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atmoshere + tonight + almost fight = amazing

[Nov 11,2003 2:06am - ratt_mowe ""]
ok, i dunno if anyo f yo know bill arruda.,,, but thanks to hiom at the show tongit i almost ruined some gay hophop kid in a celtics joersey... eitherway, he show was amazing..,... evem if it was 5>25 a beer..... i had a greeat time and its a shamme more of you didnt come. idancemdmy ass off... yup/ ok b ye
[Nov 11,2003 2:13am - Wee...Bink! ""]
someone has had a few too many tonight.
[Nov 11,2003 2:13am - retzam ""]
ratt_mowe said:ok, i dunno if anyo f yo know bill arruda.,,, but thanks to hiom at the show tongit i almost ruined some gay hophop kid in a celtics joersey... eitherway, he show was amazing..,... evem if it was 5>25 a beer..... i had a greeat time and its a shamme more of you didnt come. idancemdmy ass off... yup/ ok b ye

So, judging by your typing, I am going to guess that you spent 42 dollars on beer.
[Nov 11,2003 2:16am - ratt_mowe ""]
about that.... 5,25 a beer... plius tip... yup/
[Nov 11,2003 2:17am - ratt_mowe ""]
and no i did not have too many... i had just about enough,,, if not not enough
[Nov 11,2003 2:29am - the_reverend ""]
damn.. I would have loved to go.
[Nov 11,2003 9:58am - joe/notcommon ""]
ratt_mowe said:ok, i dunno if anyo f yo know bill arruda.,,, but thanks to hiom at the show tongit i almost ruined some gay hophop kid in a celtics joersey... eitherway, he show was amazing..,... evem if it was 5>25 a beer..... i had a greeat time and its a shamme more of you didnt come. idancemdmy ass off... yup/ ok b ye

when you sober up tell this story again so i can understand
[Nov 11,2003 10:02am - RustedAngel ""]
matt you should probably take it easy on the boozin dood.
[Nov 11,2003 10:03am - joe/notcommon ""]
RustedAngel said:matt you should probably take it easy on the boozin dood.

do you know what he said? did he try to fight that kid he asked about or did the 2 of them fight someone else?
[Nov 11,2003 10:08am - succubus ""]
i was supposed to go cover this show...then someone asked me to be their "designated" driver...

looks liek i missed out on a lot

esp a good show and photos =(

i shoulod have went to the providence one saturday night..damn me

[Nov 11,2003 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
the last time I felt this weird and contradictory
was the last time I did a show in cinnci
[Nov 11,2003 10:41am - joe/notcommon ""]
i hope he fought bill aruda because i don't like the last name aruda.
i actually am joking, i don't know who he is.
i once knew a mike arida though
[Nov 11,2003 11:26am - ratt_mowe ""]
ok so, bill arruda likes to fight people. so i knew it would probably happen. yeah some kid was trying to fuck with him and he was rumbling on the ground with him and this kid in the celtics jersey was trying to stomp him on the ground, so devon and i took it upon ourselves to slam him into the railing a few times to teach him he shouldnt fuck with our friends. i regret not knocking the kid out because he was being a complete dipshit. if no one is jumping into a fight, it means NO ONE is jumping into a fight. and tom, i am 21. i can drink. i am not sXe. you are. so maybe YOU are the one who should take it easy on the boozing. and rev, the cinnci song, yeah, they opened up with that. and yes unfortunately i spent lots of money because alcohol prices at the roxy are OUTRAGEOUS. sorry for not going to IDN and AC... but come on.... sage francis and atmosphere? i couldnt miss that for the world.

In the days of Kings and Queens I was a jester
They treat me like a God, oh they treat me like a leper
[Nov 11,2003 11:34am - retzam ""]
I still don't get it.
[Nov 11,2003 11:38am - ratt_mowe ""]
haha what dont you get?
[Nov 11,2003 11:40am - ratt_mowe ""]
my friend bill got into a scuffle with some kid adn they ended up on the ground..... the kid he got into a scuffle with had a friend in a celtics jersey that thought he was being tough by trying to stomp bill while they were on the ground. so devon and i grabbed him and slammed him into a railing... the kid proceeds to do it again.... so we slammed him into the railing again.... this happened two more times... which is why i regret not knocking the kid out for not getting the point we werent gonna let him jump in on my friend. any questions?
[Nov 11,2003 11:41am - retzam ""]
ratt_mowe said:haha what dont you get?

Who was fighting who? Why were/was you/they/(s)he fighting them/her/him/you/me? Just leave me alone, I need to go cry.
[Nov 11,2003 11:44am - ratt_mowe ""]
why? because people like to fight. thanks, testosterone! :NEWHORNS:
[Nov 11,2003 11:45am - retzam ""]
ratt_mowe said:why? because people like to fight. thanks, testosterone! :NEWHORNS:

hehehehehe he said testosterone, hehehehehhehhe
[Nov 11,2003 11:58am - joe/notcommon ""]
why does your friend like to fight?
is he short?
[Nov 12,2003 12:21pm - xmikex ""]
is bill alright.....wait dumb question....how many teeth is the other kid missing?

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