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[Feb 3,2007 9:01am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I got discount ($15) tickets. It's more at the door and it helps Ipsissimus out.

We go on around 7 (show starts at 3??? WACK!)


While you're at it, listen to this:
Ipsissimus "Hircus Comissationis Saevae Validus Niger"

and tell me what you think.
[Feb 3,2007 9:10am - Ryan_M ""]
I was thinking about going, I wanted to see Enslaved most of all, but I can't spare the cash to get in and I have a little under a half tank of gas to last me the rest of the week. Oh well.
[Feb 3,2007 11:01am - Shannon ""]
Im going and dragging a few people,I hope theres a decent turnout for this show. Last time I saw Deicide there it was a shitty turnout, A sunday night too. Fuck getting there for three,allthough I do love a mid afternoon buzz.
[Feb 3,2007 12:19pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Could I interest you and your friends in some discount tix? More money to spend on beer.
[Feb 3,2007 12:21pm - anonymous  ""]
'Nuther pay-to-play kiddie fest courtesy of The Webster Theater. That cunt should be gassed.
[Feb 3,2007 12:33pm - Shannon ""]
Allready got tickets from Sign of the goat,thanxs anyway though. Pay to play is definitly lame,The venue should spend their time promoting,they have the outlets. Mark's whore house is another venue who is guilty of this,unfourtunatly venues like the palladium aren't picking up these shows for whatever reason. I wouldn't exzactly say its a "kiddie" fest,theres some decent locals playing tommorow.

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