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attn: outlook express usres...have you ever had emails disappear...

[Jan 28,2007 9:48pm - succubus ""]
my spam folder and inbox are now empty..but when i look in my folder..by the size of those folders..i can tell they are not gone. this has happened to me before and i rebooted and all was ok but now i've rebooted 5 times..no luck
[Jan 28,2007 10:16pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
i dont know what version you're using but check to see if you turned on any view filters. you probably have it set to filter all read mail or something and it's not showing you the emails you've read.
[Jan 29,2007 12:03am - the_reverend ""]
I have this happen in thunderbird and I have to delete a message index file. I don't know if OE has this. you can try to compact the folder?
[Jan 29,2007 5:16pm - succubus ""]
aaron renamed a folder but i just noticed some other folders and emails are missing

[Jan 30,2007 4:50pm - NorwellBob_NLI  ""]
Wow, I haven't posted here in how long, and I come back to answer a computer question. I suck.

Carina, your old emails probably just got archived. I haven't used OE in a while, so I forget how to get them back off the top of my head, but they're in there somewhere. Poke around, I'm sure the answer isn't tough to find.
[Jan 31,2007 12:23am - miscegenator  ""]
[Jan 31,2007 8:20am - succubus ""]
hi Bob!
you know what...i probably did get one of the "want to auto archive now?" pop ups and maybe i accidentally hit yes...that would be the only thing that makes sense!! You rock for posting and i will try to figure that out tonight.

[Jan 31,2007 8:39am - the_reverend ""]
I moved over to thunderbird already, but carina still wanted oe. thunderbird seems to have more issues than oe.

yeah, some how carina's files got moved over to inbox (1) and stuff like that.
[Jan 31,2007 9:17am - DreamingInExile ""]
why not just regular Outlook if you're going to use a Microsnot application? I find that it's easier to manage/archive/retrieve information in Outlook over OE.

my problem with Thunderbird is I could never figure out how to back up my e-mail when I was doing an OS reinstall. I know in Outlook, you can just export a .pst file with all your data in it, but I wasnt quite sure how to get that done in Thunderbird.

and after working with Office 2007 here in the office, I have to say it's COMPLETE GARBAGE. office 2003 will be the last good series of productivity software from M$ IMO...
[Jan 31,2007 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
thunderbird is easier (much easier) than oe for this. it's in the same basic place in TB as OE.
Plus, with TB, you can import from ANYTHING and it works nicely.

Outlook always pisses me off (when not using an exchange server) cause your "one huge ass file" can get corrupted so easily. Also, outlook is very heavy (when not used with an exchange server).

my problems with TB are that is can be a wicked pig if you are doing something on a over 400 emails. I've had the thing go up to 2GB of memory usage. Also, it uses these mail index files that get out of synch a lot and then you have to go delete them. then when you click on a folder and it's got to rebuild them. If you have a folder with 10,000 emails, sort them by subject and delete say 400 of them, forget about it... it will take forever to come back and the memory usage will go up to 2GB.

what they should do is make compressed areas and put the emails there as separate files.. and then build indexes off that. then when the computer is at rest (like at 2am) rebuild the mail indexes in the background.

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