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On the Importance of Burzum

[Jan 30,2007 10:16pm - miscegenator  ""]
Burzum ended black metal. While this statement will be protested by those many who participate in black metal "in form" and not as an active movement of art toward change, the evidence is overwhelming. Burzum set a new level of musicality and thought which others couldn't surmount. It was a challenge to all future black metal to join it at this new level, and since most people lack this capacity, they were revealed to be hangers-on and not innovators. The new standard of Burzum separated sheep from shepherds, leaders from followers, artists from scenesters. Any band that came after Burzum was judged by how well it stood up to the power and honesty of the music and ideas of Burzum.

After all, black metal was a movement against modern society and its lack of value, in theory. The founding bands like Burzum, Immortal, Emperor, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Ildjarn and Mayhem upheld a Romantic vision of a more primal time: the meaning found in conflict, the beauty of nature, the secondary importance of comfort toward epic achievement and conflict, a desire for a less plastic and democratic time. They unconsciously expressed what many in modern society feel, which is that humanity has domesticated itself and is comfortably breeding idiots and parasites through the wealth of its technology and fossil fuels and global domination. Capitalism and democracy are card-shuffling that redistribute wealth among those low-minded enough to be fascinated by it, the implication goes, and the Crowd is always present with its desire to tear down the independent thinkers and leaders and replace them with "safe" ideas and institutions for the education of more people of specialized ability but no leadership prowess.

Read More: On the Importance of Burzum
[Jan 30,2007 10:27pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
You posted this in the RR board too, Infoterror Jr.
[Jan 30,2007 10:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
Blackmetal is solely based off of opinion, it's sickening.
Just stick with what you like, don't worry about labels.
[Jan 30,2007 10:40pm - Coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Blah, blah, blah

Burzum is great, not the end all be all

If he did the same thing in america the nogs would rape his aryan buttocks with congoid cock

[Jan 30,2007 10:51pm - Ryan_M ""]
Reading this makes me think of that South Park episode with the hippies:

The hippies staged a giant concert and they would all cry out about how we need to take action and destroy the corporations that are turning us all into sheepish consumers, etc... and whenever someone would make such a claim, the crowd would cheer, and the bands just played on, while everyone continued sitting there watching the concert, and taking no real action.
I think the same thing is true with most of these Black metal idealists; they'll talk your ear off about black metal being a war and a revolution against society, and religion and action must be taken, and the weak and ignorant should be exterminated, etc... but they don't do anything themselves.
[Jan 30,2007 10:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
Burzum made a huge impact on metal music as a whole with Filosofem, I don't think it had anything to do with Black Metal overall though. Just an amazing album to wich all mood setting bands are compared to. Best album of it's time for me anyway! You can't touch the mood the album presents. Honestly, a few bands came close to that mood, Manes was one of them, and to an extent CNV did. \m/
[Jan 30,2007 11:02pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I don't understand how a type of music is going to insite people to behave irratically and just start "destroying corporations". IT'S MUSIC.

Shouldn't these people be politicians instead of musicians?
[Jan 30,2007 11:57pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
touch wang and like it, you fucking crumb
[Jan 31,2007 12:01am - miscegenator  ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I don't understand how a type of music is going to insite people to behave irratically and just start "destroying corporations". IT'S MUSIC.

I don't understand how a book could influence society, like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" or "the Catcher in the Rye." IT'S WORDS.

[Jan 31,2007 7:00am - LongDeadGod ""]
this damn article is spammed all over the fucking web.

this article is basically saying black metal began and ended with burzum, mainly due to the violent actions against modern society made by varg.
i will say this, i think varg pretty much ended the open violence and destruction era of black metal by being a press hound and wanting his face all over magazines and tv, saying stupid things in interviews like he knows who burned what church and things like that.

it just helped bring this extreme music, and the extreme people that can be involved with it into the vision of the authorities, thus easier for them to track actions of band members, and also have bm bands quicker to be suspected for any crimes.

I highly doubt anybody in the scene at the time would have commited the crimes they did if they knew one of their inside members would end up selling them out, by name or not. As with any crime, the perpetrators don't want to get caught, nobody wants to go to prison, even in the name of bringing down modern society.

this article is obviously written by a varg worshipper.
[Jan 31,2007 7:04am - GoatCatalyst ""]
five bucks says its author is a filthy papist
[Jan 31,2007 3:43pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
miscegenator said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I don't understand how a type of music is going to insite people to behave irratically and just start "destroying corporations". IT'S MUSIC.

I don't understand how a book could influence society, like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" or "the Catcher in the Rye." IT'S WORDS.


How does that make me an idiot, fucknut? I asked a legitimate question.
[Jan 31,2007 3:48pm - babyshaker213 ""]
hahahah gay article about a gay dude who made some ok music
[Jan 31,2007 3:58pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I don't understand how a type of music is going to insite people to behave irratically and just start "destroying corporations". IT'S MUSIC.

Shouldn't these people be politicians instead of musicians?

