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Is boston really banning 18+ shows?

[Feb 7,2007 10:19pm - PatMeebles ""]
I can't find anything on this except in myspace bulletins.

ATTN: Bands, Promoters, Fans, Anyone and Everyone..... Do your part to help save the boston music scene. Read this, if you dont already know about it.... do some research.... THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE!!!! PLEASE REPOST THIS PETITION AND EXPLANATION SO YOUR FANS AND FRIENDS CAN DO THEIR PART AS WELL!!!!! We have literally gone as far as talking to our governer Deval Patrick himself, and THINGS ARE MOVING! Please keep this ball going!!!!




Our city preaches of it’s efforts to get kids off the streets, giving them safe and controlled alternatives to be entertained, and then they turn their back on them in an instant. The Boston city ban on 18+ shows goes against everything they preach to be true. They are taking away every honest, controlled mean of entertainment, and simply telling the kids that they’re not welcome.

This is your city, you are citizens, and you have the same rights as anybody else. You are old enough for our country to send you into war, yet you are denied a simple night of entertainment. We need to stand, and we need to let them know we will not be walked over.

Please utilize the information given below to let our city know you will not go unheard. We have also supplied a form letter on our band page www.myspace.com/badashrocks under the blog section so that you may simply cut and paste an e-mail, lending your name to the cause. We must gather together in protest, or else nothing will be done, and they will get away with this unfair persecution of musical culture in our great city.

Fist held high!

Bad Ash

voice your opinion by contacting the office that issued the directive at 617-635-4165.

Or go to: http://www.cityofboston.gov/contact/default.asp and choose consumer affairs and licensing

Who you are calling:
the mayor's office of consumer affairs and licensing
boston city hall room 817
boston ma 02201
attn: patricia a. malone, director

phone: 617-635-4165
fax: 617-635-4174

Call early, call often.

[Feb 7,2007 10:23pm - Niccolai ""]
Even if they do ban 18+ shows in boston, it's not like there are very many to ban in the first place.

and yes it's true that they are trying to. a band called jaya the cat played the middle east(I think) a couple weeks ago and all the 18 year olds who bought tickets were turned away
[Feb 7,2007 10:25pm - PatMeebles ""]
that's cambridge, though
[Feb 7,2007 10:29pm - Niccolai ""]
tru, tru.

but I'm sure it will spread through out massachusetts if it shows declines in concert violence.
[Feb 7,2007 10:30pm - Sacreligion ""]
boston would rather have all the kids on the streets doing drugs instead of listening to that gosh-darned heavy metal music
[Feb 7,2007 10:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Oh well, time for more 21+ shows.
[Feb 7,2007 10:33pm - dreadkill ""]
poor kids
[Feb 7,2007 11:44pm - the_reverend ""]
there are still shows in boston?
[Feb 8,2007 12:17am - tbone_r ""]
the jaya the cat show was at bill's bar, which is in boston. i think it's just landsdown that is eliminating 18+ shows, though i may be mistaken.
[Feb 8,2007 12:38am - the_reverend ""]
no more emo shows at the axis/avalon?
[Feb 8,2007 7:34am - Grave Rape  ""]
Age restrictions at shows are retarded. Age has nothing to do with enjoying music.
[Feb 8,2007 7:41am - RichHorror ""]
I'd rather be on the streets doing drugs too.
[Feb 8,2007 9:40am - xmikex ""]
Remember in like 2000 when the big rumor was that Providence was making all shows 21+. Supposedly there was all this legislature in place, and it had the backing of the governor and the mayor and everything. All kinds of emails and bulletins were floating around. Metal kids and crust punk kids were starting up half assed petitions.

I don't want to ruin the ending of the story for anyone, but it's 2007 and every place I know of that was all ages in Provi 1999 is still in 2007. Except the Met, which is now an office building or something.
[Feb 8,2007 9:46am - Granny_Monster ""]
tbone_r said:the jaya the cat show was at bill's bar, which is in boston. i think it's just landsdown that is eliminating 18+ shows, though i may be mistaken.

... and everyone know's that Bill's Bar sucks.
[Feb 8,2007 9:47am - Messerschmitt ""]
Granny_Monster said:tbone_r said:the jaya the cat show was at bill's bar, which is in boston. i think it's just landsdown that is eliminating 18+ shows, though i may be mistaken.

... and everyone know's that Bill's Bar sucks.

just bring bannanas and you'll be fine
[Feb 8,2007 9:51am - xmikex ""]
Fuck Bills Bar and fuck Lansdowne Street.
[Feb 8,2007 9:54am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Feb 8,2007 10:04am - Granny_Monster ""]
xmikex said:Fuck Bills Bar and fuck Lansdowne Street.

Pretty much. As long as it's confined to there... who the fuck cares? Hopefully bands that would play at Axis will get a clue and book elsewhere if this comes to light as being a valid "threat".

But mostly, yeah... fuck Bill's Bar. Easily one of the lousiest venues I've ever been to and I know many others with the same opinion.
[Feb 8,2007 10:12am - xmikex ""]
I remember stepping out of Karma Club after seeing Buried Alive and Vision of Disorder and seeing 100 people going nuts on Lansdowne Street. Some drunk guy comes running up to me and tells me the Sox are beating the Yankees 13-1 and high fives me. It was the last time Lansdowne Street was ever cool.
[Feb 8,2007 10:15am - the_reverend ""]
lansdowne cabal is watching you
[Feb 8,2007 10:46am - EAT_A_BAG_OF_DEAD_DICKS ""]
even if this is true......18-20 year olds can't have fun in bars anyways.atleast there's basement shows you kids can party at.seriously how often do good shows even happen in boston anyways?lansdowne sux! fuck $20 parking and $12 mixed drinks!
[Feb 8,2007 10:50am - hybrid ""]
from what i was told the other night boston is making all shows 21+ as a city ordinance. part of the problem is that in surrounding all ages and 18+ shows kids are sneaking in or being completely obvious with their alcohol, obviously causing venues to shut down or lose their liquor license.
[Feb 8,2007 12:23pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Live shows can still be 18+ they just have to end before 11pm and if a club holds an all ages or 18+ show at an earlier time in the day (say 4pm-8pm) they're barred from putting on a 21+ show later in the evening.

The 18+ ban is on club events with a dj.

However, from what I can gather talking to them on the phone I'm pretty sure Bill's Bar has outright stopped doing any under 21 shows as a result of the club ban.

You can thank the guido club trash who frequent Avalon and always fight each other in ritual gay male bonding ceremonies on Lansdowne Street for the ban.

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