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Energy Drink addiction thread

[Feb 27,2007 8:16pm - rhys ""]
my name is rhys and i'm an addict. they tasted so bad at first but now i need them all the time. they even have cocaine energy drinks now. they're 350% stronger than red bull. why can't i just be addicted to meth
[Feb 27,2007 8:18pm - mOe ""]
dude, that energy drink is nothing to FUCK with
i had it once over the holiday season and it BURNS going down. Kept me up all night, too. I'll probably never drink it again unless i really need to.
[Feb 27,2007 8:20pm - dreadkill ""]
i like sobe adrenaline. it tastes better than the rest.
[Feb 27,2007 8:21pm - hungtableed  ""]
what is this exactly that we are talking about here?

I have to admit, I am an addict myself. '5-hour energy' should almost be illegal.
[Feb 27,2007 8:21pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
fuck that cocaine beverage... it tastes like hot cocky.
[Feb 27,2007 8:25pm - hungtableed  ""]
what beverage are ya'll talking about?

(I obviously only want to know so that I can try it)
[Feb 27,2007 8:26pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
i was talking about "cocaine" energy drink. red bull is my sauce of choice. followed by monster. or boo koo when i can find it.
[Feb 27,2007 8:27pm - rhys ""]
[Feb 27,2007 8:45pm - Lamp ""]
rhys said:my name is rhys and i'm an addict. they tasted so bad at first but now i need them all the time. they even have cocaine energy drinks now. they're 350% stronger than red bull. why can't i just be addicted to meth

[Feb 27,2007 9:09pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
rhys said: why can't i just be addicted to meth

ah, someone told you the one about meth causing yeast infections?
[Feb 27,2007 9:12pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Fuck drinking cocaine...
[Feb 27,2007 9:16pm - RichHorror ""]
I have only snorted cocaine. I never thought of drinking it.
[Feb 27,2007 10:08pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I snort it and drink the energy drink.
[Feb 27,2007 10:12pm - powerkok ""]
Green Monster/Sobe Adrenaline/Red Bull
In that order.
[Feb 27,2007 10:20pm - tylerl ""]
gross. i feel jittery for a half hour and then crash. the best tasting one is red bull though.
[Feb 27,2007 10:22pm - Lamp ""]
I had about a third of a Red Bull once and it was one of the most horrid things I've ever drank. Made me feel all jittery as well, it was fucking annoying. There was another time a few years ago someone let me have a sip of their Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso and I instantly spit it out all over the parking lot I was in. Energy drinks are the only things to rival alcohol in absolutely horrid and foul taste if you ask me.
[Feb 27,2007 10:39pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I live off of Cocaine, Green Monster, and Red Bull.
[Feb 28,2007 12:58am - starmummy ""]
I just had an AMP. It's really the only energy drink that doesn't taste like goat piss. Don't ask how I know what goat piss tastes like.
[Feb 28,2007 1:08am - Reverend_Cziska ""]
The only way to go is Rock Star.
[Feb 28,2007 2:14am - sxealex ""]
dude that drink seems better for you that redbull c'ept for the caffine but its the same as a coffee.
[Feb 28,2007 2:27am - Lamp ""]
starmummy said:I just had an AMP. It's really the only energy drink that doesn't taste like goat piss. Don't ask how I know what goat piss tastes like.

I know what goat piss tastes like. I have it for breakfast every morning right before I piss on your mom's fucking face. Fuck off.
[Feb 28,2007 2:31am - starmummy ""]
Lamp said:starmummy said:I just had an AMP. It's really the only energy drink that doesn't taste like goat piss. Don't ask how I know what goat piss tastes like.

I know what goat piss tastes like. I have it for breakfast every morning right before I piss on your mom's fucking face. Fuck off.

[Feb 28,2007 2:32am - Lamp ""]
I'm in a really bad mood.
[Feb 28,2007 2:33am - starmummy ""]
Lamp said:I'm in a really bad mood.

[Feb 28,2007 2:40am - Niccolai ""]
I drank 2 things of jolt, 1 mountain dew amped and a tiger shot before Terminally played a show with Trinity Test at the Midway Cafe in JP and about a half hour before we left to the show, I had this exploding feeling in my stomache like I had to shit SOOOOO bad.

We were practicing at the sound museam in allston too, so incase any of you have had you shit there, you feel my pain.

KNowing the guy that runs the place has Hep C and at least 4 other sexually transmitted diseases, I tried making a paper ass-casket so i wouldn't haveto go butt-to-bowl, but there was no potty paper.

