.
[Dec 30,2006 7:41pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the slopes have been for quite some time...technology is an amazing thing

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