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[Jan 9,2007 11:16pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Includes gems like:

"There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we're going to do it again".

"These people don't have tanks. They don't have ships. They hide in caves. They send out suiciders.

"Our country puts $1 billion a year up to help feed the hungry. And we're by far the most generous nation in the world when it comes to that, and I'm proud to report that. This isn't a contest of who's the most generous. I'm just telling you as an aside. We're generous. We shouldn't be bragging about it. But we are. We're very generous".

[Jan 9,2007 11:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I have the book too by Jacob Weisberg.
[Jan 9,2007 11:21pm - MikePile  ""]
and who could forget "hahaha, America, I got you good, you fuckers!"

Seriously, these are about as tired and obnoxious as that fake Joseph Olson report in the other thread, and if anybody ever started talking about "bushisms" around me in real life I would regard it as a queue to start daydreaming about swimming in gravy and punching fat women. Everbody know that him that Bush dont make speak good. smell of rot dead flesh.
[Jan 10,2007 12:00am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
They still make me laugh.
[Jan 10,2007 12:15am - miscegenator  ""]
"Do I have to swallow?"
[Jan 10,2007 8:39am - Lamp ""]
Two days in a row, I find Maddox applicable:

"Bush proponents have adopted a kinder word for inept: "Bushism." That's stupid. Why is it a screw up if anyone other than Bush makes a mistake, but a "Bushism" if he does it? When Clinton screwed up, nobody called it a "Clintonism." They called him a dumbass (and if they weren't, I sure as hell was)."

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