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Local band Appreciation - Kurixis

this is a thread about [kurixis]  _______________________________________
[Nov 21,2003 10:26am - the_reverend ""]
well... like most bands from Maine, I don't know much about them.
however, in the few times that I've seen them, I've been really impressed.
they sounds are a 3-piece black metal outfit that delve into epic-sounding tracks which could have come from a fin-band,
but still bang out brutal tracks that completely kill.
if you want to hear them, it's here:
noir? confused by that? well.. the french word for black, true, but this was the name of kurixis from it's conception in 2000 til 2002, but then they got their solid line-up and changed the name to kurixis.
it seems that 2003 was a coming out year for them.
where they actually got out of maine and played shows in mass and nh.
I haven't heard anything from them for a month or so... but I bet they are just waiting to get out and on more shows.
[Nov 21,2003 10:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
rumor has it that they are a fucking awesome band!!!!

they might be playing a show i may be booking with some other bands
[Nov 21,2003 11:23am - BronzeBronson ""]
A great band and great guys... They def. can destroy..
[Nov 21,2003 11:23am - BronzeBronson ""]
[Nov 21,2003 12:00pm - Dunwich ""]
Thanks for the support. We've slowly been recording a new demo with Marc at Tsunami Sound. Here is an unmixed/unmastered sample of Purdorabo for anyone interested:

[Nov 21,2003 12:02pm - BronzeBronson ""]
Marc B. is the man....
[Nov 21,2003 1:20pm - Dunwich ""]
Tripod doesn't like remote downloads so try this instead:

[Nov 21,2003 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
did that picture I took ever get used in the portland -insert name- paper?
[Nov 21,2003 1:23pm - Beakey ""]
I think they ended up going with Carina's picture.
She didn't tell you?
They gave her $1,000 for it.
[Nov 21,2003 1:25pm - Dunwich ""]
No, unfortunately. Sorry.
[Nov 21,2003 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
no she didn't..
damn.. I dont' even know her anymore.
[Nov 21,2003 6:17pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah they are great guys and pretty bad assed. we played with them twice. and will do it again anytime! you guys rock!!!!
[Nov 21,2003 6:49pm - phantos ""]
Rob- I talked to Mark last night. he said you guys were coming back in to finish it up. Im excited to hear it!

and our local paper is the Phoenix as well as bostons...
fucking thing sucks ass...
they would rather print a nationwide movie release on the cover of 8 days a week than anything cool actually going on in our own community... lazy bastards!
[Nov 21,2003 8:22pm - thornnvine ""]
tip o' the horns to these guys. I look forward to ripping it up with these guys again.
[Nov 21,2003 9:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah dude!
[Nov 21,2003 11:32pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yes, I must admit, I am a fan

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