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Drummer available from south shore AGAIN

[Feb 14,2007 12:36pm - atthehaunted ""]
I play drums, live in Fall River. I love all shall perish, amon amarth, horse the band, at the gates, despised icon, as the sun sets, heaven shall burn, and anything like that. Wouldn't mind clean vocals if used properly such as clean with screaming, that's what I mean. I would love black metal, death metal, hardcore, and breakdowns, yes a smorgisbord.
[Feb 15,2007 10:40am - atthehaunted ""]
I'm willing to sing as well either drums or sing. Damn everyone bitches about no drummers available I guess no one really knows me so u think I suck at it. Oh well sux to be everyone that thinks that.
[Feb 15,2007 11:06am - cav nli  ""]
you should probably post how old you are, what gear you have, and how long youve been playing...
[Feb 15,2007 11:11am - atthehaunted ""]
good idea, I am 25, been playing drums since 5th grade but set for about 6 yrs. I have a pearl export with a decent amount of cymbals. Double bass and a cow bell, jp but i will def be getting a cowbell. haha
[Feb 15,2007 1:46pm - Joshtruction ""]
you should also mention you already have a guitar player....
[Feb 15,2007 2:05pm - hybrid ""]
and you should also move out of fall river.
[Feb 15,2007 2:09pm - atthehaunted ""]
after i get back josh we are jamming again. So there is a guitarist and drummer/or singer available we are looking to start something for what Josh the 5th time haha.
[Feb 17,2007 10:00am - atthehaunted ""]
Fall River is better then NB and u live in NH. The only thing they have there is steers and queers and u ain't no steer.
[Feb 17,2007 11:45am - Joshtruction ""]
fall river is a shit hole. Viva New Bedford bitches!
[Feb 17,2007 12:25pm - atthehaunted ""]
haha Josh ur on drugs. New Bedford is the AIDS/Heroin capital of MA.
[Feb 17,2007 7:02pm - yourmotherscunt  ""]
i agree with athehautned^^^ their are alot of scabbed aids monkeys roun here......I'm a vocalist from new bedford. I have huge rehearsel space shared with thrash metal band, I'm looking to pust something together. the band i was in recently split. I wanna do some brutally heavy shit with epic breakdowns and some melodicness, i got like 4 guitarists but no one want to jam without a drummer, let me know whats up?
[Feb 17,2007 8:44pm - NoodleFace  ""]
Hey Josh and John, it's me Andrew again.

If you guys are still up for starting something I am down. My guitar is fixed, my amp is in, but my phone is shut off. Josh knows how to contact me if so.
[Feb 18,2007 8:50am - yourmotherscunt  ""]
noodleface,joshstruction,atthehaunted,and i set up a jam session, i got the rehearsel spot, if you dudes can get to new B.
[Feb 18,2007 9:26am - Joshuetts ""]
[Feb 18,2007 12:54pm - pam ""]
Fall River > New Bedford
[Feb 18,2007 12:59pm - Joshuetts ""]
fall river> New Bedford> womsutta
[Feb 18,2007 2:30pm - cav nli  ""]
fall reev is a bazillion times better than new besh!!
[Feb 18,2007 4:49pm - Joshtruction ""]
anything is > wamsutta hahaha.
[Feb 18,2007 7:13pm - Joshuetts ""]
i would much rather be in fallriver i herd their are bigger spaces, but womsutta is cheap and i also share the room with my boys from blighted Touch, too much work put into that room to just leave. i'll keep paying by myself untill i find a band fuck it.
[Feb 19,2007 4:09am - Joshtruction ""]
Joshuetts said:i would much rather be in fallriver i herd their are bigger spaces, but womsutta is cheap and i also share the room with my boys from blighted Touch, too much work put into that room to just leave. i'll keep paying by myself untill i find a band fuck it.

I hate almost any practice space. I'd rather p-ractice at someones house, or a space that actually has real good security like the one in taunton.
[Feb 19,2007 1:58pm - atthehaunted ""]
Josh I'll give u a call today and find out what's up. I am down for whatever but it will have to be next week.
[Feb 19,2007 2:05pm - pam ""]
Living in New Bedford I had my house shot up (literally), had another place almost broken into and saw a corn-rowed individual beat up his wife while she had her infant in her hand right across the street. On two separate occasions someone was shot and killed down the street from my place.

Living in Fall River the worst I've had to deal with are the perverted green horns at the corner store calling me "sweetie".

I'll keep fall river, thanks!

Wamsutta sucks balls, too. Might as well put your equipment on the side walk with a "TAKE ME" sign on it.
[Feb 19,2007 2:13pm - atthehaunted ""]
My friend lived across from a crackhead rehabilitation center, and also had crackheads underneath them. They stole shit from the basement and even threw paint in their washer and dryer. Fuckin pieces of shit. I love the area I live in, in Fall River, couldn't ask for anything better.
[Feb 19,2007 2:19pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Do you live near Emeril? hah
[Feb 19,2007 2:20pm - atthehaunted ""]
I live in the Highlands
[Feb 19,2007 8:25pm - Joshuetts ""]
haunted, what bands did you play in?
[Feb 19,2007 9:37pm - atthehaunted ""]
not any that left my basement, unfortunately. But I think me and Josh already have a full band in mind.
[Feb 25,2007 6:14pm - joshuetts ""]

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