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How do I rip mp3s from a data disc onto my ipod?

[Feb 1,2007 1:57am - BornSoVile ""]
To tell you the truth, I can't even get these fucking files off the cd onto my computer, that would be a start. HELP!
[Feb 1,2007 2:48am - powerkok ""]
Dont be such a stupid n00b, and rip em with WMP, dummy.
[Feb 1,2007 6:25am - the_reverend ""]
install CDEX:
and rip the files to your PC in mp3 format.

then install winamp

you can drag and drop the files from winamp
[Feb 1,2007 3:20pm - metal_church101 ""]
The Rev's right. The higher bit rate you set on your MP3 ripper, the better the sound quality you will get in your MP3 file.
[Feb 1,2007 3:25pm - mOe @ work  ""]
"...i've tried spitting at it, i've tried screaming at it, nothing works"
[Feb 1,2007 3:27pm - Sinistas ""]
He said "DATA" disc. I'm assuming he means a disc full of mp3s or the like.
[Feb 1,2007 3:29pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
cant you just copy the mp3 files off of the cd by dragging and dropping? thats how i copy shit off of a disc. after you do that... just drop the songs into itunes.
[Feb 1,2007 3:35pm - tylerl ""]
thegreatspaldino said:cant you just copy the mp3 files off of the cd by dragging and dropping? thats how i copy shit off of a disc. after you do that... just drop the songs into itunes.

that always works for me
[Feb 1,2007 3:48pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I missed the data part... but if I had read it, I would have thought he meant a data session, you know like a video on a normal audio disc.
[Feb 1,2007 4:58pm - metal_church101 ""]
Since it is a data CD:

1. create a folder on your computer

2. using windows file explorer, drag and drop the MP3s into the newly created folder on your PC.

3. Open ITUNES and select form the menu File >> Import Folder (or song folder)

4. Navigate to the newly created folder and click ok,

This should add it to your ITUNES library and the next time you plug you IPOD into your compuer, everything should sync up and the new songs should be dumped onto your IPOD.
[Feb 1,2007 5:05pm - demondave ""]
metal_church101 said:Since it is a data CD:

1. create a folder on your computer

2. using windows file explorer, drag and drop the MP3s into the newly created folder on your PC.

3. Open ITUNES and select form the menu File >> Import Folder (or song folder)

4. Navigate to the newly created folder and click ok,

This should add it to your ITUNES library and the next time you plug you IPOD into your compuer, everything should sync up and the new songs should be dumped onto your IPOD.

woah woah woah !!! slow down!

[Feb 1,2007 5:08pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Feb 1,2007 6:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
Nice, thanks metal_church101!
[Feb 1,2007 7:11pm - metal_church101 NLI  ""]
Sure thing man.

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