Of course you wouldn't understand how music can influence a group of people into creating a subculture with similar beliefs. You've exclaimed loudly that punk sucks on this forum.

There is nothing wrong with expressing political views in music, period. It's another way to reach out to people and probably a much more efficient way than watching hours of C-Span or some shit.
[Jan 31,2007 6:52pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I don't understand how a type of music is going to insite people to behave irratically and just start "destroying corporations". IT'S MUSIC.

Shouldn't these people be politicians instead of musicians?

Of course you wouldn't understand how music can influence a group of people into creating a subculture with similar beliefs. You've exclaimed loudly that punk sucks on this forum.

There is nothing wrong with expressing political views in music, period. It's another way to reach out to people and probably a much more efficient way than watching hours of C-Span or some shit.

Of course you can express your beliefs in anything you do. It's called freedom of speech. But as far as black metal musicians go, they take themselves serious enough to destroy property and kill each other and themselves (i.e. Mayhem).

I understand perfectly but who says I have to agree with the methodlogy? I don't agree with fanatical Christians blowing up abortion clinics. Christ is not about extremism and neither should music be about extremism. There's a difference between expressing yourself peacefully through music and taking your own idealogies and putting them to destructive purposes.
[Jan 31,2007 7:00pm - Troll ""]
^ for Burzum
[Jan 31,2007 11:40pm - miscegenator  ""]
I like how some people write intelligent articles, and others bitch about them. A metaphor for life.
[Feb 1,2007 1:13am - xmikex ""]
I think this is a very well written post, and I appreciate that.

Varg is a clown though. There's just no way around it.
[Feb 1,2007 10:12am - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:There's a difference between expressing yourself peacefully through music and taking your own idealogies and putting them to destructive purposes.

If that's the case, you probably should have specified that instead of saying that people should be musicians and not politicians(especially if they have views you don't like).
[Feb 1,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
dyingmuse said:Burzum made a huge impact on metal music as a whole with Filosofem, I don't think it had anything to do with Black Metal overall though. Just an amazing album to wich all mood setting bands are compared to. Best album of it's time for me anyway! You can't touch the mood the album presents. Honestly, a few bands came close to that mood, Manes was one of them, and to an extent CNV did. \m/

you know, i think Filosofem is the weakest Burzum album. to me its all about Det Som Engang Var and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.
[Feb 1,2007 4:08pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:There's a difference between expressing yourself peacefully through music and taking your own idealogies and putting them to destructive purposes.

If that's the case, you probably should have specified that instead of saying that people should be musicians and not politicians(especially if they have views you don't like).

People control their own lives. I have no say in them. People can believe what they want.
[Feb 1,2007 4:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
Yeti said:dyingmuse said:Burzum made a huge impact on metal music as a whole with Filosofem, I don't think it had anything to do with Black Metal overall though. Just an amazing album to wich all mood setting bands are compared to. Best album of it's time for me anyway! You can't touch the mood the album presents. Honestly, a few bands came close to that mood, Manes was one of them, and to an extent CNV did. \m/

you know, i think Filosofem is the weakest Burzum album. to me its all about Det Som Engang Var and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.

LOL to each his own I guess. I could agree if his vocals weren't shit and the production had been a bit better. The distortion on his voice made all the difference for me. How you been, You are the dude from the party at Laurel's right? \m/

[Feb 1,2007 6:04pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
I never understood the big deal about Burzum, The music sucks and he is a homo.
[Feb 2,2007 10:47am - Yeti ""]
dyingmuse said:Yeti said:dyingmuse said:Burzum made a huge impact on metal music as a whole with Filosofem, I don't think it had anything to do with Black Metal overall though. Just an amazing album to wich all mood setting bands are compared to. Best album of it's time for me anyway! You can't touch the mood the album presents. Honestly, a few bands came close to that mood, Manes was one of them, and to an extent CNV did. \m/

you know, i think Filosofem is the weakest Burzum album. to me its all about Det Som Engang Var and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.

LOL to each his own I guess. I could agree if his vocals weren't shit and the production had been a bit better. The distortion on his voice made all the difference for me. How you been, You are the dude from the party at Laurel's right? \m/

see i think the distortion on his vocals took away from the emotion on the previous work. i think that Det Som Engang Var is one of the greatest pieces of musical work in recorded history. yes indeed, thats me. :satancross:
[Jan 11,2010 4:11pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

The anticipation continues, as will the bashing.
[Jan 11,2010 4:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
this band is racist, therefore I don't like it. racism is bad
[Jan 11,2010 5:09pm - quintessence ""]
Belus sounds awesome. I can't wait.
[Jan 12,2010 7:39am - Yeti ""]
i have such high hopes for Belus, i don't care what anyone says, it will be awesome. Burzum stands alone.
[Jan 12,2010 9:48am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

