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attn nerd: 64GB SSD with SATA interface

[Jan 12,2007 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]

freaking finally!!!! this is what I want. SATA 1.5GB transfer on a solid state drive. this means you can just replace the drive on newer laptops when the price of these comes down and blamo, faster access, better battery life, etc...
[Jan 12,2007 3:34pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Jan 12,2007 3:49pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
toshiba is already making laptops with their 30GB flash memory drive. theyre up in the 2 grand range and aren't worth the price for just the drive yet but i cant wait until these make their way to the desktop market.
[Jan 12,2007 4:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Again though... isn't the write speed to flash media really slow? Slower than HDD's?
[Jan 13,2007 1:19am - sxealex ""]
[Jan 13,2007 1:22am - sxealex ""]
"A solid state disk (SSD) is electrically, mechanically and software compatible with a conventional (magnetic) hard disk or winchester. The difference is that the storage medium is not magnetic (like a hard disk) or optical (like a CD) but solid state semiconductor such as battery backed RAM, EPROM or other electrically erasable RAMlike chip. This provides faster access time than a disk, because the data can be randomly accessed and does not rely on a read/write interface head synchronising with a rotating disk. The SSD also provides greater physical resilience to physical vibration, shock and extreme temperature fluctuations. The only downside is a higher cost per megabyte of storage."
[Jan 13,2007 1:22am - sxealex ""]
show off :P
[Jan 13,2007 1:35am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I know read times are generally pretty good, but every time I've ever written to or erased from flash media, it's been painfully slow. I suppose there must be different kinds of flash chips, though.
[Jan 13,2007 1:37am - sxealex ""]
usb 1.0?
[Jan 13,2007 1:38am - sxealex ""]
actually the one he got has semi slow read/write time which is confusing
[Jan 13,2007 1:52am - the_reverend ""]
SSD's can handle 300G's while running. HDS with advance fall protection can handle 60G's.

there are plenty of SSDs out there. seagate's is going to be under $600 for 30gbs.

Flash memory is usually limited but the speed on your interface. USB 2.0 or 32-bit PCMCIA get a max of 20Mb/s out of flash.

if you had read the article, you would realize that the main point is this:
"But these drives are also the world's first to sport SATA"
SSD with a SATA interface. that's the deal. that's the bit thing. SSD in a laptop *yawn* it's been done, but swapping a 10ms latency with something that's got 100x better latency and seak time? something that cna put 1.5GB/s? sign me up.
[Jan 13,2007 10:17am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_reverend said:if you had read the article, you would realize that the main point is this:

I ain't readin' shit niggah!
[Jan 17,2007 11:42am - the_reverend ""]

holy cow!!!! a 2.5" 128GB SSD with a SATA II interface, a 1.8" 64GB and a 32GB 32mm express card? the future is now!

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