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Splatterhouse - Night of the Creeps

[Jan 2,2007 12:52am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I made a video for Splatterhouse's Night of the Creeps over the weekend. Figured I'd post it on here. Let me know what you think. The next song/video I'm doing is Frightmare's Angela from Sleepaway Camp.

[Jan 2,2007 4:31am - Dark_violinist ""]
I thought for sure this was going to be a trailer to Saga's Splatterhouse 2.
[Jan 2,2007 8:45am - Granny_Monster ""]
Did you send them the link? They'd probably get a kick out of it.
[Jan 2,2007 11:23am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
yeah I sent them the link, I had alot of fun editing it.
[Jan 2,2007 11:31am - Granny_Monster ""]
I actually can't watch it because I'm at work, but I'll check it out later. I fucking love Splatterhouse!
[Jan 2,2007 11:46am - xanonymousx ""]
that is put together great.
this link on that page caught my eye though
[Jan 2,2007 12:28pm - Dwellingsickness ""]

I love Splatterhouse, that is a killer video
[Jan 7,2007 2:04am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
nice, Jason from Splatterhouse loved the video. They're going to post it on their myspace page tomorrow. I'm starting work on a video for Italian Death Metal band Necrosphere tonight for Lucio Fulci's Zombi 2, and then after that doing a video for Frightmare for Angela (Sleepaway Camp)
[Jan 7,2007 2:04am - RichHorror ""]
Make a video for us, you jerk.
[Jan 7,2007 2:06am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Rich Horror and the Screaming Nervous Breakdowns - Godless Things with Evil Dead footage.
[Jan 7,2007 10:24am - Dankill  ""]
Mortician videos for both Slaughterhouse and Don't Go In The House!
[Jan 7,2007 12:05pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
definite possibility of doing some mortician stuff. The only hard part is going to be getting the footage for some of the movies.
[Jan 7,2007 5:59pm - Dankill  ""]
True, but aren't those movies on DVD yet?
God, there are so many for Mortician.

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