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FutureSex/LoveShow: tomorrow night!

[Feb 5,2007 12:27pm - succubus ""]
yes i'm going & shooting it

ought to be interesting

-not a JT fan myself but the spectacle ought to be something..
-though if i have to stand in the back of the venue as i was originally told..i'm still going to be miffed...is he afraid I'll get pics of his zits?
[Feb 5,2007 7:25pm - succubus ""]
so the stage is in the middle of everything..hopefully my view won't suck too much
[Feb 5,2007 7:50pm - Kevord ""]
Is this thread in some kind of secret code that I would need a vagina to understand?
[Feb 5,2007 8:04pm - succubus ""]
justin timberlake
ps: no i do not think he's attractive
[Feb 5,2007 8:06pm - Kevord ""]
So it was in code. I knew it.
[Feb 5,2007 8:40pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
succubus, are you like the board anti-everything-we-stand-for person?
[Feb 5,2007 8:44pm - Kevord ""]
No, she's the Aaron's girl who can post whatever she wants person.
[Feb 5,2007 8:54pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I would never suspect you would support anything Justin Timberlake. We may be eclectic but not gay.
[Feb 5,2007 9:00pm - Niccolai ""]
I don't want to sound queer or nothing, but justin timberlakes got a pretty hot dick.
[Feb 5,2007 9:01pm - Kevord ""]
Niccolai said:I don't want to sound queer or nothing, but justin timberlakes got a pretty hot dick.

It's not gay to appreciate a good looking penis. It's actually very manly.
[Feb 5,2007 9:51pm - succubus ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:succubus, are you like the board anti-everything-we-stand-for person?

honestly i am NOT a fan but i want to shoot the show because he's a huge star and it's good for my photo portfolio.

[Feb 5,2007 9:53pm - succubus ""]
also..maybe if his new girlfriend jessica biel is there i'll get a pic of her butt to post...then i think the guys on here would be happy
[Feb 5,2007 10:08pm - Niccolai ""]
Kevord said:Niccolai said:I don't want to sound queer or nothing, but justin timberlakes got a pretty hot dick.

It's not gay to appreciate a good looking penis. It's actually very manly.

It's a dominance thing, not a gay thing.

Just like fucking a guy in jail. Not gay.
[Feb 6,2007 1:11am - diamond_dave ""]
succubus said:also..maybe if his new girlfriend jessica biel is there i'll get a pic of her butt to post...then i think the guys on here would be happy

actually sources claim he's back with scarlett johannsen. so aim for teh b00bz plz.
[Feb 6,2007 11:18am - succubus ""]
really? will do will do!
[Feb 6,2007 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
dave, you scare me.
[Feb 6,2007 11:27am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 6,2007 6:28pm - the_reverend ""]
this show should be starting in an hour?
[Feb 6,2007 6:39pm - yummy ""]
I'd say this should improve your portfolio succubus.
[Feb 6,2007 6:42pm - Kevord ""]
I bet there's some hot bitches up in that place.
[Feb 6,2007 9:51pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
succubus said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:succubus, are you like the board anti-everything-we-stand-for person?

honestly i am NOT a fan but i want to shoot the show because he's a huge star and it's good for my photo portfolio.

Haha, I'm just givin you hell.
[Feb 6,2007 9:52pm - succubus ""]
Ok I left and am heading home...I saw jordan knight (nkotb) and I gotta say he was handsome in person. I only say that bcz on tv none of them looked cute. So he was better looking in person and seemed like a nice fellow.
Pink opened and kicked some ass. There were only 1 other photog there at that point and it's nice being the only girl because I always catch their eye and *try to* get the money shot. She's now divorced or separated from carey hart skateboader dude right? Anyhow, she looked and sounded great.
There were a lot of teenage girls there (duh) all shapes and sizes but a few of the heavier ones I saw causing trouble...one was puking as I left and the cop had her cell phone and was asking what her mom's name was bcz he didn't see it in her phone and she kept on tellinghim to call her sister...poor cop...then 2 older ones were complaining about getting kicked out for being drunk bcz they were walking arm in arm...well..."I'm 36 yrs old and not drunk...blah blah...why didn't you kick out the teeny boppers doing the same thing.. I want my money back..then there were kicked out of my area. Another photog arrived (venue guy) and the rest were all cameramen...channel 7 guy is a nice dude...fox was there and wbx I think. I'm gonna watch the 10 at 11 or whatever it's called.
I didn't see scarlett...but his dancers were hot (female ones) got some pics of them too. Unfortunately..lighting sucked...but again jt posed for some shot and stared right into my lense...so we shall see
[Feb 6,2007 9:56pm - succubus ""]
Oh and when I was waiting back stage his big bodyguard was there and I guess jt had a FULL hamper of dirty clothes....it was almost the size of the dumpsters..haha..
[Feb 7,2007 12:41pm - ~carina~  ""]
[Feb 7,2007 3:05pm - ~carina~  ""]
official review and slideshow:
[Feb 7,2007 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
succubus said:jessica biel butt happy

those words go wonderfully together.
[Feb 7,2007 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
they look good even on this screen
[Feb 7,2007 3:34pm - Yeti ""]

oh jessica jessica jessica
[Feb 7,2007 3:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i've seen better...butt not many
[Feb 7,2007 3:36pm - Yeti ""]
the curviture is spectacular. fuck bouncing quarters, you could bounce a Mack truck off of that.
[Feb 7,2007 3:41pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
there's one in particular that i can't find...it was some girl who took a bunch of pics on her webcam and she was in these ridiculously thin stretch pants

it'll take some sleuthing but i'll find her eventually
[Feb 7,2007 3:49pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Feb 7,2007 9:04pm - diamond_dave ""]
the_reverend said:dave, you scare me.

what can i say, i know my gossip.
[Feb 7,2007 9:34pm - succubus ""]
did anyone besides aaron look at any of the pics i took?
i got a good butt shot of one of the girl dancers and some quasi bj photos
[Feb 7,2007 9:47pm - yummy ""]
i did. good to see you got that money shot of jt
[Feb 8,2007 10:37am - Yeti ""]
i believe that girls name is Vida Guerra or something. she has a stunning ass.

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