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Attn: Sick People

[Feb 5,2007 11:44am - largefreakatzero ""]
Fucking stay home. I'm so goddamn sick of people coming to work coughing, sneezing, suffering, etc. Keep your fucking AIDS to yourself.
[Feb 5,2007 3:34pm - Ryan_M ""]
If someone's just coughing or sneezing, that's no reason to stay home. You won't die because someone else has a little cold. If I'm sick, I still go about my day normally. Unless I have the flu or a bad case of diarrhea, I'm going out.
[Feb 5,2007 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
yeah some asshole shared their illness and now i am dying. bastards.
[Feb 5,2007 3:53pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I was venting about the guy across the way from me. Now this isn't just a little cold with a mild cough or sneeze now and then -- that would be fine. This dude is fucking hacking up a lung and running to the bathroom to launch a loogie. With the nature of his job (and his company laptop), he could easily be working from home. Then we have the guy on the other side of me that has been hacking for 2 months straight and won't go to the doctors. I am surrounded by hivvies.
[Feb 5,2007 11:13pm - Ryan_M ""]
Okay, yeah I can understand being annoyed by the sound of people hacking and generally making lots of gross noises.
[Feb 6,2007 2:07am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's why I wasn't at DESTRUCTION.

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