I ran back to our room and grabbed one of the 500 musiciansfriend catalogs i brought to the studio (thank fucking christ), and used it as a spacer, and as toilet paper. And too set the record straight, there is NOTHING more painfull than wiping your ass with a magazine. I was basically pissing out of my ass while squeezing my stomach and trying to think of malox.

I was scared to death and didn't touch anything in that gross ass bathroom, and once I got into the hallway it spelled like I released some ancient evil.

and I had to shit pretty much from the time we went on to the time I got home again.

So I don't drink energy drinks. except tiger shot which doesn't make my stomach explode with the cries of 1000 dead virgins.
[Feb 28,2007 7:24am - brad weymouth  ""]
Dissector NLI said:I snort it and drink the energy drink.

[Feb 28,2007 8:23am - the_reverend ""]
I'm drinking a sobe: no fear sugr free one right now. I stopped drinking soda 12 years ago, but I drink a couple of the sugar free energy drinks. I usually open up one during my radio show, but I never finish it and when I do, I can't sleep when I get home.
[Feb 28,2007 8:24am - the_reverend ""]
oh, and I like drinking them after I get out of the gym.
[Feb 28,2007 10:04am - ~carina~  ""]
[Feb 28,2007 8:23am - the_reverend]
I can't sleep when I get home.
believe me.. i know i know

[Feb 28,2007 10:35am - Yeti ""]
i dont fuck with energy drinks. no one has any idea what those will do in the long run.
[Feb 28,2007 10:40am - ariavette ""]
the 1-2 hour buzz isn't worth the horrible crash that leaves you pulling a stoned in math class, head thump on your desk when you're close to passing out 1/2 way through the day..
[Mar 1,2007 10:08am - Y Draig Goch nli  ""]
Energy drinks fucking blow

but I am addicted as well! Though I try to avoid them at all costs, only when my friends and I decided to stay up all night playing playstation will I bust one out, my choice is Boo Koo.

haha they have ron jeremy and steven segall energy drinks.
[Mar 1,2007 10:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
jager bombs to the face.
[Mar 1,2007 10:16am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:jager bombs to the face.

Exactly what i was thinking. Jager Bombs kill!

[Mar 1,2007 1:30pm - Dissector ""]
brad weymouth said:Dissector NLI said:I snort it and drink the energy drink.


Oh yeah, you caught me.
[Mar 1,2007 1:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Reverend_Cziska said:The only way to go is Rock Star.

Goddamn right.
[Mar 1,2007 2:04pm - aeser ""]
there's this shit called "coffee". it's pretty good. been out a while now. you might want to check it out.
[Mar 1,2007 2:49pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I used to drink that shit when I was younger and I could tolerate it. I am an old bastard now, and the shit puts me out of my head, and crashing is horrible. Especially crashing at about 2pm, blah. Fuck that shit. I stick to one cup of coffee a day and drink tons of water and OJ instead. I actually get noided out and uptight off of that shit. I don't like to feel like the inside of a bums asshole in the middle of the shitty day.
[Mar 1,2007 2:50pm - SteveOTB ""]
I could use 2-3 Rock Star's right about now, I just fell asleep on a conference call.
[Mar 1,2007 2:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]






[Mar 1,2007 2:59pm - Lamp ""]
I don't even drink soda anymore really, try going a while without any caffeine and then drink a soda. I never used to think it had any effect because caffeine is such a cultural thing you never notice, but it really does.
[Mar 1,2007 3:01pm - JDDomination ""]
Matt almost killed his sister cause she stole one of his Monster drinks, thats how fucking addicted he is, Monster is my drug of choice
[Mar 1,2007 3:29pm - ariavette ""]
you're body gets addicted to caffine . i read somewhere the withdrawls are similar to symptoms of the flu...
i stopped taking caffine pills and i feel 10x better and way less edgy..
[Mar 1,2007 3:35pm - starmummy ""]
I drink a can of Mountain Dew before bed and it doesn't even affect me. I'm sure if I stopped it drinking so much it would.
[Mar 1,2007 6:44pm - xxrock ""]
i usually drink about 230946532341 red bulls a day....once i do that i listen to Emmure and break things.
[Mar 1,2007 6:55pm - retzam ""]
I'm not sure how I feel about energy drinks. As for addictions, coffee and an on/off struggle with american spirits are my only ones.
[Mar 1,2007 7:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I just had some sort of energy drink today. But I usualy don't drink that shit.

Seriously dude!

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