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Playing bass after consuming a 20mg oxy(appreciation).

[Feb 17,2007 7:19pm - Farten_Dust ""]
[Feb 17,2007 7:28pm - KeithMutiny ""]
bastard, i want some.
[Feb 17,2007 9:21pm - Horror_Tang ""]
Playing guitar after taking 20mg. of Xanax. Now there's one for you.
[Feb 17,2007 9:32pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
A Homer Drooling icon ,would be perfect right about now
[Feb 17,2007 9:55pm - succubus ""]
Just say no kiddies
[Feb 17,2007 10:09pm - Sacreligion ""]
^^^to chemical drugs, that is
[Feb 17,2007 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
wouldn't oxy make it like playing with fingers made out of wet noodles?
[Feb 18,2007 1:30am - powerkok ""]
not so much.
[Feb 18,2007 4:41pm - Sacreligion ""]
the_reverend said:wouldn't oxy make it like playing with fingers made out of wet noodles?

yes...but it makes you THINK you're playing awesome
[Feb 18,2007 4:43pm - the_reverend ""]
like when peter and the wifey smoked up and played at the talent show?
[Feb 18,2007 4:44pm - Sacreligion ""]
hahaha exactly
[Feb 18,2007 10:29pm - powerkok ""]
Neither of you, obviously, have tried to do this.
As far as affecting the playing, it depends on the player.
Some do well, some excel, some pass out.

I had a drummer come try out once, and was pretty h'd out or something...he played a 1/2 a song, and literally went to sleep behind the drum set.
Like....behind the drumset, not sitting on the stool......laying on the floor, snoring.

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