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RTTP PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Jan 22,2007 4:53pm - passerby  ""]
Please-when arriving to this site, there are different collages(spelling?) of people jammin out. But what i want to know is who is that papa shango looking guy with the baby doll. I am having nightmares about that guy and really feel I need to meet him or at least speak with him:yoda: to get closure. Who is he and what band is he in? Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 22,2007 4:54pm - powerkok ""]

So fake.
[Jan 22,2007 4:59pm - Archaeon ""]
if this is legit you should die
[Jan 22,2007 5:05pm - dreadkill ""]
this fake guy isn't funny. disrespecting king diamond is not cool.
[Jan 22,2007 6:04pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jan 22,2007 7:49pm - Niccolai ""]
Billy Witchdoctor dot com.
[Jan 22,2007 7:50pm - powerkok ""]
Passerby reminds me alot of RDB.
[Jan 22,2007 9:31pm - yummy ""]
[Jan 22,2007 10:16pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Niccolai said:Billy Witchdoctor dot com.

hahahahaahahaha, I just tried that and there's nothing there. but you know what does work? this:

[Jan 22,2007 11:44pm - Ryan_M ""]
I always had the idea that passerby was a joke, but was always slightly skeptical in the back of my mind.
This post just confirmed that he is indeed fake.
[Jan 23,2007 12:50am - Beorht-Dana ""]
Niccolai said:Billy Witchdoctor dot com.


No, shh, he is legend.
[Jan 23,2007 3:45am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
all you need to remember is that any man who sits down to wipe is less of a man
[Jan 23,2007 8:20am - passerby  ""]
Can I get less insults and more results please? This is king diamond? I've heard that name but had no idea he was some bid bad voodoo daddy.
[Jan 23,2007 9:36am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Not familiar with King Diamond?....This may be more your speed, http://www.baystaterock.com/
[Jan 23,2007 9:37am - powerkok ""]
You have been ZINGED ....ZING.
Nice Zing Man.
Fuck YA!
[Jan 23,2007 9:47am - passerby  ""]
I didn't see any king diamond on there. What is the roll of the baby doll in his act?
[Jan 23,2007 9:47am - Messerschmitt ""]
he fucks it
[Jan 23,2007 9:49am - Dwellingsickness ""]
passerby said:I didn't see any king diamond on there. What is the roll of the baby doll in his act?

Wow you are stupid
[Jan 23,2007 9:57am - passerby  ""]
Doesn't it seem like he ripped of papa shango's act? Don't they look alike. So instead of educating about the importance of the dolls roll in the act you'd rather criticize me? Does he really fuck the doll? That's bizarre guys.
[Jan 23,2007 2:25pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
passerby said:Doesn't it seem like he ripped of papa shango's act?

Funniest thing I will probably read all day
[Jan 23,2007 3:15pm - xanonymousx ""]
someones wants to take a ride on the "hoeee trainnnnn"
[Jan 23,2007 3:23pm - redbeahd ""]
powerkok said:Passerby reminds me alot of RDB.

Radical Dirt Biker is good for a laugh. Passerby is no Radical Dirt Biker.

[Jan 23,2007 3:58pm - passerby  ""]
I do have a SUV though

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