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So, what's Mr. Pibb like?

[Feb 11,2007 10:06pm - Dankill  ""]
I ask this not just because it was all over "American Dad" but also because it was the reconsiliatory drink of choice by crazy girls who sexually assault Mark Richards.
[Feb 11,2007 10:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
its the same thing as dr pepper, just more white trash
[Feb 11,2007 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 11,2007 10:18pm - powerkok ""]
Its Dr Pepper with a mustauche.
[Feb 11,2007 11:30pm - anonymous  ""]
it's Dr. Pepper without the degree
[Feb 12,2007 12:42am - Hoser ""]
powerkok said:Its Dr Pepper with a mustauche.

HAhahahahaahahahahahahah,,,,so true, LOLOLOLOL
[Feb 12,2007 1:20am - miscegenator  ""]
[Feb 12,2007 8:09am - xmikex ""]
Patty and Selma drink it. Good enough for me.
[Feb 12,2007 8:12am - the_reverend ""]
so it tastes like chain smoking? why aren't people talking about tab? tab is the most hilarious drink in the world. mostly cause dancers drink it. if someone could find a picture of jerry seinfeld enjoing a Tab... damn.. I would lose it!
[Feb 12,2007 8:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 12,2007 8:55am - ~carina~  ""]
Mr Pibb doestaste like dr pepper...i've only seen it when traveling to the southern east coast...like north carolina, down to florida.
a girl i used to work with drinks tab all the time and we used to make fun of her and then the novelty wore off i guess. i did taste it and it tasted gross
[Feb 12,2007 9:45am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
there is a mitch hedberg joke that goes something like this: "mr. pibb is the same thing as dr. pepper, but what the fuck?! the dude didn't even get his degree!"

mr. pibb is available at all ruby tuesdays locations, some places in western mass, and pretty much everywhere south of new england. i've had "pibb xtra" a few times in the past week or so that i've been in florida. it's a bit smoother than dr. pepper and regular mr. pibb. deeeelicious.
[Feb 12,2007 9:49am - ~carina~  ""]
mitch hedberg?
max hedroom? (sp?)
anyone remember that? haha i didn't really watch it though
[Feb 12,2007 9:54am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
anyone who doesn't remember max headroom is a fool. have you not heard of mitch hedberg, carina? unfortunately he died of a heroin overdose a year and a half ago or so, but he was a hilarious stand up comic.
[Feb 12,2007 12:33pm - powerkok ""]
Fish are always eating other fish. If fish could scream, the ocean would be loud as shit.
-Mitch Hedberg
[Feb 12,2007 2:01pm - Dankill  ""]
Also, Fuck Moxie. Shit is nasty.
[Feb 12,2007 2:32pm - Spaldino@werk  ""]
Moxie is amazing... until the aftertaste kicks in... i seriously dont get why they still sell the stuff. it's the first carbonated beverage in history. it was marketed as brain tonic when it was first created. haha. the town in which it was created in swears moxie tastes great. like... most of the people there drink it and love it. crazy world we live in.
[Feb 12,2007 2:45pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
moxie is fucking disgusting, but it'll put hair on your chest. i can usually finish a 20 oz. bottle of soda in no time, but it took me a week and a half to finish a 1 liter bottle of moxie, which is about 32 oz. i don't even know why i tried finishing it.

and on another note...

"if you find yourself lost in the forest...fuck it, build a house! you're home now."-mitch hedberg
[Feb 12,2007 4:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
im gonna butter yo biscuits
[Feb 13,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
the best Dr. Pepper rip off is Dr. Bob. the slogan is "open wide, say ahhh".

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