The logo, cover photo, and song titles all seem to retain the aesthetic integrity of the Burzum project. For Belus, he mentioned having more inspiration for writing guitar riffs, with the ambient passages being more subdued. I'm predicting this will not only be the best album of 2010 but also one of the most important recordings of his career.
[Jan 12,2010 9:53am - c.dEaD  ""]
^ This. I am really impressed by the cover. I think its totally fitting and looks cool.
[Jan 12,2010 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Hmmmm. When is it due out again?
I've got enough faith that it'll be great. Hopefully it won't be another let down like when Jon came back and released Reinkaos.
...wait, What's that you say? Reinkaos grew on you? Oh, my bad. I was expecting another Somberlain :(
[Jan 12,2010 9:56am - arilliusbm ""]
Can't wait.
[Jan 12,2010 10:03am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
March 8th is the projected release date. With Burzum and Dissection being two completely different bands, I don't imagine that Varg will be releasing an album that is a radical departure from his original sound. He has said before that it's more or less along the lines of Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem. I believe he also said that even if he wanted to try and write differently, he couldn't, because his personal playing/compositional style is all he is capable of. Something to that effect, anyway.

[Jan 12,2010 10:39am - Yeti ""]
well quite a bit of it is stuff he wrote as Uruk-Hai, being pre-Burzum. just listen to the self-titled and i think we have an idea of what this is going to be like, though more linear as opposed to the s/t, that one jumps around a lot. I CANNOT WAIT. i really hope this pisses a lot of people off and makes so-called Burzum fans turn away.
[Jan 12,2010 10:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
Looking forward to the new one. Yep.
[Jan 12,2010 10:47am - arktouros ""]
Thought it was supposed to be called The White God?
[Jan 12,2010 11:00am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Belus IS the white god. He corresponds with Apollo, Baldr, Belenus, Belobog, etc.

He changed the title because of what he perceived as backlash from accusations of racism. Typical ignorant fools always looking for a witch-hunt. Cunts.
[Jan 12,2010 11:07am - goatcatalyst ""]
Did someone say we were going on a witch hunt?

[Jan 12,2010 11:21am - arktouros ""]
arktouros said:According to Varg, nearly every musician and artist ever acts like the 'stereotypical negro'. I don't see how he'll do anything different with his ridiculous amalgamation of 20 white and not-so-white cultures that he'll try to invoke on this album, aside from masturbatory material from his unpublished book. The "anti-Norwegian regime" put him away because he's a murderer. He murdered some dude over a sum of money. What is more 'stereotypical negro' than that? If he wants to bask in the achievements of his ancestors he would be playing folk and not the metal that he hates so much. But that doesn't even matter. Whatever he'll release he's going to make a fuckload of money because of the sheep that worship him. He's even recycling old songs, isn't that what niggers do?

Fuck this guy, his music sucks, and I hope his new house burns down with his Frenchy wife locked inside, and his son overcomes the sins of his father and lives on to sign a peace accord with some nigger alien race.

I'll stick with my negro black metal. I'll download your new album and never listen to it Varg, how do you like that?

...and i still mean it
except who am i kidding, i'll still listen to it, i might even like it, but i'm not giving him my money.
[Jan 12,2010 11:23am - ouchdrummer ""]

GoatCatalyst said:touch wang and like it, you fucking crumb

Best....... post................ever.
[Jan 12,2010 11:25am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
If you dislike the man that much, why pay any attention to what he does?
[Jan 12,2010 12:30pm - arktouros ""]
Mike, those words don't have much value. That's half joking and half sarcasm. Internet rant with no meaning. Not to say I'm backstepping - I think he's a murder that has since paid for his crime, and I don't agree with his worldview. It ends there. In 'Until the Light Takes Us' he gave his side of the story and he was a good sport to be in that film in the extent that he was.

He's no Darwin or Washington, so I only care about what he does because he's a big player in one of my favorite art forms. He's just a metal artist, an influential one at that. In fact, I probably owe a lot to him because of the music I play and listen to all the damn time, but it doesn't mean I need to respect him.

Your taste in music is great and I know we share a fiendish appreciation for Massive Attack and doom metal. Nothing personal - I posted because it would generate some sort of response from somebody that I know personally or otherwise and there's nothing that pleases me more at work than to fuck around on the internet.

As far as this thread and the Behemoth one, we like to think that underground metal is an elite club and we'd like to keep it that way, but to pull a NOFX quote out of my ass, "it's my job to keep punk rock elite..."

...nigga, please...

[Jan 12,2010 12:40pm - METAL FAN  ""]
[Jan 12,2010 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
yeah i don't give two fucking shits about what he stands for, and never have. i don't care what he has done, what he hasn't done, how accurate the book is, blah blah blah. i just can't get enough of his music. all i care is that he makes a good solid Burzum album.
[Jan 12,2010 12:44pm - arktouros ""]

METAL%20FAN said:[img]

well excuse me, novice image poster.
[Jan 12,2010 12:47pm - arktouros ""]

Yeti said:yeah i don't give two fucking shits about what he stands for, and never have. i don't care what he has done, what he hasn't done, how accurate the book is, blah blah blah. i just can't get enough of his music. all i care is that he makes a good solid Burzum album.

fucking right.
no gods/no idols! :nuke:

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