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no wonder why fat people are so fat.

[Feb 18,2007 6:10pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Feb 18,2007 6:46pm - Joshuetts ""]
[Feb 18,2007 10:02pm - Ryan_M ""]
Sweet gunt!
[Feb 19,2007 12:02am - sxealex ""]
im friends with this fat kid and fucking he always complains about being fat...
i used to feel bad but now it just pisses me off.
-hes been fat since like 5th grade and hes 22 now...
-he chose being a master chef as his 6 year major
-he fucking bought 6 orders of chicken nuggest once when he went to BK pilled them up and ate them
-his mom got her stomach stapled and lost like a million pounds but he wont do it cuz he says its too risky(more risky than being 400 pounds and having a slipped disk now)
-he stinks like garlic all the time so vampires wont be his friend

i dunno i dont feel bad anymore... i wish he would stop complaining and get off his ass.
[Feb 19,2007 10:29am - Sacreligion ""]
i wouldn't go that far

i know a bunch of people who eat like 3x as much as i do(eating stuff that's worse for you as well) and do half the physical activity i do but they don't gain any weight because of their metabolism

sometimes you're just born that way and the only way to reverse it is by some ludicrous operation
[Feb 19,2007 10:37am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think thats the first time i have seen an ass for a stomach. she must take a shit out of her belly button.
[Feb 19,2007 10:47am - ariavette ""]
Sacreligion said:i wouldn't go that far

i know a bunch of people who eat like 3x as much as i do(eating stuff that's worse for you as well) and do half the physical activity i do but they don't gain any weight because of their metabolism

sometimes you're just born that way and the only way to reverse it is by some ludicrous operation

yeti? the stretched out fat kid..? :spineyes:
[Feb 19,2007 10:49am - Sacreligion ""]
he's one of them, yes

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