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celtic frosted flakes

[Jan 5,2007 8:15pm - trollnli  ""]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAdiTFst9-w/ still nostalgic about "thrash" metal
[Jan 5,2007 9:00pm - trollnli  ""]
notice the kissy faces
[Jan 5,2007 10:11pm - archaeon ""]
still wont work

What ever happened to celtic frost?
[Jan 5,2007 10:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Is it true that they got lost?
[Jan 5,2007 10:25pm - eddie ""]
In the pandemonium, never to be seen again
[Jan 5,2007 10:50pm - i_am_not_not_lame  ""]
So many people make fun of Cold Lake, but honestly the music was still damn good. Just Warrior's vocals kinda sucked.
[Jan 6,2007 1:56am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Tom GAYbrial Warrior.
[Jan 6,2007 4:50pm - Troll ""]
I was a little drunk last night
[Jan 6,2007 4:54pm - davefromthegrave ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Tom GAYbrial Warrior.

o you are so clever!

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