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[Jan 22,2007 1:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm very please to announce that Metal Blade Records has just signed a worldwide deal with Death Metal Legends, Hate Eternal.

Formed in 1997, Hate Eternal's goal has always been to challenge musical limitations and create new boundaries with no compromise; to obtain goals aimed at by many yet reached by only a select few; to create music that not only defies all clichés, but that creates a true sense of power, dissonance and consonance, heaviness and speed, melody and brutality, simply put horrific hymns. Guitarist Erik Rutan has crafted an impressive career by attaining that goal consistently for well over a decade with his legendary work in Ripping Corpse and Morbid Angel. Not to mention his other career as engineer/ producer for bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Soilent Green, Six Feet Under, Cellador, Vital Remains, Premonitions of War, Goatwhore and Into the Moat just to name a few, and the list goes on.

Metal Blade Records owner/CEO, Brian Slagel, had this comment:
"I am truly honored to be working with Hate Eternal. They are a legendary band and I am so happy to welcome them to the Metal Blade Family." - Brian Slagel

Hate Eternal guitarist, Erik Rutan, had this to say regarding their signing:
"Signing to Metal Blade for us reconfirms that all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears we have put into the band has been worth every single moment. This is completely amazing. We know we will forge on with all the support and confidence a band can ask for from their record label. We are proud to be a part of the hugely successful Metal Blade Family and look forward to bringing our music to the next level." - Erik Rutan

Hate Eternal is currently in the writing process for the follow-up to their 2005 release "I, Monarch" that shall be recorded at Rutan's own Mana Recording Studios in June/July 2007.

[Jan 22,2007 1:38pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Jan 22,2007 1:51pm - Napoleon_Blownapart ""]
hopefully its more thought out than I, Monarch.
[Jan 22,2007 2:15pm - Anthony ""]
Awesome... who will be drumming on the new one?

They should bring Roddy back in, just for the studio work.
[Jan 22,2007 2:50pm - anonymous  ""]
hate eternal blows
[Jan 22,2007 2:54pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Hate Eternal are so boring. Why does Rutan waste his time with H.E. when he should be busy putting Ripping Corpse back together!
[Jan 22,2007 2:58pm - Dissector ""]
Kinslayer said:Hate Eternal are so boring. Why does Rutan waste his time with H.E. when he should be busy putting Ripping Corpse back together!

This statement is 100% true.
[Jan 22,2007 3:11pm - Aegathis ""]
"Hate Eternal's goal has always been to challenge musical limitations and create new boundaries with no compromise"

yea thats why I monarch didn't sound any different than King of All Kings! Hate Eternal and Nile need to call it quites.
[Jan 22,2007 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
i will agree that Hate Eternal isnt nearly what its cracked up to be. however with Nile, they did nothing but far exceed expectations with Annihilation of the Wicked. after the less than mediocre Black Seeds of Vengeance and the quasi-good In Their Darkened Shrines, Annihilation was a leap into ludicrious speed.
[Jan 22,2007 3:25pm - Anthony ""]
You people are all crazy. I Monarch really does not sound like King of All Kings. I don't get that at all.

As for Nile, Black Seeds was better than ITDS but Annihilation blows them both out of the water.

Ripping Corpse, for all intents and purposes, are still an active band. They're called Dim Mak. That's where those musicians are at now, they'll never go back and write another 'Dreaming with the Dead'

Dim Mak is insanely sick though, so no loss.
[Jan 22,2007 3:45pm - Archaeon ""]
Kinslayer sumed it up
[Jan 22,2007 3:51pm - Cathach  ""]
Head! Pants! Now!
[Jan 22,2007 4:29pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I, Monarch is a great album.

Why are we comparing them to Nile in this thread? They are 2 totally different bands.
[Jan 22,2007 4:43pm - Kevord ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I, Monarch is a great album.

Why are we comparing them to Nile in this thread? They are 2 totally different bands.

Cause they're two overrated boring death metal bands.
[Jan 22,2007 4:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jan 22,2007 5:28pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I know they are overrated.
[Jan 22,2007 6:07pm - tomx nli  ""]
hooray for metal blade, dipping into the same boring pool of semi-popular, overrated bands that have been dragging thier feet for the last few years. speaking of nile, i hope metal blade signs them next, followed by shadows fall, deicide and god forbid. instead of, you know, signing fresh bands with great ideas and music.

the only thing good mentioned in this thread is dim mak.

ps: buy the new martyr, element, defeated sanity, ulcerate, beneath the massacre and agalloch cds. they all fucking rip. well maybe not agalloch, but it's amazing doom metal and will depress the shit out of you, almost as much as knowing metal blade is still around.
[Jan 22,2007 6:11pm - xanonymousx ""]
a band thats not a cookie cutter metalcore band gets signed to metal blade?
kudos to metal blade
[Jan 22,2007 7:06pm - Anthony ""]
tomx nli said:
the only thing good mentioned in this thread is dim mak.

ps: buy the new martyr, element, defeated sanity, ulcerate, beneath the massacre and agalloch cds. they all fucking rip. well maybe not agalloch, but it's amazing doom metal and will depress the shit out of you, almost as much as knowing metal blade is still around.

Martyr is on a level of it's own

DS and Element are pretty fucking sick. Ulcerate are not quite at that level but theyre good.

BTM is fucking boring as all hell after a while. Hate Eternal write way better songs than those dudes.

You forgot the new Odious Mortem, that is gonna blow everything else out of the water this year.
[Jan 22,2007 8:37pm - tomx nli  ""]
oop! i totally forgot about odious mortem. thier new stuff thats floating around is pretty killer. also lets not forget new decrepit birth. PUMPED.
[Jan 22,2007 9:19pm - Archaeon ""]
Anthony said:
BTM is fucking boring as all hell after a while. Hate Eternal write way better songs than those dudes.

I don't know about that dude, Erik Rutan writes some pretty shitty songs.

[Jan 22,2007 9:30pm - Anthnny  ""]
I dunno man, I'm a big fan of Erik and HE and I dont agree with that at all. Opinions dont mean anything anyways.
[Jan 22,2007 9:34pm - Archaeon ""]
w/e just personal preference, I just cant listen to them for more than 10 minutes. some stuff on Conquering the Throne is pretty cool tho
[Jan 23,2007 9:39am - brownundies1 ""]
i think the rutan is pretty fucking sick. im def a HE fan, and im not worried about how popular or overated they are procieved to be.

metalblade is pretty gay though and i agree with others who have shat on their M.O. as a label.

the new odious mortem is gonna be sick!
defeated sanity is sick, BUT SO IS INHERIT DISEASE!!

how about the contrast between
the new decrepit birth shiznit vs. 'and time begins?!'
the old shit was fucking brutal, blistering, hyperspeed fucking illness.

then new shit seems to be more chuck schuldiner inspired
with lots of melodic runs and shit.
to me it kinda sounds long winded and a little pretentious....
i dunno, to others it might sound sik and refreshing..............anyone?

i guess i was hoping for something in the same vein as ATB.
[Jan 23,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
i'm finding that if i see a cd released by Metal Blade it deters me from buying it.
[Jan 23,2007 10:46am - Spaldino@werk  ""]
so you're saying the new Amon Amarth isnt good because its out on MB? i dont know...
[Jan 23,2007 10:48am - Yeti ""]
no no, i'm not saying all, but its happened more than once. however the new Amon Amarth is fucking outrageous.
[Jan 23,2007 10:54am - Spaldino@werk  ""]
i almost though it was nigh-impossible to be epic without blaring keyboards and super high pitched vibratos... but i guess i was wrong. the new AA is probably one of the most epic albums i have ever heard.

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