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Hot vocalist, horrible band.

[Mar 2,2007 1:00pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Why is that the hotter the women get in metal, the worse their bands, and their voice sound?
[Mar 2,2007 1:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wouldnt say the band is horrible but the vocals definitely do not mix with the guitar riffs... shitty mix too. she has a good voice for a Tristania type band.
[Mar 2,2007 1:04pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I was just caught off by the fact it is listed as "progressive" I heard nothing progressive in it.
[Mar 2,2007 1:07pm - tylerl ""]
anyone else think that if the singer in lacuna coil wasnt extremely hot, they would have never been big?
[Mar 2,2007 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
tylerl said:anyone else think that if the singer in lacuna coil wasnt extremely hot, they would have never been big?

[Mar 2,2007 1:17pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i used to have this "theory" or "law" about broads and metal. it states:

The more brutal the music, the fatter the chick. when i started REALLY going to shows when i was like 14... i would notice that all of the really hot chicks at shows, that had band shirts, had like Slipknot, Metallica, Kittie, or whatever shirts. all of the haggard, gross blobs that had band shirts had like Cannibal Corpse and Incantation hoodies and stuff. i noticed this over the course of a couple years and thought about it and came up with this idea. it used to be true... now with the popularization if "brutal" music through gay metalgenericore and stuff, hotter chicks now sport more brutal band merch. oh well.
[Mar 2,2007 1:18pm - Yeti ""]
tylerl said:anyone else think that if the singer in lacuna coil wasnt extremely hot, they would have never been big?

correctamundo. i liked a few songs throughout their career but they wouldnt have gained half the notoriety if Christina Scabbia wasnt hot.
[Mar 2,2007 1:19pm - tylerl ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i used to have this "theory" or "law" about broads and metal. it states:

The more brutal the music, the fatter the chick. when i started REALLY going to shows when i was like 14... i would notice that all of the really hot chicks at shows, that had band shirts, had like Slipknot, Metallica, Kittie, or whatever shirts. all of the haggard, gross blobs that had band shirts had like Cannibal Corpse and Incantation hoodies and stuff. i noticed this over the course of a couple years and thought about it and came up with this idea. it used to be true... now with the popularization if "brutal" music through gay metalgenericore and stuff, hotter chicks now sport more brutal band merch. oh well.

yup, most girls who really like metal are :pukeface:
[Mar 2,2007 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i used to have this "theory" or "law" about broads and metal. it states:

The more brutal the music, the fatter the chick. when i started REALLY going to shows when i was like 14... i would notice that all of the really hot chicks at shows, that had band shirts, had like Slipknot, Metallica, Kittie, or whatever shirts. all of the haggard, gross blobs that had band shirts had like Cannibal Corpse and Incantation hoodies and stuff. i noticed this over the course of a couple years and thought about it and came up with this idea. it used to be true... now with the popularization if "brutal" music through gay metalgenericore and stuff, hotter chicks now sport more brutal band merch. oh well.

hahahahahaha that is 100% accurate. you never see a chick with blistering good looks sporting a Funeral Mist shirt.
[Mar 2,2007 1:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 2,2007 1:31pm - Yeti ""]
i dont find her that attractive either. she has a nice body, but that could also be because i fucking hate Arch Enemy. they are one of those "mall" type bands that gained far more notoriety than they deserve.
[Mar 2,2007 1:31pm - Yeti ""]
she doesnt even have that good of a voice, she sounds like she belongs on Kittie.
[Mar 2,2007 1:32pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
european chicks dont count.
[Mar 2,2007 1:41pm - ~carina~  ""]
[Mar 2,2007 1:32pm - thegreatspaldino]
european chicks dont count.
[Mar 2,2007 1:42pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the theory of metal chicks being ugly when they really like metal is a little flawed, I dated this hot as hell chick who was in love with black metal, if it wasn't for her I would still be rocking to just power metal and melodic death stuff I was obessed with. She showed me a lot of good bands.

the twis, as spaldino states, she was european...european metal broads are mostly hot...wierd
[Mar 2,2007 1:43pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah. metal is much more accepted in europe and as a result, hot chicks dig it. over here... well... you know the deal...
[Mar 2,2007 1:48pm - largefreakatzero ""]
tylerl said:anyone else think that if the singer in lacuna coil wasnt extremely hot, they would have never been big?

Yep. That band is absolutely unlistenable.
[Mar 2,2007 2:28pm - c.dEAD  ""]
Dude, shes wearing a fucking Nuclear Death shirt!!! she is now the cooolest, and Arch Enemy sucked with or without her anyways.
[Mar 2,2007 2:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
:stupidflanders: Negative Nellys
[Mar 2,2007 2:50pm - Lamp ""]
Can someone just post a picture of this person for people who don't have a Myspace like myself?
[Mar 2,2007 3:03pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
if I knew hot to do dat I would fryman, but I R cpu caveman
[Mar 2,2007 3:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 2,2007 3:19pm - Lamp ""]
She's making a weird face, but nice.
[Mar 2,2007 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
shes got those "fuck me" eyes.

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