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Behemoth on NEMHCF

[Mar 1,2007 8:11am - RAZORGRIND  ""]
Behemoth has been confirmed for a Friday appearance at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival.
[Mar 1,2007 9:01am - Joshtruction ""]
Maybe I should go to this.
[Mar 1,2007 9:55am - Y Draig Goch nli  ""]
hmmmm they were last year where they not?

I stand by my conviction that the same bands have been going to this for years, everybands seems to repeat.
[Mar 1,2007 11:42am - eatthings  ""]
OK FINE I'll go you bastards made it hard to say no BEHEMOTH!!
[Mar 1,2007 11:48am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Behemouth rocks my socks.
[Mar 1,2007 6:00pm - xanonymousx ""]
Y Draig Goch nli said:hmmmm they were last year where they not?

I stand by my conviction that the same bands have been going to this for years, everybands seems to repeat.

this statement holds almost 100% true for saturday because its "Metal Blade" day and i think that almost all the bands announced for saturday are involved with metal blade in one way or another.
[Mar 1,2007 7:22pm - Ryan_M ""]
I like some of Behemoth's stuff, but I saw them play once and they're just too flashy; Nergal especially acts like some kind of rock star, with tons of arm waving and fist pumping and giving the horns all the time... I was bored watching them.

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